
The Shadow Monarch System(TSMS)

As the King of Death in his previous life, Ainz Dorak was a formidable and fearsome ruler. He commanded an army of dark and terrifying creatures, instilling fear and awe in all who crossed his path. His power was unmatched, his reign absolute in the underworld. Despite his immense power and influence, Ainz Dorak could not escape the treachery and betrayal that ultimately led to his downfall. His enemies conspired against him, and so, he met his end, his power and glory fading into memory, so he thought, but something else happened at the point where he thought he had lost everything. Ainz suddenly woke up in a different place, another world to be precise, a world as cruel and twisted, and similar to his previous world, yet different. In this world, Ainz was rebirthed as an abandoned child of a noble, where he learns of the cruel fate of his reality. However, by chance, he was reincarnated with a system; The Shadow Monarch System, through the system, he lives the life of a Shadow Halfing turned Monarch, while making power his only reason for living. Following the path that has been laid out for him through the system, he would pave his path with his army of dark and terrifying creatures, as he snatched the lives of his enemies until he was once again called the king of death. ----------- [Congratulations! You have accepted Mark of the Shadows!] [You now bear a faint scent of Shadow!] [Shadows now recognizes you as their own!]

CollinX_BrainZ · Fantasy
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167 Chs


He even thought about those martial breathing that he knew, like ju-jitsu, Ki, Qi, and Chakra if the system technique works like them. But then he needed to know how strong it would make him, when he cultivated the technique, even though it was called high grade, it didn't mean it could make him instantly strong or the effect it would have on his body.

He was also hesitating reason being, he was now a child of Wyern what if in the process of cultivating the technique, he transformed into something similar, he couldn't imagine what would happen at that point.

And the patriach reaction, was what he feared the most since he knew the type of world in was in and how supernatural it was, he feared he might detect something was wrong with him.

He wasn't sure but he had decided to try the Wyvern Mystic Might techniques

based on his intuition and the system's authenticity. And since he had no idea how to unlock the use of his profound abilities.

Back in the underworld, when he was still a monarch, he didn't necessarily have a cultivation technique or even need to cultivate, since all he needed to do was constantly absorb the energy of his undead army or the beings he killed to grow stronger, but now was entirely different he needed to start afresh with a different way.

But what if there were no side effects as he thought? Though not the part of becoming a Wyern itself, but just being strong? And that since his skills and abilities were still level one he wouldn't have enough energy to transform?

After thinking for a while, he decided to call out the monarch system through his mind.


{Bloodline, Abilities, and Skills}

©Bloodline: Green fiery wyvern King, ?????.

»Dash - Level 1

»Wyvern Regeneration - Level 1

»{Immunity to Toxin, Fire, Cold, Illusion} - Level 1

»Wyvern Intimidation - Level 1

»Wyvern Scale - Level 1

[Wyvern King Mystic Might {High-grade meditation technique}]

{Body And Wyvern Transformation} Locked

{Shadow slots: 0}

»Dark energy manipulation - Level 1


Immediately the panel appeared before his eyes he called out in his mind again,

'Wyvern King Mystic Might {High-grade meditation technique}'

After activating the high-grade technique by calling it within his mind, the first thing he noticed was the uncomfortable feeling, like something was softly prickling his skin from every part of his body, and then the bundle of unexplainable information that flooded his brain

While Ainz was filtering through the bundle of information, he began to slowly commit this meditation technique to his memory like a melodic rhythm.

After a few seconds, he slowly started to breathe in through his diaphragm, while relaxing his anus to draw in formless energy, only he could feel.

Then he would contract the anus, holding his breath for a few seconds, to let the energy settle in before breathing out while his body nerves slowly get the hang of the feeling.

After some time, Ainz started to feel a bit itchy all around his body, as his skin prickled from the exploding goose bombs on his entire body. And the energy seemed to slowly ferment while moving and condensing inside his solar plexus.

The more he performed the breathing techniques, the more clearly he could feel the formless energy slowly getting stable.

While practicing this breathing technique, Ainz would feel a chilly sensation on his crotch slowly moving up his body to his diaphragm, before settling into the congestation of the revolving colorless white sphere phantom.

Then he tried drawing in again, by contracting his crotch. For a few seconds after letting in what felt like a formless energy to settle, he began to feel a subtle warmness on his crotch but suddenly it became cold.

A moment later, he opened his eyes after he started feeling a tinge within his crotch. Wasn't he supposed to feel refreshed, so why was he...? Unless his crotch had suddenly become 'Overpowered'?

Ainz almost shouted but he controlled himself, and shook his head feeling dizzy from all these nonsense thoughts. Closing his eyes he started feeling the subtle tinge now dubbed as 'Mana' all around his body, and then the Mana seemed to directly move and condense inside his solar plexus again.

Making the phantom sphere, appear a bit more realistic in contrast to its phantom imagery.

The more he performed the breathing technique, the more the sphere became more vibrant and vivid, as it seemed to be slowly charging itself up from the Mana, his body was quickly absorbing and adapting to the mana and his surroundings.

He could feel every fiber in his body opening and was being empowered by the natural mana.

Though he didn't know how long it would take to fully recharge the Mana sphere, he was engrossed with this sudden new feeling and development.

The moment his eyes were opened, for a second there was a vertical slit within his pupils.

His eyes glowed a bit dark green, as he stared after the new world in front of him in excitement, it was a long-lost feeling.

The world appeared to be like an art perfectly formed by nature with shades of several colors, his eyes seemed to be hypnotized by everything around him.

Looking at the world made of mana, everything gave off a new vibe and feel to the world.

The world seems to have become exquisite and clear, something like a clear polished Jade.

His ears could even pique the rustling steps of the maidservants walking by, the buzzes of flies that seemed like a musical rhythm, and the loud voices of metal clinking and strange muffled voices within the environment.

Everything appeared gaudy and dazzling much more like a paradise of a Heavenly abode. Finally, his keen sense of smell could make out various air structures, making it a bit harsh and toxic when breathing in.

His vision, his muscles, and every inch of flesh and his entire being, felt different a feeling he had never felt before when he was on earth was surging through his whole body. He felt lightweight, a body brimming with so much power he could do unimaginable stuff, and all he wished to do was roar to let out this unique feeling.

'This is so damn awesome!'

Ainz was still on cloud nine, as he enjoyed the unique feeling he was going through. When a double notification sound rang within his head bringing him back to reality, with a black-shaped rectangular panel appearing at the top left angle of his sight.

[Hidden Quest Completed]

[Cultivate the eyes of Mystic Wyvern King]


[+100 Exp points]

[+5 extra attributes points]

[Daily task:Completed {1/3}: Cultivation of High-grade meditation technique✓]

'Hidden Quest completed? Daily Quest??' Ainz thought to himself with a flustered look as he stared at the message, unsure of what quest he completed.

[For more options: See Daily task in the Quest panel within the system]

After looking at the message for a moment, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't checked all the lists of information on the system earlier.

'Oh right, I probably didn't check everything, which included the quests options.' Ainz smiled thoughtfully to himself, and proceeded to think about the system seemingly opening in front of him.


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