
The Seven Elder Demons

This story is about Elitiah who used to be human but turned into a angel/demon and the angels and demons are at war because of Lucifer who killed many humans, in the process killing angels.

IMrHanzo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6: The Truth

A familiar voice suddenly cut through the tension filling the air. Everyone immediately stopped fighting as soon as they heard it. Their whole bodies stiffened as they turned to look towards the door. Two figures appeared there, one tall and slender while the other smaller, plump and with dark skin. The taller figure wore a long white cloak, decorated with small silver stars and stripes. It draped elegantly over his shoulders and was trimmed with thick gold threads. Atop his head sat an elaborately carved black hat that matched his long black hair perfectly. Silver bands decorated his wrists, neck and ankles, adding a touch of mystery and elegance.

Behind him was another man, dressed similarly to the one beside him. His skin was light gray and smooth. His short brown hair curled lightly at the tips. He also wore a white cloak similar to the other guy's, but unlike the other's his hood fell slightly lower, hiding his expression. However, even with a hood covering his entire face, Elitiah still recognised him instantly. His name was Samuel.

Both men entered the room calmly, glancing around curiously. Elitiah stared back at his brothers, not able to believe what was happening. If it isn't one of the 2 Elder Demons Lucifer said was in Hell, how are they here? How are they here now? What are they doing here? He thought frantically, but there wasn't much time for questions. It was clear that these two newcomers weren't exactly friendly, so there was no point trying to escape or try and hide himself.

Samuel finally spoke up, walking closer towards Elitiah's cell.

"Hello, Eleanor, Elitiah. It's good to see you both alright. I apologize if I am interrupting anything important."

"Who are you?" Elitiah questioned suspiciously, his eyes scanning the taller man's face carefully for any sign of recognition.

"My name is Samuel," he smiled kindly, extending his right hand.

Elitiah eyed him warily. He wasn't sure why his instincts told him to trust this stranger. But deep down inside he knew that he should accept the gesture. He took the offered hand and shook it cautiously.

"I assume you must be the new addition to the Seven Elder Demons." Samuel continued. "I have been informed about Lucifer's plans, but I couldn't bring myself to enter your world without some kind of warning. It seems my timing was impeccable." He chuckled quietly, looking past Elitiah towards Lucifer and Lilith who had just stepped out of Lilith's cage.

"Yes..." Elitiah replied nervously. Why did he feel the sudden urge to hide? Was it because of Sam? "It seems so…"

As the three of them were busy speaking to each other, the tall man moved his attention towards Elitiah.

"May we have a word?"

Elitiah nodded hesitantly and walked alongside Samuel as the man led them through a series of narrow hallways and corridors until he eventually stopped in front of a metal door with a strange symbol engraved in its surface. Samuel pressed the button beneath it and immediately the door slid open with an audible groan.

"This will be our meeting place. Please follow me." Samuel invited politely, stepping aside so Elitiah could walk ahead of him. They entered the large room and once again Elitiah felt his breath getting caught in his throat. There were numerous tables and chairs placed in the room. Some were completely empty, most containing various weapons or supplies lying around. Others, however, contained several bodies. It took Elitiah a few moments until he realized that those were dead demons. Many of them were still alive, their mouths twisted into horrific smiles, their eyes blank and soulless as they lay there on the floor.

"Why are there so many dead people in this room? Who are they?" Elitiah asked nervously, staring down at the corpses.

"We found them in the woods outside of town," Samuel explained, taking a seat at one of the empty chairs that had yet to be used. He gestured for Elitiah to take the remaining chair next to him.

Elitiah nodded hesitantly as he made his way over to sit down in the chair. The second that he was seated Samuel leaned forward and began talking quickly in a low tone, but Elitiah's hearing was dulled by panic.

"Listen carefully to what I am saying, Elitiah," Samuel warned in a soft voice. "I will not repeat myself. You need to listen very closely to everything I say. If not then it may be dangerous for you. Are you listening? Yes, very good. Now, I will explain everything to you. Do not interrupt. Do not speak unless spoken to, okay? I know you don't understand, but please try to listen."

Elitiah nodded slowly, his eyes wide as he listened to Samuel.

"Good. Now, I will start with the basics. We are the Elders. We are the ones who rule Hell. That's right. And you are one of us."

Elitiah frowned and opened his mouth to object, but Samuel ignored him.

"The reason we exist in Hell is because we are feared by everyone who dares to stand against Heaven and Hell."

He paused for a moment, seemingly contemplating something.

"You see, we are the only ones who can control the souls of the damned. We are the only ones who can make them obey us. We are the only ones who can stop them from hurting others."

Elitiah's frown deepened.

"That makes no sense. Why are we the only ones who have control over the souls of the damned? Is it because Lucifer is our master? He can control the souls of every demon ever created, including all the fallen angels and angels in Heaven. He doesn't have to worry about being killed by an angel since they won't get anywhere near the place we live in. If anything, they would fear us more than the Fallen Angels themselves. Why can't they do that instead? Why did they need to come down here and destroy everything?!" Elitiah exclaimed loudly, unable to contain his anger any longer.

Samuel sighed softly before continuing to explain patiently.

"There are certain rules in Heaven that the Council has decreed. For example, every angel that falls down here must die. Every fallen angel must be brought here to be locked away and destroyed for eternity. It is our duty as the Council to protect Hell. But unfortunately there are exceptions, like Lucifer."

Elitiah looked confused. "But he wouldn't want anyone killing his followers right?" he asked confusedly.

Samuel shook his head. "No, not necessarily." He smiled gently. "You see, it is true that we can kill an angel. That is, if we can find one who is willing to cooperate. Unfortunately…"

He trailed off, sighing sadly.

"Unfortunately, the fallen angels are extremely difficult to kill."

His words were followed by several heavy pauses.

"However, when we capture someone who willingly agrees to become one of us, we can give them a gift."

A slight smirk tugged at his lips. "And that is where you come in.

To Be Continued