
The Back door

"Oh sorry to bother you then. Samantha is my best friend but she has been missing for a few days, so I usually ask around, but no luck as of yet." Isabella explained the situation to Tyler as he sighs while drying off the few drops of wine that dropped on his napkin. "Oh I wish I could help...poor soul. And wait I'll be back in a second, I need to wash my hands."

Tyler heads towards the men's washroom section meanwhile Isabella sits idle waiting for his return. Hmmm should I talk to her while I have the chance, and take the headphones and go back home? Well I had made it this far, might as well see how it plays out till the end. "Sir, here's your tea. Would you like anything else?" yes I would like you to stop creeping up at me like that, I HAD NO IDEA OF HOW THAT SAME WAITER EVEN GOT HERE FROM THE KITCHEN'S DIRECTION.

"Um no this will be all for now, thank you." Thank you...and don't come back again. I stood up and made my way to the male's washroom area as the waiter yet again disappeared from the corner of my eye. I spotted Tyler drying his hands under the warm air radiated by the hand dryer. I felt something vibrating in my pocket as I reached in to take it out... 'Isabella is...calling?' Should I pick up?....Tyler's right here. If he gets even a hint of me having any connections with Isabella, it could mean trouble for her. Hmmmm but why is she calling me right now? Tyler's going to go out any second and notice her on the phone, she's being too careless. But what if it's something important...

As I was debating whether to pick or end the call, I noticed Tyler going out. But wait, that's the opposite direction from where he came in from. Is that... a backdoor connecting to the kitchen? OH SO THAT EXPLAINS HOW THAT WAITER WAS APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE, HE WASN'T USING THE FRONT GATE OF THE KITCHEN AT ALL. HE USED THE BACKDOOR FOR WHEN HE CAME TO SERVE ME! But even so, isn't that door for staff personnel only? What's Tyler heading there for?

I picked the call up and put it on hold while I washed my hands from the sink. Heading towards the hand dryer while I put the phone in my pocket; I heard Tyler's voice from the back door gate. "Put This in the Beef Wellington, and not a word about this. You will be compensated handsomely." I could see a person dressed in full black talking to Tyler from the reflections of the mirror in the washroom. Although I wasn't able to get a good look at the waiter's face, they seemed to be in a hurry.

What did he mean by "This"....exactly? As I was about to grab my phone out of my pocket I noticed Tyler went past me through the entrance he came from. I don't think Isabella can talk now since Tyler is going back, I should have tried to talk earlier. After drying my hands I went back to my table, trying not to stare anywhere near the proximity of Isabella was seated, but I noticed Tyler had returned.

As I took my seat, a waiter brought the order Tyler and Isabella requested. "Here is your fillet steak coated with pâté and duxelles, wrapped in puff pastry; The Beef Wellington, mademoiselle." The waiter proceeds to serve Tyler's order as well. Wait...the Beef Wellington was for Isabella? But Didn't Tyler just ask a waiter to add something in it? Ah I get it. There's probably a ring hidden somewhere inside it and he attempts to propose her....I think. But why was he being so secretive about it when he conversed with the waiter? He even agreed on paying a hefty amount to him. What exactly was the thing he asked the waiter to add.....?

"Before I start eating, Tyler, I would like to ask you something." Isabella's mood suddenly switched. "Sure, anything my love." My love.....people still say that? "Why did you say you didn't know who Samantha was, you used to wait outside her college and take her out on dates, right?" Tyler snapped and I was shook to the core. Wait what...So what Isabella is trying to say is....Tyler used to go out with Isabella's best friend? Well he has some audacity to still call Isabella "My love" I will give him that.

"Oh so you know everything? Well listen to the rest too then bitch. Your friend didn't go missing; I had kept her hidden in my warehouse all this time. She's been a tool to act for my entertainment and there's nothing she can do about it. And that's what's going to happen to you too. Now shut up and eat what I give you like a good girl, just remember that I know where your house is, where your parents work, and where your siblings go to school. I am sure you are smart enough to understand the consequences if you were to make this an issue. You are already aware of the influence I have on the authorities."

I turned back to witness this calamity, and Isabella was....smiling? There's no way I can let Isabella go through something like this, she's probably too confused to understand the situation.I have to handle this somehow. As soon as I stood up, I noticed Isabella waving both her arms in the air....has she lost it? A waiter came dashing through the kitchen; it was that same 50 year old man who served me drinks. He rushes towards Isabella's table and grabs Tyler's hand behind his back. Tyler who was flabbergasted had no time to react as he simply gave in to the waiter's strength. Isabella stands up and slaps the living hell out of Tyler. "Too bad for you Mr. Tyler, I was recording everything."