
The Secret of the Cursed Princess

Who is the true love of the cursed princess? Serafina was once a highly respected princess, but now she has been abandoned and suffered from an evil curse without protection. In order to prevent the curse from getting out of control, the abandoned princess began a love-hate entanglement with four men. Will the truth of the curse be revealed?

Sylvia_Yuki · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Pride and Prejudice

The maids opened their eyes wide and whispered to each other. Serafina Also is. She looked at the man in front. Standing there was a man in a dark wine-red short suit with a red cloak. A man like a giant mountain still looks at her expression. The dark-red eyes look toward the Serafina.



"Why is Sir Zachary here?


"This is your Majesty's order.



Ah ah. Said to guard you. Is it this man. Serafina Staring at the Ward. So did the knight behind the Ward.



"... I see you.



 Now, Serafina is getting upset about the situation of having to go outside. I agreed to go out of the palace, but now I really do, I was afraid.



 Because she remembered the kidnapping at the hunting convention. On the altar like an powerless sparrow is a nightmare that Serafina cannot forget.



 Serafina Put your hand on Ward's protruding hand. Because she didn't want to be hijacked a second time because of her neglect of escort. I'm afraid. Really afraid. I believe that this person will still protect himself according to the oath.



The sight of Serafina's quiet manner filled the faces of the knights with wonder. Several knights disgusted to Serafina exchanged sneer.



'When he was a knight, he was humiliated him on the grounds of his identity, but did his attitude change when he became a leader?



 But anyway, Ward is serious, and Serafina is silent. She looked at Ward, looking apologetic.



Ward politely put her into the carriage. Serafina Said he took his hand.



"Thank you, Ward.



Ward did not respond to Serafina. May be thinking of his previous behavior. You may laugh at me in your heart, because you are now the leader, so you will get my respect. She looked at Ward's gloomy face, convinced that was what he thought.








 The wagon stopped, and the place where Serafina got off was a slum.



 The slums emit a different smell. With the "cleansing" of Melansa and Vilian, the people in the slums were driven to the corners. Serafina I don't know how bad the clean-up is. But when I came here, I could only guess at the strangely clear sight of the capital. Cleaning away the slums that are large enough to accompany Ditellus's history means that a large number of people will die.



 The situation of the poor people on the edge and periphery of the capital became even more brutal. As the house was forcibly moved, not only were there no dilapidated houses, but also tents were set up. They smelled smelly, and the maids were disgusted by the foul smell. But Serafina's face hasn't changed.



 Under their gaze, the richly dressed princess and knight stepped out from the carriage, and the poor shrank back. For fear of being "washed" again.



Serafina Look at the maids, but they do not know what to do. Serafina He turned a blind eye to this, and sighed.



"Bread and blankets.



Serafina The words made the maids dismiss the things from the carriage. People were busy at her instructions. Serafina Standing in the crowd, he shouted to the confused poor people loudly.



"I am the princess of Ditelus, Serafina Ditelres.




"Under the grace of your Majesty and Duke Archibald, I will hand out aid to you.



The crisp sound is similar to the noisy sound of the poor gathering, which is refreshing. Serafina gracefully command the knights with his chin.



"Prepare a table for the supplies.



The knights hesitated, and Ward glared at them. Facing the silent eyes, they put a pair of unwilling expression, very forced to move the body.



"Are you here to do this?



Ward asked, quietly, as she stood beside her. Serafina Nod his head.



"It's better to do good than to be scolded anyway.


"... Are you talking about a gift from the Duke of Archibald?


"Since Sir Zachary knows, yes, the action of Duke Archibald is indeed wild.




"If you return it to him, it is not his loss. On the contrary, you will not be happy if you hear that you give someone out.



Ward asked Serafina.



"It is a valuable gift. Don't you like it?


"Yes, with a great dislike.



How can you like it? But Serafina deliberately hid his inner thoughts. Ward said, looking out at the poor.



"The princess did not do this out of pity for them.


"Are you so disappointed?



This sentence makes Ward see Serafina's face again.



"How dare I be disappointed.


"Feeling is free. I don't care if you are disappointed."



At that time, all the supplies they had brought were laid out. Serafina After seeing it, he is ready to move past it. Ward said himself.



