
The Shadows Edge

In the enchanting realm of Elaria, where magic is the lifeblood of society, Kaze is born into a noble family renowned for their powerful magical abilities. However, Kaze is an anomaly—he possesses no magic. Determined to prove his worth, he trains rigorously to become a master swordsman. However, Kaze’s life takes a dark turn when a mysterious force strikes, tearing him away from what he knew. In the aftermath of this tragedy, Kaze discovers a hidden power within himself. But will this be enough to enact his revenge?

Cultivating_legend · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Estate in flames

The stillness of the night is shattered by the sounds of chaos, jolting Kaze from his slumber. His heart pounding, he leaps from his bed and rushes into the dimly lit halls of the Akagawa estate.

The air is thick with the acrid stench of smoke, and the metallic tang of blood hangs heavy in the air. Kaze's eyes widen in horror as he witnesses scenes of violence and destruction unfolding around him.

Servants flee in terror, their panicked cries echoing through the corridors. Kaze catches glimpses of shadowy figures, their movements swift and ruthless, as they cut down anyone who stands in their path.

Driven by a desperate need to find his parents, Kaze navigates the chaos, his senses heightened, his body poised to react at the slightest provocation. The once-familiar hallways have become a labyrinth of danger, each step fraught with the possibility of encountering the unknown assailants.

Kaze's mind races, his thoughts consumed by the overwhelming fear for his family's safety. Where are they? Are they safe? The questions torment him, fueling his frantic search through the halls.

As he rounds a corner, the sight that greets him shatters his heart. His parents, cornered by a group of armed men, their faces etched with terror. Kaze's world narrows to that singular, horrific moment, the weight of his impotence crushing him as he watches, helpless, the unfolding tragedy., Kaze's heart sinks as he sees his parents cornered by a group of armed men, their leader a familiar face – the vengeful duke who had long harbored a grudge against the Akagawa clan.

His father, a skilled warrior, stands defiantly in front of his wife, his sword raised in a desperate attempt to protect his family. Kaze watches in horror as the duke's men close in, their blades flashing in the dim light.

The clash of steel echoes through the halls, and Kaze's father fights with a ferocity born of a father's love. But the duke's men are relentless, their numbers overwhelming the lone defender.

Kaze's mother cries out in anguish as his father falls, his body crumpling to the ground. Overwhelmed by grief and rage, Kaze rushes forward, his own sword raised, but he is easily subdued by the duke's men, their grip like iron.

The duke's cruel laughter fills the air as he turns his attention to Kaze's mother, his blade poised to deliver the final, devastating blow. Kaze's world narrows to a single, agonizing moment, his heart shattering as he watches, powerless, the life drain from his mother's eyes.