
The Shadow Princess

Born twins, the big sister lived a life like a princess, but for the latter, she lived like a shadow. The Duke of Claymore set rules like that and everyone lives in the mansion should obey. The big sister called Roselia, she was beautiful and gentle lady. The Emperor of Zetas Kingdom praised her for her contribution in avoiding economic collapse and granted her the title "Princess of Virtue". But actually, her ideas of preventing that misfortune was her little sister's ideas. No one knows beside the Duke of Claymore house. The Constellation Master has said, the first born will be the future Empress. --- This story put under 'pause' status. Currently, I am trying to rewrite this story in Indonesian, which is my mother language. Also, I use this story to join writing competition at NovelMe. If you want to continue read this story and you can also read Indonesian, I would gladly recomend you to read my story there. The title still the same so you can easily search it. Thanks for all the support I have received when I write here. With love, evalline

evalline · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 2 - The Young Strategist

Kylie Claymore, the wife of the Duke of Claymore , looks anxious while sitting on the dining chair. She has waited for her little daughter, Rosé Claymore, to come join the family's dinner. It's been five years after she gave birth the twins. Roselia and Rosé are both start learning their basic etiquette as a noble lady.

"Vini, where is my little Rosé? Did she being noticed about the family's dinner, didn't she?" Kylie finally ask the head maid of Claymore.

Vini Dorman, the head maid, answered, "Yes, madam. I have already get Franches to notify Lady Rosé about the family's dinner. Right now she is still with Young Master Damon, I guessed they are playing together."

"Yes, mother doesn't have to worry. I was also there a while ago and they seems enjoying their time together," Roselia gave a reassuring words to her mother.

"Our chefs are still preparing the foods. It's okay if they are not here yet. Our Willhem also have not arrived because of his knight duties," Bernard also trying to persuade his wife.

In the end, Kylie let out a sigh. She had protective side towards Rosé. Because only house of Claymore knew about her existence. If something bad happened to Rosé, they could only rely on their ability to save her. Outsider won't come to help at all because Rosé had no status. But of course, everyone in the mansion care deeply for Rosé. They never leave Rosé alone in the house. Even Franches Royce, Rosé's personal maid, was not a normal maid, she was actually from elite knighthood from Willhem Claymore's squadron.

Meanwhile, in Damon Claymore's room, little Rosé looked at her brother with curiosity. Her brother wrote many things on the papers while moving a pin on a map that lying on a big table. When her brother scratched his back head showing his confused expression, Rosé looked at the map and the pins.

"Brother, why don't you move the 3rd team to this area instead?" Rosé pointed an area near the cliff outside Aldoa city. Aldoa city was located between Zetas Kingdom and Hackney Kingdom.

Zetas Kingdom known as a big and prosperous Kingdom on the East, very famous for it's advanced agriculture and abundant marine corps. There was never in history they lacked food for its citizens. Meanwhile, Hackney Kingdom was known for its mastery in craftsmanship jewelry. Many noble ladies and also princesses or empresses from other Kingdom bought jewelry from Hackney. This was the reason they want to lay hands on Aldoa' mine.

Right now, Mars Vilius Zetas, the current Emperor of Zetas Kingdom wants to own one of Aldoa's mines. Thus, they were competing with Hackney Kingdom to obtain it. This Aldoa's mines they were competing was the infamous mine for its high quality gold and precious minerals.

"Why you suggested to place 3rd team to that area?" Damon asked his 5 years old sister while looked at the area on the map. The cliff his sister appointed was very near to Revelon River.

"There were 2 ways to access Aldoa city, one in the south which near to Aldoa's mining area and the other is in the west which leads to forest border of the city. In the south of Aldoa, there was a river called Revelon. Before, brother told me that Hackney is already set out their knights to Aldoa, right? I presumed Hackney Kingdom chose to place its army near Revelon River which a nice spot for Hackney's army set up a tent. I suggest we put our army in this location because it will very easy to ambush them from this cliff."

"...!!!" Why he didn't think that before?

Damon realized his sister suggestion seems very logic and accurate. He thought of many possibilities in where Hackney choose to put its army. But he almost forgot about Revelon River which very suitable for the army to rest because they will need fresh water. He immediately wrote the new strategy on his notes.

"I also hope the two Kingdom won't fight each other. Isn't it better to make alliances deals for this matter instead of war? I think the other nearby Kingdom such as Cora Kingdom will be very benefited if we have a war with Hackney. I think they already being an

"You have potential in this subject, Rosé! I feel really proud of you," Damon smiled and stroke his sister hair.

"Brother is also amazing to become one of His Majesty strategists even when you are only 12 years old~" Rosé chuckled and looked at her brother with admiration.

"Pardon my interruption, the madam called Young Master Damon and Lady Rosé to immediately attend the family dinner. The Duke, madam, Eldest Young Master Willhem and Lady Roselia already wait for your arrival." Franches announced the new information she received from the other maid.

Both of them replied together, "Okay!"


In the next morning, Damon Claymore went immediately to the Palace to seek audience with the Emperor. He brought along his new strategy notes to counter with Hackney Kingdom.

"Blessings to the light of Zetas, His Majesty the Emperor."

"Get up," said Mars Vilius Zetas, the Emperor. The man who seated on the throne was a man with tender face complexion. His hair is dark like the color of the night sky, but his eyes shine like gold. This genes had run in the Royal Family of Zetas Kingdom. Though his face looked tender, but this was the Emperor who lead at the front army and brought down every single enemies of Zetas Kingdom down from ten years ago. They said he had power like one hundred man combined at once.

"What you have to tell me so early in the morning, my little strategist?" This was the Emperor's usual gentle ways to address a person that he acknowledged.

"Your Majesty, today I want to report a few things related to how we will take action toward Hackney Kingdom..." then Damon started to gave his analysis and opinions to encounter the Hackney's army. He also didn't forget to mention his discussions with his little sister yesterday.

"Your sister that called Roselia Claymore?" asked the Emperor.

In a second, Damon was a little bit startled and started whining with his recklessness. He almost going to mention Rosé in front of His Majesty! How could he forgot he couldn't notice Rosé to anybody!

"...Yes, Your Majesty."

The eyes of the Emperor looked very pleased. He chuckled and said, "What an interesting little lady of Claymore. Guess, the talents run down in the family."

Damon could only thanked His Majesty of his praise. Deep down, he was sad for his little sister that he couldn't mention her name. To the little sister that he vowed from her born, he would protect with his life.


To Be Continued

Sorry for taking so looooong for update. Please enjoy the story! Also, if you don't mind, you can leave a comment. I would love to know your opinion about the flow of this story~

Sincerely yours,


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