"I have not been disappointed."




"Why did the princess really..."




"No, nothing.



 Ward stands next to Serafina, keeping in step with her. His profile face looked very angry. She was surprised, but soon focused on what was in her hand.



 This is certainly not pure good deeds. It was a premeditated action.



 First, Vilian and Melansa will not block it. Melansa It may also be seen that Serafina wanted to humiliate Duke Archibald by refusing his gift.



 Unsurprisingly, Melansa is pleased with Serafina's kindness. Because it can recover the hearts and minds anyway. Serafina For the first time in his life, he was praised by Melansa as doing "a good job".



 Even Serafina gave Samuel Hale maltose. All the gifts given for courtship were given to the poor. What a laughing stock for those who discriminate against the "poor".



 Finally, if Serafina did good, she could have the monastery considered again even if she did not observe chastity. For in the monastery, anyway, they like the compassionate.



 Since I am determined to do it, I am not going to be perfunctory. I hate unproductive behavior.



Serafina To the patient while distributing the bread. Helped them wet water with clean cloth, dry their dirty and smelly bodies, and handed out prepared shoes. In addition, give the child mother time to eat, but also personally give the child to drink milk.



"I heard that this is a milk that suddenly never goes wrong. I hope I can eat full today.





Serafina Very careful. Although the hygiene was so dirty that people frowned, the expression did not change. Instead of a stiff smile, she took care of everyone with a serious face. People who saw this picture were whispering.



"I don't know what she was thinking, but she worked very hard. Maybe by acting in front of us.


"She must feel very dirty. But how bad it would be if he knew that.



Then the feet flew over and kicked the knights on the knees. The fallen knights looked back, and Ward came to them. He had a pile of dirty cloth in his hand.



"See also the colonel of the No.



His dark red eyes shone hot. Because catch the bag of these several knights behind the gossip, say the object of gossip or should be loyal to the guard of the princess.



"If you have eyes, you look with them. Instead of chatting around here like the woman.




"The princess has prepared all the things.


"That is not a..."


"The nobles serving the slums usually prepared only bread and milk. How to solve the hunger, that is the best way they can think of. But people don't just need to eat it.




"Although I grew up watching noble people in the capital, I see people worse than I do.



 He did not say much, but cast a contemptuous look. Then he went back to the Serafina. The knights were confused. Ward D. Zachary is protecting the princess? Did she do it good enough this time? In this way, the items prepared are indeed quite diverse.



 Bread and milk are the foundation, clean water and cloth that can protect foot shoes and can warm the body blanket. Although he complained that they were neither war goods nor objects of all kinds, it was simply a careful consideration of the poor. The embarrassed knights looked at each other and began to help.



They also know that. Compared with pay attention to identity, behavior treacherous princess, the real performance is weaker is their own.








Serafina Never do something carelessly. It also took three days to prepare the supplies. She looked down and counted the number of bread.



"Can you give me another piece of bread?



It was the man's voice. His voice sounded soft as a feather and low as a mosquito. Serafina Thought it was the voice of a boy whose period had passed.



"Sorry, if I have leftover bread, I will give you another one. If not enough, you will have to take it again next time."



Serafina When he raised his head.



"softly chant?"



 I thought I would see a boy who had nothing to eat, but the man standing in front was taller than Serafina. She was not surprised that he was a man or that he was tall. The white clothes that the men wear are in sharp contrast to this dirty place. The same is true of physical appearance.



 Samuel Hale, Vilian, Melansa, and even the Ward there have thrilling looks. However, the man looked even better.



 Like the sunshine like platinum hair, whiter than her skin. Amethyst-like purple eyes. Wonderful barb nose. Thick, bright-red lips. Although the appearance with delicate lines is beautiful, the magic thing is that it is not neutral at all. Is it because of the face, the tough lines? Or because of Adam's apple?



In an instant, she was swept away, and he smiled brightly.



"I didn't expect me to be cut in line.



The timid voice had just disappeared, and the charming voice came. That was obviously a man's voice, not a boy's.





"to see somebody for the first time. Serafina Princess. I am the fourth Rachel, Olin, appointed by the provincial bureau.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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