

"Are you all brothers?" You pointed at the men scattered around the room. They all nodded in their way. Others raised their eyebrows once, others send thumbs-up, and others nodded normally. You put two and two together and sighed out and groggily slumped back down the chair. The pain on your thigh that started to subside had returned in a flash but you gulped down the wince that almost forced it way out of your mouth. The closest people close to you reached out towards you, alarmed with how you sat down. "So, do you guys share the same mate?" You asked weakly. From your travels, you found out that those who have mythical blood running down their veins and are siblings and are the same gender would share one mate. It happens rarely, only to those who have royal blood. When you observed their situation, with their consent, of course, their mate would always turn out to be a human. Might the siblings be sirens or nymphs or vampires, their mate would always turn out to be Namjoon coughed and rubbed his nape. "That's actually the reason why you can't leave," He slowly let the words go. You closed your eyes for a moment. "Well, You should have told me that I'm staying for a chat," You grumbled out. Hoseok brightened up and clapped his hands. "Then we shall drink tea back at the house," He announced. - Being known as Nyx, you never had an easy life. With the expectations of being the world's best-renowned assassin and hunter, protector of your people, and a babysitter of five children, you can't really expect to have time in your hands to relax, the world being run by werewolves, witches, vampires, mermaids and more. But now, another role has been added. After hearing the princes of the biggest empire in the world, the Asian Kingdom, say the word "mate", you're scared for what is about to come. But then again you're Nyx, one of the very few humans that survived and became known, you could take a challenge like that.

wassap_its_hunter · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Eight: Visit

After you introduced yourself to the maids, the reactions threw you off. Raven bowed and bore her neck towards you and well, Gyuri did something more extra.

She rushes towards you and dropped to the ground, holding your hands. You jumped back, eyes wide. She sobbed while you watched the scene unfold.

You squeezed her hand, hesitantly and trying to calm the latter down. Raven rushed to the kneeling girl, trying to get her off of you.

In all of the chaotic event, the princes showed up.

Well, one of them did.

"What's going on?" Jimin approached the scene, eyebrows furrowed. The maids gasped and stood up, bowing to the man.

Jimin waved a hand and they rushed off. Jimin walked towards you.

"What happened?" He asked. You in return raised a brow.

"You didn't tell them who I was, didn't you?" He rubbed his nape and send a sheepish smile. You rolled your eyes and walked away.

"In my defense, it is not my job to tell the maid that their Luna is here," He said, shrugging while walking beside you. Your stomach began to flutter when he referred to you as the Luna. You ignored the word and continued to limp but the

"Then whose job is it?" You asked, holding the wall for support. The bandages feel like ropes tied around your thigh. You breathed in slowly and blew out the air.

Sparks erupted on your shoulder, through the overcoat. You looked up and see Jimin looking at you with panicked eyes.

"Shit, I gonna get a wheelchair." His eyes hazed but you pinched his arm.

"Ouch! What was that for?" He asked, ridiculously. He rubbed the area. You narrowed your eyes at him.

"I can walk. I'm just taking a break," You told him. He dropped his hand on your shoulder then stood straight. He stared right at your eyes as you stared back.

His eyes have this deep brown color that you would mistake for black. A white mist covered his eyes that lighten his eyes. You narrowed your eyes and pinched his arm again. He blinked then rubbed his arm.

"What is with you and pinching?" Jimin murmured. You sighed through your nose and started to limp, one hand against the wall. Jimin hurried up after you and grabbed your other hand. You got away from him with panicked eyes. He pursed his lips and looked down.

"Sorry," He apologized quietly. You gulped and continued to limp. The two of you continued to walk to your room with a thick awkward tension present, mocking your every step. You felt guilt creeping up your spine as your mind replay the scene.

You are such a dumbass, Y/N.

I know, you replay to that thought in your head.

You should have let him hold your hand.

You kept quiet and let that thought run around your brain.

Why won't you trust them?

You missed the last step of the stairs. You let out a quiet whimper as you cover your face with your arms. You tensed your muscles and turned your body to the side. You waited for the impact but sparks instead blurred through your closed eyes. Arms held your back and head. Your hands found the shoulder and arms of the one who caught you. You opened your eyes to see dark brown eyes that have gold swirling inside those brown eyes.

"You okay?" Jimin asked as he looked around your body, hastily. You cleared your throat and stood up, then pain in your thigh immediately making its presence known. Your knees buckled and you fell shortly before Jimin caught you once again.

"I should have gotten a wheelchair," Jimin said looking at you. You pushed him away, holding onto the staircase.

