
The Secret of Author

hemant_yogi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter : 6

Due to the thick darkness of the night, the forest was full of strange problems as well as strange intimidating monkeys screaming, the chirping of fellow birds and now he is the owner of the boat who acts as a guide was also his last hope, only he could take all of them near to their destination.

There were three women, four men, one guide and two defense personnel in the team of researchers.

In which there was a defense personnel Ban Takashi.

All of them had escaped from the mafia's on the strength of the intelligence and courage of Ban Takashi and Glanzo Harper the head of the team of researchers, but they were all very scared too.

The more terrified of botany experts, shouting that "we will all be killed if we go further inside", and at the same time he take the initiative to go back to New York city from the current situation occurred in the amazon rainforest.

But on hearing this, Glanzo Harper gets very angry and in anger he grabs the collar of botany experts, and says that "if you are so afraid of dying, then why did you come here when you knew besides the big dangers here. There may also be a risk of passing life".

The expert of botany take off the hand of the glanzo from his neck with annoyance and looking at everyone start saying - "I have read the book hidden from the glanzo in which it was told about that magical flower, this man has gone mad. He has brought all of us to get killed here, he was already aware of all the problems here, yet he brought us here to be sacrificed for his dream.

And all the team members are watching all this while being a spectator.

And in the meantime the guide comes and says that "I have gone ahead and found a place where we can stay tonight Because it will be a safe place for all of us to stopage".

On hearing this, a gleam of happiness reads in Glanzo's eyes and a ray of hope awakens within the fellow peoples as well.

Glanzo says to the expert of botany, "you heard there is no such danger here, many people have come before us, now the decision is on you, do you have to go forward with us to the future and or back home, where you are dying people Even after knowing that you could not do anything, you will only be able to stay alive".

After saying this, Glanzo and all team members move forward and leave the expert of botany behind to think alone and than Glanzo Harper instructed Ban Takashi and his fellow soldier to properly inspect the place from a security point of view and After ensuring by own self Ban Takashi and his fellow confirms all of them place is secured to Stay.

On the other hand that botany expert realizes his mistake and and he leaves to go back to his teammates But while sitting and thinking, a wild venomous spider had come on his body And due to the vibration in the body while walking, the spider bites for its safety.

As soon as the wild spider bites him, he feels severe pain and sees the spider falling from his body.

and he recognizes the wild spider when he sees it as Sydney funnel-web spider but now it's too late,

The venom of that spider spreads rapidly in the body, due to which its body becomes paralyzed

and he falls down to the ground.

After not coming that way for a long time, Glanzo sends the Ban Takashi and that Soldier to find him.

Since the forest is very dense and at the same time it is very dark in the night they can't find him,

Because the botanist was paralyzed, he could not even speak, was unable to move, because of this he was not able to give them any sign of being near him and so they go back empty handed.

Ban Takashi goes and informs it to glanzo, and glanzo thinks botanist expert has gone somewhere in anger will be back by morning before proceeding further.

Meanwhile, other teammates light a fire by suitable means, so that there is light in the night and they are protected from nearby animals.

But because of not getting any medical help and also due to the spread of poison in the whole body, that botanist dies And the glanzo tells "everyone relax for Tonight, may tomorrow we have a big day."

During the night glanzo wakes up because of emotions of urination, so he gets up and moves to urinate. As urine splatters on him and falls back, he leans down and tries to see what's below with the help of a flashlight And he gets shocked and starts running back in fear, while running back in fear collides with the guide.

and then the guide asks glanzo Harper "what happened, why are so afraid?"

Glanzo Harper is very nervous and his breathing was very fast because of this, he is not able to breathe properly and that is why he is not able to answer anything.