

THE SECRET THEY KEEP FROM US zain is the god of day he is trying to find his partner . for his partner first he want to find grand god lady when the sun appear moon is invisible and when the moon appear sun is invisible like this in the day god of day can't see god of night and in the night god of night can't see god of day but in rare case sun and moon will visible same time if they gone gods also become invisible this gods want to change their fate and this fate will only change with the secret it's the story of finding the secret its a fantasy storyfull of thriller and romantic urban life tag- villains,male lead, female lead, romantic, urban life, action , buisness ,family, little song, inspired words . everyone will like this story the cover page is from Google credits goes to the artist support and like more stories are waiting for you from , iam_clown the one who likes to write just for the ones who likes to read everything thank you for your attraction.

iam_clown · Fantasy
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3 Chs

New arrivals

It's6.00 a.m., zain went to the shooting set and waited for that lady. it's 7 o'clock she didn't come out. He waited up until 8 o'clock,  he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes, his fans surrounded him. He starts the car slowly and moves on.

After some time, he suddenly saw that lady and he followed her. He grabbed her hands and asked,

"Who are you?" 

At that time, she suddenly disappeared 

He looked around. He thought that 

"it must be grand  God lady but dad said if i catch her, she can't escape from me. What happened? Is she some other god? This makes me crazy. "

He went back to his office. He wondered who that lady was

suddenly his father appeared and asked him to pick up Siana from the airport. "

"Why me? " 

" We don't have any other way I am sorry ."

"You must want to pick up her from the airport.

" Okay dad I will pick up her"

He went to the airport and waited for Siana. Siana came out of the airport, she wore a modern stylish dress, and her character was so bad she is so selfish, rude, and arrogant. 

She was not alone. She came there with her friends. Her friends are also like her.

Siana came to Zain and said,

 "Hello darling, I think you missed me a lot. I have heard you are waiting for marrying me. 

" Who told you this? "

 "My dad"

 "I am not. Your dad lied."

 "Don't worry, Zain; I know you're shy to tell my friends that I'm your girlfriend."

Siana's friends laughed when they heard Siana's reply, 

"Get in the car, let's go."

"Okay, everyone gets in."

When Zain drove his car, Siana intentionally touched him

Zain didn't like that, so he drove the car speedily. Zain drove them to her home.

her dad asked him,

 "Let's eat lunch together."

 "Yes, Zain, let's eat lunch together." 

"No, I can't. I have urgent work to do, so I am leaving. " 

He drove from there and went to meet his family sorcerer.

The sorcerer asked him

"What happened?"

he told Everything that happened to him

Sorcerer said

"You are unlucky."


"Your father was right. If the god of the day catches the grand god lady, she can't escape from you.

" Then what happened?" 

"She arrived" 


"Your future partner the god of night.

When you two meet the grand god lady at the same time, your power will decrease and she can escape. "

"Then you are saying that the god of the night appeared there." 

"Yes,... Zain."


"Your second chance is gone."

 "What... what...  chance?"

 "You can only see the grand god lady three times. Your two chances are gone. Now you only have one chance Don't waste that chance and find what you want. "

"Thank you for your words." 

"Zain, one more thing. The war will start soon." Be prepared." 

"I am prepared for everything."

Zain said with a low voice

"I am waiting for you  Don't worry, you will die at my hands. "

Now Zain is at home. His dad asked him.

"Why did you come home late?"

"I went to meet our family sorcerer."

"for what?"

"Today I saw the Grand God Lady."

" Did you ask her about that secret to finding the God of  the night "



When I approached her and asked who she was, she abruptly vanished.

"How's that possible?"

"That's why I went to meet the sorcerer "

What did he say?

"He says the god of the night appeared there. When two of us meet that lady at the same time, our power will decrease and she can escape from us. And he also said that there were only three chances to meet the Grand God lady. Two chances are gone now. There's only one more chance."

"Zain  Don't worry, everything will be right at the end "

"I wish for your words."

"Zain, tomorrow you want to attend a meeting with the casino company "

"Sure "

"please be nice to them it's your uncle's company"

"Okay, i will try "

"One more thing: After that, we have a welcome party "

"for what ?"

"Zaiga's friends will be here tomorrow. It's for them."

The next day, Zain attended the meeting with his uncle's company After the meeting, his uncle asked him

"I heard that you are arranging a welcome party for your sister's friends."


"Are you not inviting me?"

"This was planned by Dad; I only found out about it last night. Now I am inviting you to the party. You must want to come "

"Sure, I will be there with my family "

"Then let's see there."

It's the evening, 4 o'clock. The party was so large that it included Zaiga's friends and their families, as well as the Iyaad and Cassino families. The party is going so well.

The party comes to an end. So many people are gone. Now there is only the Iyaad family, the Cassino family, and Zaiga's friend.

The Cassino family and the Iyaad family are sitting together and discussing about Zaiga's wedding.lionel put a decision forward that Zaiga is now 24,  it's her marriage time. If she is ready to get married, they can arrange the wedding of Zain and Zaiga together.

At that time, Zaiga came forward and said, 

"You..you don't have to find a guy for me 

I already have someone that I like."

Everyone looked at her like she had done a big wrong. But her family was supportive, especially her brother Zain. He talked to everyone

"If she finds someone who she likes, let her live with him. It makes her life happy."


This chapter is full of surprise arrivals and I know you are curious to know who is Zaiga's boyfriend and what will happen next 

The next chapter will be uploaded soon. Thank you for your support

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