"I don't need a wheelchair," You stated, despite what your body is telling you. You looked at him straight in the eye with a stoic face.

"Just me alone," You whispered out very quietly. He was taken aback by what you said and nodded. You turned around. You cast him one last look. He looks at you with gold swirling around his iris. You felt guilt climbing up and pounding in your chest. You looked away and turned a corner.

You reached your room and turned the knob open. Gyuri was quiet, sitting at the floor while Raven was ranting out. Once they heard the door open, they stood up. Gyuri stood in front of you, tears already pooling at her eyes.

"Gyuri, you don't have to cry. You did nothing wrong," You sighed out, the pain in your thigh getting worse. Gyuri looked up, bottom lip out.

"I'm just sorry Ms. Nyx. I didn't- I mean-" She stuttered, hiccuping in the middle of her sentences.

"It's alright," You reassured the wolf. Raven walked to the front and wrapped an arm around the weeping girl.

"Ms. Nyx, we should be going now. Our boss would not like it if we're late," Raven excused. You nodded and stepped to the side. You closed the door after them. You sighed out as exhaustion caught up with you. You sat down at your bed as you rubbed your face repeatedly.

Just this morning you were training for the fight with the pirates.

Your eyes shot wide open then you groaned. You took off your overcoat while you kicked off your shoes and pants as your focus transfer to the pain greatly burning at your thigh. You reached over to your side to get the bandages. Once you peeled off your bandages, Your muscles took over as you doze away as you think of the events.

Has Kai found the camp?

Did Wang attacked?

Is there a new mission?

Are you ready to move on?

You shook your head as you kept those thoughts back and finished wrapping your thigh. You did your night routine but kept on what you wore at the dinner. You layed down as you let your muscles burn to relax. You felt darkness welcome you as you fell asleep.


You woke up, a small beam of light coming through the window. You sat up as you kick the covers off. Your heart raced a bit when you forgot you were at a castle that was nowhere near your camp. You closed your eyes and breathed in softly. You noticed your in pajamas when you opened your eyes. Your eyebrows furrowed as a thought came in.

Someone changed me.

the fuck.

You looked around just to see the clothes you wore folded at a drawer at the corner of the room. Your daggers were beside them sheated You stared at the clothes and the daggers for a solid half a minute before shaking your head and heading to the bathroom. You silently did your routine and let your head blank.

For a second, you felt carefree and walls down as the warm water run down your body. You were so tempted to just stay the whole day but you got out of the shower and did the rest of your routine.

You noticed that your thigh still looked as bad as it was the day before but the soreness lessened. You limped to the clothes at the drawer and grabbed the daggers. Your eyes caught a black cloth, sitting on the chair. you blinked as you recognized your cloak from when you first came to the kingdom. You wore it with loose pants and a T-shirt that you tucked in your pants.

You looked up to see the clock showing it was half an hour to eleven. A knock on the door was heard and you kept quiet. The door swung open as Taehyung and Jungkook walked in quietly.

"Hey, Nyx," Jungkook send a little wave. He wore a black suit with matching black tie and shoes. His hair was swept to the side showing small piercing on his earlobe.

"Morning Nyx," Taehyung said, sitting down at your bed. He wore a black matte suit without a tie. His hair lay flat on his head, sweeping across his eyes. He has his hand pocketed and his collars stood up. He looked like a vampire with his purple hair.

You nodded your head at them as a greeting. You strapped the daggers at their places and turned around to look at the men.

"Let's get some breakfast first before we head to your camp," Taehyung said as he stood up. You raised a brow.

"You two coming with me?" You pointed at the duo. Jungkook beamed while taehyung stared blankly. You sighed as you get out of the room. You jumped when two women are standing right beside the door.

"Jesus Christ," You cursed as you leaned to the wall and held your chest.

"Oh my, we didn't mean to surprise you, Miss," Raven walked to you as she was unsure of what to do. You heard footsteps behind you but you ignored it and pushed off the wall. You looked up to see Raven and Gyuri bowing down to the princes.

"Good morning our highnesses," The women greeted the princes. They stood straight as Jungkook greeted them. They left the area as you three walk the other way.

"Are you two the only ones coming with me?" You said while limping. Taehyung beside you, held your forearm to help you walk. You looked at him coldly but he only smiled.

"Yup. We were the only ones who have a clear schedule," Jungkook answered. You entered the room where you ate dinner. Everyone was starting their breakfast with a big amount of food.

"Good morning," The men greeted as you entered the room. Massive amounts of food were served in the middle of the table. Coffee was already served in your area of the table.

You sat in the middle of the youngest as you did the night before. They got a big plate of food while you settled for something light.

