
The Secret of the Cursed Princess

Who is the true love of the cursed princess? Serafina was once a highly respected princess, but now she has been abandoned and suffered from an evil curse without protection. In order to prevent the curse from getting out of control, the abandoned princess began a love-hate entanglement with four men. Will the truth of the curse be revealed?

Sylvia_Yuki · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The curse reappears

Samuel Hale Sitting there, holding his chin up. The hand on the handrail patted the handrail. The hair, which had been neatly combed, fell off and was scattered.



"Really sold out?




"So she spent it all in the slums?





Samuel Hale Asked again.



"Not even one left?


"yes. It was all spent.





 The assistant thought that the Duke would be angry at once. Whatever the intention, anyone would be unhappy to help the poor, right? But the Duke was not angry, just with an inexplicable smile.



This action seems to have long been anticipated.



"Did the royal family not interfere in it?


"The Queen Mother is very quiet over there. The king had no reason to refuse."


"Cleaning up the slums, the reaction is so big, the princess has to come forward, there is no reason to refuse."



Samuel Hale Smile with satisfaction.



"So the Serafina would have to go to the slums?




"Who is responsible for the escort? Is he a guy for the safety of the princess?


"never mind. Zachary Sir followed.



Hearing this answer, Samuel Hale's face was suddenly distorted. Hearing that the smiling man had sold the angry intention of the princess, the assistant was surprised and quickly explained Ward's resume.



"Commander of the Royal Order, the first Knight of the Empire. By force, no one beats him in Titus. Even in the friendlies between the knights of the various kingdoms, we have won overwhelmingly.




"Your Excellency?



Samuel Hale Not saying a word. Instead, his bushy brows grew tighter and tighter.



"Go out and have a look.



With a graceful gesture, the assistant bent over and went out to prepare the carriage. Samuel Hold the handle of the chair tightly.



"The guy who was insulted to his face, I was so close when I came back?



 Samuel Hale Know the Serafina very well. She is the kind of temperament that she refuses anything. What happened between Ward and Serafina, he naturally knew when he investigated Ward. Serafina Take the people who have refused with you? The princess who was even more arrogant than herself?



He remembered the Ward Zachary standing in front of him. The big man, with his red eyes, shone brightly. This hostile attitude was clearly a male guard.



"Serafina, you are getting more and more interesting.



 Although it was interesting, the corners of his mouth were motionless. He remembered putting his gentle arms around his Serafina. Samuel Hale He was fascinated by the Serafina.



He was so happy back then. Very happy. It's so full. That night was like a mirage. He thought that all the misunderstandings were cleared up. It felt like she was like before. I really want to be immersed in a warm dream...



'After sleeping once, just thinking of engagement, is really naive noble young master.



Serafina This sentence is as sharp as a dagger. The cold tone never seemed to mind him. The gap between him and her has still not gone away. Serafina In order to mock himself, willing to show a moving gesture to entice her to make love with her. Also, he accepted Ward, who once insulted and refused.



"Have you changed, or has your heart changed? My princess.



Serafina Is it really a temptation to make fun of yourself? He was both angry and distraught at her actions. Because in the garden, Serafina was smiling brightly. Very rarely laugh from the bottom of the heart.








 Very comfortable in getting along with them.



 This is what Serafina gave to Olin. He spoke kindly to Serafina kindly and looks a and appearance.



Apart from being a powerful person in his volunteer "convent" who needs to be valued, Serafina is happy.



"long time no see..."



It's been a long time since nobody treated me with sincere kindness. Serafina Federalized that he had been in the cold winter for five years. One more thing that she was very happy with. Rachel Seeing Olin's attitude, there seems to be no trace of Asmusius on him.



"I'm still very happy. The princess is a man of pity for the people."




"With a royal family like you, the people of this country will also be very happy.





In his fellow carriage, Olin smiled brightly.



"So, princess, what do you think of the future?



Faced with the sudden question, Serafina opened his eyes wide. Her face was difficult. But for that reason, I'll say it.



"I want to go to God.


"what? Come to the monastery of our order?





 Olin seemed really surprised and looked at her with her mouth slightly open. It was very beautiful like then, too. How can someone just become a famous painting? That pretty Melansa is not that good either.



 Was fascinated by the appearance of the man of the Serafina this just slow to god. He is too good to me, do I speak too hastily and directly.



 Anyway, Serafina's mother wants to use the black magician to curse Vilian and is executed. The archbishop who lives in the capital also hides from her. Does the pope's confidant, Rachel, he also have such an idea?



The awkward silence lingered between them. Serafina Now used to this subtle rejection.



"Princess, if you think I am acting so well because of the princess's mother, please believe that it is definitely not the reason.



Olin smiled gently.





"If someone like the Princess live in the monastery, I welcome it. The Holy Father will certainly embrace you with both open arms. He would be like that, to be the daughter to redeem for his mother, what a beautiful picture. And is a country princess, there is no reason not to welcome. Obviously, the Father will let you live in the capital of the Holy Kingdom.



