
The Seven Friendly Sins

It revolves around a character named Kazekabe who is experiencing depression and moves into a haunted house inhabited by seven demons, each representing one of the seven deadly sins: Pride, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Gluttony, Envy, and Sloth. Despite their malevolent origins, these demons take on female forms and each offers help aligned with their sin to assist Kazekabe in overcoming his depression and getting his life back on track. For instance, Pride helps boost his self-confidence, Lust encourages romantic and sexual endeavors, and so on. The story combines elements of slice-of-life and comedy, focusing on the humorous and sometimes chaotic interactions between Kazekabe and the well-intentioned demons as they attempt to help him navigate his personal struggles. _________ _________ It has 3 endings so pick which one you like. _________ _________

ANILAX · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Power of Friendship

The morning light filtered weakly through the dusty windows of the haunted house, casting long shadows on the floor. Kazekabe, still feeling the sting from his injury the previous night, gathered with the Sins in the living room. The artifact sat ominously on the table between them, its malevolent glow a stark reminder of the curse binding them all.

"Alright," Kazekabe said, breaking the uneasy silence. "Let's try this again. Maybe it was a fluke, but we have to know for sure."

Gluttony, who had miraculously managed to hold the first aid kit last night, stepped forward first. Her hands trembled slightly as she reached for the artifact. The other Sins watched with bated breath. As her fingers brushed the surface, they passed through it as if it were smoke.

Gluttony sighed and pulled back. "It was probably a one-time thing," she muttered, her voice tinged with disappointment.

The room fell silent, the weight of despair pressing down on them all. Lust attempted next, her usually confident demeanor faltering. She reached out, but her hand too slipped through the artifact. Wrath, Envy, Greed, Sloth, and Pride all followed suit, each one failing to make contact.

Envy finally broke the silence, her voice thoughtful. "Last night, Gluttony was able to touch the first aid kit because she wanted to help Kazekabe. What if... what if helping him get better could be the key to our freedom?"

The others exchanged glances, the idea sinking in.

"You mean," Pride said, a slight smirk forming on his face, "we have to turn into selfless saints? That's going to be a challenge."

Greed chuckled. "I don't know if I can stop wanting everything I see."

Lust rolled her eyes. "We'll have to try, won't we? Think of it as... a new adventure."

Sloth yawned and stretched. "I guess I can muster up some energy if it means breaking the curse."

Wrath grinned, his usual fiery temper softened. "Guess it's time to channel all that rage into something productive."

Kazekabe watched them, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I appreciate it, guys. Really. But I'm not exactly an easy person to help."

Envy shook her head. "None of us are. But maybe that's the point."

They spent the day making light-hearted attempts at helping Kazekabe. Lust offered to teach him some confidence tricks, which mostly involved exaggerated winks and dramatic poses that left everyone in stitches. Wrath tried to get him to work out, but Kazekabe's lack of enthusiasm turned it into a comical series of failed push-ups and sit-ups.

Greed attempted to help Kazekabe organize his things, but ended up hoarding more than he sorted. "I mean, do you really need all these socks? They're practically treasure!" he said, holding up a pair triumphantly.

Sloth, predictably, suggested napping as a solution to everything. "Rest is important, you know. Essential for mental health," she said, curling up on the couch.

Throughout it all, the Sins bantered and joked, their camaraderie lightening the heavy atmosphere. For the first time in a long while, the house felt less like a prison and more like a home.

**Present time**

In one special morning, the Sins gathered around him, trying to encourage him to get ready. Lust handed him his shirt, Wrath practically shoved his shoes at him, and Envy fussed over his hair.

"Come on, Kazekabe, you can do this," Pride said, his tone uncharacteristically supportive.

Kazekabe, however, felt a familiar weight settle over him. "I don't know if I can," he murmured, sinking back onto his bed. "What if I mess up? What if I can't handle it?"

Gluttony, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "Maybe it's not about being perfect. Maybe it's just about trying. We're all here for you, Kazekabe. Just like you want to help us, we want to help you."

Envy added, "Remember, if you can help us by getting better, maybe we can help you get better too. It's a cycle."

The room fell silent as Kazekabe absorbed their words. Slowly, he stood up, the Sins' encouragement giving him the strength to push through his fear.

"Alright," he said, taking a deep breath. "I'll try."

As he left for his new job, the Sins watched from the window, their expressions a mix of hope and determination. They had a long way to go, but for the first time, they believed they could change their fate. Together, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

This is the first ending. [You can see it as their life just went like this forever.]

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