

THE SECRET THEY KEEP FROM US zain is the god of day he is trying to find his partner . for his partner first he want to find grand god lady when the sun appear moon is invisible and when the moon appear sun is invisible like this in the day god of day can't see god of night and in the night god of night can't see god of day but in rare case sun and moon will visible same time if they gone gods also become invisible this gods want to change their fate and this fate will only change with the secret it's the story of finding the secret its a fantasy storyfull of thriller and romantic urban life tag- villains,male lead, female lead, romantic, urban life, action , buisness ,family, little song, inspired words . everyone will like this story the cover page is from Google credits goes to the artist support and like more stories are waiting for you from , iam_clown the one who likes to write just for the ones who likes to read everything thank you for your attraction.

iam_clown · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The meet

They reached their home after the party. They are all sitting in the living room. Zain inquired about Zaiga's boyfriend 

She told about her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is from London; his name is Aslan.

 Then her mother asked her how is their family status .

She responded that she didn't ask about it and said "she really doesn't care what decision they make She can't live without him. She will only marry him."

Her father suggested her to fix a meeting with Aslan, and she agreed to arrange it. Lionel gets every update about Iyaad's family, and he got the news that Mr. Iyaad was going to meet Aslan. So he decided to go there.

It's the day of the meeting with Zaiga's boyfriend. 

Iyaad's family is waiting for Aslan at the hotel. 

Aslan came there with a bouquet to greet them. He is so handsome and smart. He greets them and starts to talk. Mrs. Dayana asks him

"are you the only one who came here"

he answered

"nope, My elder sister is here with me. She met a friend of hers outside, so she went to meet her. She will be here soon."

Zain asked him

"Is there a particular reason for liking zaiga?"

"No, nothing special. I like her because she is nice to everyone. I first met her in an amusement park. Some groceries fell from the hands of a grandmother. She helped her to pick them up. That attracted me more and the same time she fight with a girl for a cap that make me think she is really someone special for me That's all."

"Who else is in your home "

"I am with my dad, sister, and little brother."

"what about your mom" 

"My mom died when I was 13 "

"I am sorry "

"no, it's alright"

"What are you doing now? "

"I am a doctor and I help with my sister's business."


Zain's phone rang. He picked up the call 

The call is from a friend; they have planned a get-together, so he must want to go. So he leaves the meeting with Aslan's permission.

When Zain was leaving, he passed near Aslan's sister, but he didn't see her because she was not a normal woman. She is the goddess of the night. She is the one he is searching for.

She noticed him.

Then she entered the hotel. She wore a mask, a cap, and glasses. Zaiga ordered Aslan to introduce her to all. He starts introducing

"She is my elder sister, Aalan. She is a businesswoman and a doctor. We work together, and she has some other degrees too."

"Could you please tell me the name of your father?" lyaad asked

"His name is Kurdey."

"what ?,He is a well-known businessman and actor. You're his child, right? "


" I can't believe that. Zaiga didn't say anything about that."

"She doesn't know anything about this."

"Is your father that famous? "

zaiga asked

"Why did you ask that? "

"because my dad only watch high-level actors' movies? "

"That's why I asked. "

"Then I think Dad might also know Aalan. "

"Aalan" ...

"she is known by her nickname AK "

"Now I get it. You are the villain in the Devil's World movie. Am I right"


Have you noticed him? 

him... I don't know who the one you are talking about is. When you entered here, you passed next to him. Yes, I have noticed. I have seen him somewhere 

"Do you watch movies "

"Yes, I have "

"He is an actor too."

"That's the thing I felt familiar with.

Why was he here "

"he is zaiga's elder brother.

" really"

" yeah Can I ask one thing "

"sure ,why not "

"Why did you wear a mask "

"I got a fever that's why "

" Are you fine now"

"Yeah "

"then what about your glasses "

"I am allergic to dust that's why"

"I think that's why you only go to shoot at night "

"Yeah... Uncle"

"don't call me uncle you can call me dad"

"Thanks, what's your decision about them"

"don't worry we are really happy to make relations with you "

"Do you mean you agreed to their relationship"


"That's a relief "

At the meeting time, Mr. Lionel was also there. he went there as planned and heard everything they talked about but the iyaad family doesn't know he has been there with them.

They went back to their home after it.

all of them were so happy on that day.

Lionel is also happy with them. but He is too happy.

comment why Lionel was so happy.

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