For some reason, although the tone was affectionate, there was a sense of sarcasm. Serafina Blink of his eyes. She was actually not expected that. But this is different from the fear of faith, so it flinch.



"However, I think the princess needs other ways.


"... Another way?


"yes. I was thinking, I hope you would live a little more freely.



Olin went on gently.



"As a servant of God, I would be strange to say these words, but there are plenty of controls and restrictions.




"I mean serious. Princess, I feel a pity to be kept there. This is not the opinion of the Holy Kingdom or the Holy Father, but rather it is my own personal opinion."



 Serafina Quietly looking at Olin's eyes, Olin, purple eyes without any offence and malice.



 Serafina Smile slightly. She really likes this person. I thought I was a traditional orthodox, young, beautiful and had a good personality. Even artificial closeness doesn't matter.


 The two men talked very happily, and unconsciously the carriage came to the palace. Serafina The expression gradually darkened. Olin's purple eyes looked out in surprise.



The carriage stopped, and the door opened.



"Please get off."



Ward stretch out one's hand. Serafina Holding his hand and erased the smile he had just kept. Holding the Ward's hand even harder. She glanced at the Ward. See him bowed his head, the expression is still inexplicable wooden dull.



"You were laborious to-day, Sir Zachary.


"Just did what you was supposed to do.




"Send you off to your quarters.



 Serafina Hesitating to say "please ask the knights to convey gratitude", then shook his head and smiled. She just likes that. Serafina She didn't notice the burnt, dark red eyes on the back of her head.



She stood at her door, with a sound behind her.



"How did you grasp the discipline of guarding the knight?



 Ward's words made Serafina turn around. Serafina He looked at him solemnly, and then sighed.



This man is also a passionate man. Under such insults, he continued to fulfill his duty honestly and feared for himself. Serafina His lips trembled slightly, and he opened his mouth.



"Sir Zachary, I charge this part. You crossed the line.




"Do you think our relationship is so good enough that you can always talk to me in private?



Serafina Said coldly. This is a cold warning that the distance between you and me is there. The maids who followed her whispered involuntarily.



"I'm sorry.princess."





Serafina Silently back and into the room. She closed the door and laid her back against it. Ward will only hate himself after this time. A talking voice came out from the leaning door.



"Really, I knew the princess was a strange man."


"How about the princess's character, so bad.



The maids were small, but Serafina could hear them.



"Sir Zachary was so miserable that he was thinking about the princess."


"After all, the princess does this to us.


"So everybody hates the princess. Who likes it?"



Everyone hates me. Serafina Against the door back slowly slipped down, she squatted on the ground. Although it was only a maid's nagging, but this sentence flew to the heart.



"I never asked you to like me."



Serafina Say it to himself.



"I would appreciate it if you didn't like me.



Just, so that she said it on purpose. Serafina Bite the lip. Even so, the other person seems to be hurt because of what she said, Serafina knows that her heart is not the taste. She has lived in this way since five years ago. At the same time, you will always be foolishly hurt by yourself.








 Serafina Stand there, with his hands folded. The nobles dressed in white gathered around. People looked at this sacred moment with great excitement. Witness the blessing of Rachel is also one of the honours that the nobility can achieve.



 Samuel Hale Kneel on the ground and put your hands together. Olin, standing in front of him, wore leaf crowns and wide white clothes. Although he was as white as everyone around him, he was as white as if he was shining. More visible than usual, handsome and beautiful.



Olin quietly turned his head and smiled at Serafina. This smile made Serafina sink again.



"Henceforth every breath of you will be blessed by the servant of God, you will be protected by God's first servant, and all the people of God will honor you.



Olin's pious voice followed.



"Our God, our Lord, will let you breathe long in the world you create, and make your blessing fill your body and veins. I salute you, Olin, the servant of God, Samuel. Hale Archibald."



 Serafina Wide-open opening of his eyes. The dazzling white light condenses on Olin's hand. The white light is clean, clean and beautiful. All the chaotic things dare not approach. Is there such a noble light in the world?



 Olin, covered in the sacred light, is as beautiful as a god.



 At this time, Serafina's heart began to heartache. What is it? She deliberately ignored the ominous feeling. The moment I saw Olin, my heart began to beat constantly.



Pup plop plop!






Serafina Overwhelming by the sound in his mouth. There was a sweet, wet sound. She put her hand over her mouth and looked around. Melansa Sit more far away, very close to yourself is Vilian. She realized that Vilian was looking at her in surprise.



"What makes you feel uncomfortable?



 Vilian Staring at her anxiously, though everyone was fascinated by the noble light of God. Serafina Shake his head. His cheeks were red. There was a familiar feeling between the neck and the shoulder.



 It is the feeling of being dominated by branding.



 The brand began to burn. It was hot between the legs, and the liquid started to flow out. Serafina Biting the lip.



The Asmusius brand, thought to have disappeared, appeared again.

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