
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Strict Training and Boring Classes

After a month...

"...and that's how the aether will automatically be replenished after its use. That's all for today. See you tomorrow Fred," said Uncle Greg who was teaching Fredrick about the aether replenishment and its duration.

To Fredrick, the whole month felt like hell. Getting up early in the morning, strict combat training by former assassins, hours long classes with Greg, no entertainment, these made Fredrick question why he was even doing all of these even though he knew the answers.

Another month went by, but Fredrick showed no signs of awakening. It made Fredrick frustrated. He knew he was doing everything he was told to. But not seeing any results made him doubt the methods.

So, the next day he went straight to Jason who was busy doing some paperwork.

"How's your progress?" asked Jason when he saw Fredrick entering his room.

"Are you sure this is the right way? Training everyday, there were times when I almost got killed by those assassins."

"Well, that's what their job is, to kill people. But seeing you are still standing here in one piece, I believe you have made great progress."

"What great progress? It's been two months and I haven't awakened yet. Didn't you guys say I will awaken?"

"I think uncle Greg already told you that it takes time and it differs from person to person. Look at Yosef, he isn't an awakener yet but I don't see him complaining."

"That's because he already has something he is good at. Having powers will be like a bonus for him."

"Then what about you?"

"Me? I got nothing. I can't even go back to the underworld after all those things happened. I was doing quite well as a salary man after that. But now, after knowing about the powers, I feel like the value of my life will keep dropping unless I become an awakener."

"Is that what you think of yourself? *sigh* I wanted to say this later when you have awakened but I guess you need to hear it now. Why do you think I brought you in?"

"Why else? Because I am a potential candidate who might awaken."

"You aren't wrong. But the reason why I brought you and made you go through all this is because even if you don't awaken you won't feel like your life is worthless. Even though people can awaken because of this aether, that doesn't mean everyone of them will. Life will go on. Everyone has their roles to play. That's how civilization advances."

"So you are saying, I might not awaken and I should be prepared for that?"

"Did you even listen to what I just said?... You really are hopeless."

"What do you mean?"

"Go back to your training, ask uncle Greg when you don't understand anything. Just change the way you have been thinking. Till now, you were thinking that you would surely awaken. That thought itself is holding you back. Let go of it."

"But that doesn't make any sense. Aren't there any easy ways to awaken?"

The moment Fredrick asked that question, he found Jason's gaze so frightening that he thought it could even eat him up. He realized he had asked about something he shouldn't have. Noticing Fredrick's silence, Jason quickly fixed his expressions.

"Sorry about that. I am afraid there aren't any shortcuts. You should just stick to the instructions you are given."

"Ok, I will take my leave now," said Fredrick.

'The pressure back there was suffocating,' thought Fredrick. To him this was a new side of Jason. As a person who was raised in the underworld, Fredrick had witnessed his fair share of violence and the dark side of humans. But Jason's death gaze was something totally new to him and it's also something he doesn't want to see ever again in his life.

With a confusing look, he returned to the class.

"Did you go to meet Jason?" asked Greg.


"But it seems it didn't go well."

"Forget it. What's today's topic?"

"I can't tell whether you are motivated or not judging by the look on your face."

"There's nothing else to do."

"Young people these days really do lose their hearts quickly... Anyhow, let's begin our lesson. Today we will learn about the potential signs people show before awakening. It's not one hundred percent certain but in most cases they come true."

"Like my sensitivity to ground movements?"

"Yes, and other traits which are unique to the individuals. In my case, I already had been able to move a portion of the ground before awakening. Aside from these unique traits, this is one thing that every awakener had witnessed before awakening. Though it doesn't have any solid backing, we can't deny it at the same time."

"And what's that?"

"The thing that is common to every awakener till now is that they have dreamt about the elements which they gained power of after awakening."

Hearing about dreams, Fredrick recalled the conversation he had with the others on the first night at the campsite.

"Wait, you are saying those dreams are also connected to the powers? Doesn't that mean Abbey and the others might also awaken?"

"It's just our speculation. Jason told me about your dreams. We can't be sure unless they show some abnormal signs."

"Then shouldn't we tell them early? Knowing everything might help them awaken early as well."

"Do you know the reason why you aren't allowed to go outside the facility?"

"Isn't that till I awaken?"

"It's actually for your own safety. You should know better than anyone that just knowing some information can be the cause of death. We aren't the only people who know about these powers. There are many hidden organizations just like ours. Even the governments of the powerful countries know about it. Right now if any of them were to find out that there is another person who learned the secret then they won't hesitate to silence you. The training you are receiving here everyday is so that you can at least defend yourself. And after you have awakened, unless your opponent is an awakener as well, no normal human will be a match for you. So right now, bringing your other friends in is equal to putting a target on their backs."