
The Secret life of my mother

Mmuomamirian · Teen
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The secret life of my mother


My name is Miliandy Von, I'm the only child of Miriam Von, growing up I didn't know who my father was, the only thing I knew about him was his name, his name are Luke Von Heist, I had always wish to see my dad each time I asked mum about dad, she gives me part answer and this arouses my curiosity, deep down I knew someday I'll get to know who my father is, the only family I had was mum, aunty lesx and grandma. Grandma and mum were just the same they are never simple, unlike aunty lesx, fun to chat with had good vibe and always straight forward, I remember vividly that mum had earlier told me that Dad was a great solider and that we was in the right place, but why didn't he wait to see me grow ? I muttered to myself.

I am seven year old but I look wiser than my age, I'm charming young girl with blue eyed pupils. Infact to crown it all, I'm mum's replica, grandma always visited us during the weekend to babysit me since I was her favourite, aunty lesx only visits whenever mum prepares new soup. We lived as one big happy family, mum was a cool mum, she took me out during the weekend, no dull moment with mum, not until she started this secret job, mum's new job has taken mum's time, she barely even notice if I was at home. Once out of curiosity I decided to ask mum what her new job was, I ended up almost loosing my tooth ever since that day I promise never to ask about it again, mum had really changed and this gives me great concern.

One afternoon I mustered courage and asked grandma during one of her visit "Mamie" I said to grandma, "what job does mum does" I asked her expecting answer, at first there was total silent and after few minutes, she broke the silent "Miliandy my dear, your mum and aunty lesx are my only children and I can't lose them to anybody"grandma said as she broke down in tears, oh God what have I gotten myself into I asked and sneaked into my room.

I had always knew graduation wasn't straight forward, just a simple question and she was beating around the bush not only that she concluded by crying, grandma was indeed not the right person to ask questions, she was as secretive as mum.

Mum came back home at her usual time, but this time not alone she came back with a guy, during the last month mum introduce this guy as her fiance, but this fateful day the man introduce himself as my new dad, the last time he visited, he realized I wasn't happy to see him, so this time around he came back home with cake which he bent down and handed it to me with a hypocritical smile, from his facial expressions I could tell that he forced the smile, of course i loved cake a lot, I collected the cake went straight to the dinning and ate it with so much joy, while I was eating it, I heard mum whisper to new dad, about we both hanging out, I thought to myself this is a golden opportunity of getting more cakes. I couldn't stand to miss this opportunity so I opened up and spoke aloud "mum I think I'm starting to like new dad, we can go out and get along, what do you think mum ?". Mum kept looking at me quizzically because she knows of how much I hated new dad she was very shocked to hear those words for me, I know they've waited for those words for a very long time, mum replied " yes! Yes! that's a good idea, tomorrow yh tomorrow will be great for the outing" mum tap new dad as she said those words and kept smiling at me.

Meanwhile I noticed new dad staring at mum lustfully I know it's non of my business, but I was so irritated by this looks anyways I enjoyed the cake but that doesn't mean I like him, at night i was occupied with the thought of how outing was going to be, I know new dad would spoil me with lot of cake, finally i slept and then woke up as early as 6:00 am, this was really unlike me I wake up by 10:00am during the weekend, new dad really caught me with this cake. I didn't even wait for mum to bath me, I did all that myself without the help of anyone. I took alongside with me my little diary and my favourite pen as I sat on the couch waiting for Dad.