You sighed as the warm coffee hit your taste buds. You reached forward to grab some bread and got a bite of it. Your eyes widen, surprised by how full and soft the bread is. It was still hot on the inside, and it was milky.

"Are you alright, Nyx?" Jin questions in front of you. He was his hair swept to the side like how Jungkook's was. You whispered a quiet "yeah" and grabbed another bread.

"You like the bread?" Hoseok laughed. You shrugged and grabbed your third slice of bread.

"You could take some on your way to your camp," Namjoon said, drinking water. You looked at him and smiled. He chocked and coughed out. Yoongi, who's beside him, stopped halfway from eating a spoonful of what looks like soup.

"Goddess that was the second time," Jimin, who's on the other side of Namjoon held his chest. Taehyung, who also saw your smile dropped his fork. He made eye contact with the other boys who also shared the same reaction.'

"See! Do you know feel what we just felt yesterday?" Jin exclaimed laughing at their faces. Jungkook looked around, confused by what is going on. Your eyebrows furrowed.

"I just smiled?" You had another bite of the bread. Jungkook looked at you.

"You smiled?" He said incredulously. You nodded slowly, unsure of what makes them like this. Jungkook slumped down and grumbled as he ate his breakfast. Jin is still laughing from his brothers' expressions. Namjoon cleared his throat as he sat up straight again.

A maid got in, with a basket on her hands. She handed it to Namjoon and bowed before leaving.

"This is filled with some food that you'll take with you." Namjoon handed it to you, which you gladly accepted. You nodded your gratitude before they stood up. The two men beside you stay sited as they finish up their shakes.

"We have to get going. Jungkook and Taehyung will accompany you and we will be fetching the three of you ten in the afternoon," Namjoon said. You nodded as they said their goodbyes and left the room. While they leave the room, Changkyun bowed as they leave and entered the room.

"I'll be your driver for today," He smiled as you three stood up. Taehyung carried the basket as you three exited the room. You stayed behind them as you took a little slow with your thigh still not healed. Jungkook looked back and slowed down as you catch up with their long legs.

You entered what seems to be their garage. Luxury cars were displayed throughout the large area. You took your time to look at the cars before you stopped on a clean black car. A Bugatti if you memory with cars is still good.

Changkyun held a door as the brothers waited for you to get in. You sat at the back seat with Jungkook, who is sulking about not getting legroom. Taehyung grinned as he handed his brother the basket and getting in the passenger's seat. Changkyun started the engine and clicked on a remote.

The wall right in front of you started going up and Changkyun drove off. Another car was behind you. You asked them what it was since it was followed when you drove off and Taehyung answered that it was the guards that will follow them but, quote, "won't interfere if not needed"

Let's see how long they "won't interfere".


The ride was filled with questions by the duo about what your favorite animal is and other things. Changkyun would sometimes get in with the question but would get back to driving.

It was bumpy since the road through the forest isn't cemented. The river on Jungkook's side can be heard inside the car and branches of trees would sometimes hit the car. The car skidded to a stop when a big wall of concrete can be seen.

The four of you got out of the car, Taehyung helping you out as Jungkook held the basket. You raised your hood as the four walked to the concrete wall before stopped by a line of guards.

"Identification," A deep familiar voice called out in front of the guards. You looked up to see Hyun wearing a bulletproof vest and a gun on his hand.

"Princes of the Asian Empire. Beta of the Asian Empire. Soon to be Luna of the Asian Empire," Changkyun introduced as the princes kept quiet and a cold gaze to the guards. Hyun was not afraid to return the favor. He raised his chin while he flicked one dagger out and his hand holding the gun raised and pointed it to you.

"We do not allow wolves to enter," He said while the men behind him raised their guns. You identified that the guns they held were guns armed with silver. Men from the woods came out and raised their own guns. Some shifted to their wolves while on the other side, shifters shifted to their animals ranging from cheetas to bears.

They lasted two hours, twelve minutes and forty-eight seconds. You chuckled internally.

The princes beside you stepped forward, blocking you from view while the beta was handed a gun. You sighed as to how corny this was and stepped forward. You walk towards Hyun. He pointed his gun at you. You rolled your eyes at his attempt and pushed his gun slowly to the side,

Then flicked his forehead.

"Hey, dumb ass. It's me," You lowered your hood and got a good look at Hyun's face. You faced the princes who looked at you, eyes wide open.

"Won't interfere my ass," You said, walking through the gate leaving the two groups of grown men flabbergasted.

sorry for the fillers-

but do keep your mask and face shield on.

don't want anyone going to the hospital-

wassap_its_huntercreators' thoughts