
Chapter 17: Mob's Suffering

Alright then, let's star-

(A/N:Ah that's right, you won't have too much role today. We're gonna stick with first person POV again.)

Huh? Dude, stop changing povs and stick with one already...

(A/N:First book is sorta like a trial run, then we'll decide what Pov to use. Maybe the classic mix of first person and omnipresence pov, also first person Pov is the best for immersion.)

Alright, your call, you're the author…



It wasn't even dawn yet but the village is already lit up.

Literally lit up, since everything was burning. Houses, people and even someone's shit behind a bush.

Villagers were in panic, some of them running towards what they once called home with different expressions on their face.

Some houses manage to escape the fate of getting burned down, since either the fireball misses them or only grazed the house.




Why? Why did this happen?


I was walking back towards the center of the village when I saw it.

The wrath of the gods, raining down upon our village.


Is it because we protected a demon? Is that why the gods are raining their wrath upon us?

"gods! Forgive us!! Forgive us oh godss!!!"

"Arghhhh! My house, my house!!"

"Uwaaaaa!! Father!! Mother!!!"

"My Cats!!!!!Nooooo!!!!"

The voices of suffering around me didn't help me one bit and feeds my anxiety instead….wh-what if he's-

I slap both of my cheeks to clear my thoughts, tears sliding down my cheeks as I did so.

'It doesn't matter. Begone baseless thoughts, I need to see it by myself firs-'

My thought was cut off as I see the outline of my house a bit further away. I nearly fainted when I see that a portion of the house was on fire.

I dash as hard as I can unconsciously. My sight turning blurry as I bawl my eyes out.


I can see a faint outline on the door illuminated by the fire as I come nearer to the house, a weak voice called out to me.

"L-love, i-is that you?"

I drop to my knees in relief and exhaustion as I arrive in front of the outline which was a man.

His face was flushed and his breath was ragged, like a feverish person. His cheeks were also slightly sunken as well, a sign of starvation.

"Dear! Thank the gods you're okay!"

I hug my husband tightly, tears falling down my cheeks harder than before as I cry my heart out.

He returns my hug weakly with a small chuckle. Unfortunately, our reunion was cut short by the sound of a house falling down under the fire next door.

I broke off the hug and both of us look towards said house. Then I look back at him and help him to stand up.

"Come on dear, move a bit away from the house. Let me pack some things and let's escape."

I then turn around and run forward into the house after letting him rest further away from our house.

'We'll survive this, whatever it takes.'



Such sight can be seen on all the houses that managed to evade impending doom. People escaping in pairs or small groups, moving towards anywhere but the village.

Unfortunately, only a small amount of villagers didn't die by fire and most of the villagers have to face tragedy.


The wind hit my face as I run as hard as I possibly could while carefully holding the items in my arms.

I've seen the fire coming down upon us, I also saw what caused it to happen.

T-that thing in the center of the village is the cause of all this. Were we really tricked? Did our saviour tricked us and brought his allies into our village?

I shake my head to clear my thoughts. That's not what I should be worried about. I-

I briefly stopped as I stared at something in distance. I nearly dropped what I was holding in a daze. That moment passed as my eyes widen in realization and before I knew it, I was dashing towards it while shouting at the top of my lungs.

"No! NOOOOO!!"

My house was burning up and on the verge of falling, the entrance was still intact. The burning fire inside the house can be seen through the door frame, it almost seems like a gate to hell.

But that didn't stop me, I went through the door, flames lick upon his skin but I force myself to wade through them.

'Hot! Hot!!!!'

'It's hot but I can't stop here, there's something inside that's more important to me than my life.'

I manage to reach the living room. Panting and trembling I look around while shouting with all my might.


I stopped when I saw her.

A woman was laying down on the floor, she lifts her head up and looks at me, her hair was disheveled and her eyes were slightly sunken, that however didn't diminish her beauty. The corner of her mouth turns upwards into a weak smile when she sees me.


She calls out weakly. I unconsciously dash forwards and kneels in front of her before helping her into a sitting position, making her lean onto me.

"Wife, oh no. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being late..I'm sorry for not returning sooner, I'm sor-"

A finger gently presses against my lips, stopping the barrage of apologies.

She smiles sadly at me with her eyes closed. I can feel the slight tremble of her fingers.

"It's fine, what matters is that you're here now....with me."

She then bows her head down sadly as a downtrodden expression adorns her face.

"I...*sniffs*, just wish I could've enjoyed the festivities with you...I-"

Her voice was cut off when I shoved a piece of meat into her mouth. Her eyes widen as she chews on it. Tears fell down her cheeks. I then made her drink the water inside the wooden cup I filled from the center of the village.

She turns her body to the side and leans on me with her shoulder, she shudders and grabs my nagagi by the chest and cries.

"Uwaaa....*sniff*....it's.....s-so delicious....Uwaaaa..."

She cries into my chest and I reciprocate it gently. I can fell my tears rolling down my cheeks as well.

"Wh-why? Why is life so unfair? Why? Why now? When everything seems like it's turning for the better?"

Her voice broke as she rests her trembling hand on her belly.

She was pregnant.....the fortune-teller that went through the village last week said she would be due a few days later.

Is this a prank? from the gods? Are they laughing at our sufferings?

She sniffs sadly before pushing me weakly with her trembling hand that was resting on my chest, there was no force behind it though.

"Y-You should leave...y-you can still make it, just leave us and have a happy life somewhe-"

Her words halts when I rest my much larger, rougher hand on top of her trembling hands to stops her mumbling.

She looks upwards into my eyes, I can see that her eyes were teary, I give her my most reassuring smile.

"I won't leave you...I'll be here with you and...our child until the very end."

Her hands trembles even more as her eyes burst with tears. She hugs me tightly and cries with all her might.

I can hear the creaking of the house and by the sound of it will fall soon, crushing both of us to death for sure.

I gave her a hug before lifting her face upwards by the chin. I smile while looking at her in the eyes.

"If I reincarnate, I will find you once again...let's truly have a happy life that time..."

She seems stunned for a moment then nods her head as a teary smile adorns her face.

"I love you."

"And I, you."

They both closes their eyes and kiss each other for the last time.

Then the fiery curtains fall and put an end to their story.



One of the few houses that exploded into a fiery mess was a certain house in the corner of the village.

Any normal human would die if they were inside the house when this happen.

But our Mc ain't exactly human no?

I'm alive wahahaha, just.....*sigh* Sorry, some shit in life happened and lost the mood in writing.

Anyways, I'll update tomorrow. Pinky promise, let's finish the first book as soon as possible.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

Hamsters, roll away.

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts