
The Secret of Author

hemant_yogi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter : 7

The nature of the Amazon forest is known for its nature, that is, it starts raining all of a sudden.

The light of the moon falls on the earth from among the dense trees, as if it has been protecting itself from someone.

Due to slow rains, the temperature also drops suddenly, the cold increases in the atmosphere.

The heat from Glanzo Harper's body is clearly visible in the form of steam in the light of the moon, and she is also very nervous.

He is able to see the guide in front of him speaking to him, but he cannot hear anything.

Terrified Glanzo, trying to say something, so The owner of the boat that guide named Patrick wood says "Man don't panic, here I'm with you, try to breathe properly and tell me why are you so scared and upset"?

Glanzo, in fearful words, "he died - he died".

Patrick wood "Tell me exactly what you want to say?", in an angry tone. Then glanzo tells him our partner that botanist is dead, Patrick Wood is shocked to hear that.

They both go to the place where Glanzo saw the corpse, but nothing is found there.

They both look at each other, then glanzo says "this is what I just saw".

Patrick wood says in response, are you intoxicated?

Glanzo shouts and says "why would I tell such a dirty lie"? After that he asks to search that place again. As the corpse frantically drives away due to rain, Patrick Wood finds the corpse after a long search, makes sure to light a torch and calls for Glanzo to come over. But he wasn't as nervous as Glanzo was like that was normal for him then Patrick Wood starts pretending to be nervous seeing him, and says "we should tell this to everyone". and heads to the camp, when Glanzo runs after Patrick Wood to stop him.

And goes and stands in front of him, and says you will not tell this to anyone, then both of them start arguing with each other. After all, when Patrick Wood doesn't agree, Glanzo lures him with money. because it could be the biggest discovery of his life, so he did not want to let this opportunity pass by.

But Patrick hesitantly refuses his greed then glanzo tries to persuade him again, and says "this money can save your whole life, you can enjoy this life with luxury and if you want, I can give you more, more money" and when patrick hears about more money, He says yes.

And Patrick says that "before someone comes, let's dispose of this dead body".

They both mutually leave the corpse of the Botanist in the flow of rain water, so that it flows into the water and goes further from there, so that no one can know anything and there will be no difficulty in the journey ahead.

Its morning time, the fire lit due to the light rain of the night has been extinguished, Smoke is coming out of it and the sound of animals and birds starts waking up everyone's from sleep and After sometime everyone gets up one by one and they wish everyone a good day as well as start talking about how they spent last night.

At That moment when a female teammate notices the botanist not being there, who was very close to her. So she informs glanzo about it, and at the same time asks Ban Takashi and his fellow soldier to find him. After searching for a long time, they do not find the botanist anywhere.

They come back and inform everyone about it, which makes everyone very worried.

But Glanzo handling the situation says, "Don't worry friends maybe our fellow botanist has gone back, maybe he does not have the ability to take risks, because we all have come here to save humanity and Because we also have a shortage of time, we have to reach that flower as soon as possible.

We all have to forget the botanist and move on".

Hearing Glanzo's words, everyone's attention is diverted from the botanist and they all start feeling excited. And in the meantime Patrick applauds, seeing that everyone starts clapping.

As guide by Patrick Wood they all start moving in the south direction towards the Andes mountain range and these Andes mountain range (Cordillera de los Andes) are the longest continental mountain range in the world, forming a continuous highland along the western edge of South brazil And All of them are going to face a lot of problem in the journey ahead because these ranges are in turn grouped into three major divisions based on climate: the Tropical Andes, the dry, and the wet andes, And the biggest problem the world's highest volcano of Andes is active.

But ignorant of all these things, they all go ahead in the face of death.

Moving forward, Ban Takashi,takes out a camera from his pocket and puts it in his bag.

That one he found in a running condition, when he had gone to find the Botanist, But Ban Takshi hasn't told anyone about it And this is the same camera the Botanist brought with him.