
The Seven Elder Demons

This story is about Elitiah who used to be human but turned into a angel/demon and the angels and demons are at war because of Lucifer who killed many humans, in the process killing angels.

IMrHanzo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Ch.4: Lilith

There is absolutely no escaping my fate. I will send you back to hell in pieces. I will make you suffer until you are begging me to spare you, and then I will torture you mercilessly until I hear you beg me to stop. Am I understood, little one?"

The blade pressed further into Elitiah's throat, drawing a trickle of blood. He couldn't breathe properly. Every single breath he took hurt, his heart pounding furiously within his chest, threatening to burst through his ribcage. His vision started to blur. Was it because of the intense pain burning deep inside his soul? Or maybe it was because of Lucifer's threats? Either way, he feared for his life.

"You may begin!" Lucifer yelled. "I want the blood of every single demon. Be creative, little one! Make it as painful as possible."

"Wait!" someone called out.

All eyes turned towards the intruder who had managed to sneak past the others. He was an angel, wearing white robes and had his wings hidden beneath the folds of his clothes. A bright red cross shone proudly on his forehead as he stepped forward.

Lucifer scoffed. "Well, well! If it isn't our guest of honour. I assume your mission was successful then?"

"I am afraid there has been a slight hitch. The demon was captured, but we failed to capture him alive. He seems rather resistant to our powers, especially since he's been feeding off demons instead of humans. We tried everything, but we cannot find the right combination for killing a demon. I fear that his power is far stronger than the rest of us combined, and we still have no idea where he has gone."

The other angels gasped. They had never heard of such a thing. One couldn't simply kill a demon, especially one of such powerful nature. It was forbidden, yet here they were, unable to contain one of its kind.

"Then let us see what it means to take the life of a demon," Lucifer grinned maliciously.

"How will we do that?" Someone asked.

"Don't worry! We will think of something."

The angel gave a curt nod. Turning on his heel he hurried out of the chamber, his fellow angels following closely behind. Before leaving, however, he cast one last glance over his shoulder at his brother and Elitiah. He smirked and walked away quickly; his subordinates following his lead.

It didn't take long for them all to disappear from sight.

"Anyways shall we continue Elitiah on killing You? but first..." Lucifer said with a smile.

"Oh please, tell me you won't let me die! Please!" Elitiah begged, his voice breaking.

Lilith's screams faded slowly as the door slammed shut, the sound resonating throughout the chamber, shaking Elitiah violently to his core. There was nothing else he could do. Nothing he could do except wait for the end. For Lucifer to end him. And for everything he loved to die along with him.

Enoch stood alone, waiting anxiously in front of his cage. All around him, demons were screaming in agony as Lucifer tore them apart, causing blood to spray across the walls of his prison. He wanted nothing more than to help Lilith, to free her from the restraints Lucifer forced her into. However, he couldn't even move a single muscle. In that moment, all he could do was stand still and watch. To stay silent while those around him suffered, while he was forced to watch while she became an object of desire, one of pleasure, and not a person.