
Chapter 16: A Choice To Make Act 3

It's a beautiful day...

Birds were singing, the sun was shining...



...wait, didn't we use this opening in chapter 7 already?

(A/N:Just roll with it, besides, it's a tad different this time.)

You only changed 2 words!

(A/N:And that makes it different than before, now stop wasting time or I won't pay you.)

I don't even get paid! You're doing this for free too!

(A/N:I'll never put a paywall for my fanfics, I might ask for donations but I'll never make a paywall, of that I swear on my mother's name.)

....that's because you're just plain lazy! Also, your mom's dead! Don't swear on a dead person's name!

(A/N:Just continue the story, we've took too much time from the readers already, I might have to increase the word count for this chapter too just to appease them.)

Welp, can you also increase the update rate? You're not even that busy..and we both know how it feels when something we like to read gets updated very slowly...


*squints*.....I don't trust you...*sigh, fine...I'll give you the benefit of the doubt..let us continue...



Dogs were sleeping lazily on the side of the road and a small snake was happily wrapping around a small frog on a small gutter as it struggles to escape from its reptilian captor and their semi-bdsm vore play.

A soft breeze was blowing by, giving the world a much needed cooling as the heat from the glaring sun was nigh unbearable. The heat was so hot you can fry an egg on the asphalt, figuratively speaking of course since doing so is quite impossible.

Everything was fine, until…



A white plate came flying out from a window of a house to the left of our mc and crashes against the small snake and knocked it out silly, the frog happily hops away to safety.

The string of curses and shouting shook the dogs awake, the crashes probably help too. Nevertheless, the dogs scrambled away to escape the howling battles in search for a quiet place to rest their weary bodies.

The loud noises and argument made our mc stop as he turned his head towards the house. A giddy feeling in his heart as he opens his ears wide with and anticipating look in his eyes.

'What the? Why did I stop? Also, why do I feel ticklish-'

'Hehe, it seems like they're having a fight again.'

Our Mc's thoughts were cut off by another thought, this voice is different than his…the pitch is higher and....snobbish.

'Hello? Is someone there? Hello?'

'Oh yeah, looks like I'll be having a front row seat this time~come on, come on. Fight, fight.'

Confusion adorns our Mc's thoughts as he was ignored when he tried to interact with the foreign thought that he heard just then.

'I said-'

"It's no use, he won't answer your questions or even interact and acknowledge you for that matter."

A feminine sultry voice cuts off Yamato's thought process as he tries to look around him. Unfortunately, he can't move at all. Not even moving the eyeballs was possible.

'Dia? Where are you, I can't see you at all.'

Fortunately, Dia didn't give Yamato the silent treatment, like a woman who ghosted you and instead floated into his view. That means right in front of him.

'Oh thank goodness you're here. Why-'

Yamato's thought was cut off once again by the arguments in the house from before that seems to have their volume and intensity amplified by a few times.



A loud crash sounded out once again, as if something was thrown against the wall.


(A/N: Quick note, gipan means shrimp in my native language.)


'Ah, they stopped fighting. Hahahahaha, I don't blame him though, he must be shell-shocked that she thought that he'll make a move on Gipan, gahahaha, hilarious!'

'urgh….this feels so…weird.'

Yamato grimaced inwardly at such a….bizarre experience.




'*groan, of course she's gonna pull that crap. That has nothing to do with the fight in the first place….welp, nothing to do with me. Fight! Continue, wohoooo!!'

'Oh dear, this body's excitement is going through the roof. Its as if he's enjoying the conflict that is happening right in front of us.'

"Indeed, it seems like the old you had quite the sense of schadenfreude."

(A/N: Schadenfreude- Taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.)



A whooshing sound followed the booming shout shortly after. Another open window was coincidentally facing the road and our mc is standing in front of it.

Guess what flew out of the window?

Here's a clue, its a piece of sharp pointed metal with a black leather grip, or maybe plastic? Depends really. The steel body has a 'stainless steel' etched on its side, it gleams under the sunlight and reflects its rays as it flew like an arrow.

That's right folks...its a freaking kitchen knife.

And it's heading straight towards our old mc who's name is Honestly.

His eyes bulged and seems as if it's going to pop off off his head at any moment.

Yamato's eyes turned wide in shock as well...figuratively speaking.

Dia blinks in surprise, there's also a glint of amusement in her eyes.

Both Honestly and Yamato had the same thought at that instant. They ironically became perfectly synced.

'Oh Shit!'

Honestly moves his head to the side as he instantly dives away from the knife's trajectory.


The knife hits the asphalt and made a clanking noise as it bounces off of the ground and clatters to a stop.

Honestly looks back at the knife and shivers as he pants in exhaustion and fear.

'Oh man that was close, I nearly died giving blowjob to a knife...'

'*sigh, I thought that was how I truly died. Getting stabbed by a stray knife because I was being a busybody. That would be lame.'

Honestly then crawls for a bit before gradually standing up, he then dusted himself before turning his head once again towards the house.

The sound of shouting was still there, so is the crashes but he has no intention of staying longer and risk getting hit by something even more dangerous.

So he gave the house a last look before jogging away from the scene.

Dia floated by his side as she talks with Yamato.

"I thought you would've died from that."

'Yeah! That's what I was thinking too!'

She scoffs before flipping around and laying down midair, she crosses her legs with her hands folded behind her head.

"It would be quite funny if you died just then though, it fits the bill as a comedic death for both me and Dio."

Yamato would've rolled his eyes if he could. Unfortunately he couldn't, so a phantom eye roll would do.

'Gee, nice to know that something morbid like my death is funny to you.'

She didn't reply but instead grins toothily at him.

Honestly then suddenly turns to the left and enters a new path. It was a narrow straight path for about 40 meters, it can only fit one car at a time so that's considered narrow. It wasn't an asphalt road but a rocky rubble road instead.

To Honestly's right is a peach house and to his left is a smaller white house. At the end of the road was a large grey house. He suddenly dashed straight towards the end of the road.

.....while humming.

"Caake, gonna eat a caaake~"

'That's a weird tune...'

"....seems like it will rain soon.."

The soft breeze suddenly turn into gusts and the sun quickly got shrouded by clouds, one can see dark clouds billowing in the horizon if they bothered to look at the skies, there's also a faint thundering noise in the distance.

"...such power, changing weathers with mere hums...this must be the work of a stand!"

'no, no, no. It's just a mere coincidence.'

They stopped talking when they both noticed that they've arrived in front of the grey house's door.

It was a plain single dark red door, a black grate was covering it, probably a protection from robberies.

Honestly opens the grate, then he turns the door knob and smacks the door with his hips.


The door swings open, thankfully he was holding the door knob so it didn't fly away and hit the wall.

He closes the grate before closing the door. Then kicking his slipppers aside, straight into the shoe racks.

Then he looks around the room before striding forward. This gave Yamato a brief view of the whole room.

The whole place can be summed up in 3 words.

Large and empty.

'This room is quite large, but there's barely any furnitures in here....'

"Oh? A curtain wall? You don't see that often.."

Dia floated forwards, a few steps ahead of Honestly. Yamato took in the view and just as Dia said, in front of them was a walk of curtain.

Honestly parted the curtains and enters a new room.

This room is smaller and has more furnitures in it. 2 sofas facing each other with a carpet between them, a table with a laptop on top of it, a grandfather clock and....


Honestly turns his head towards the bed, Yamato's eyes widened as he saw what was on top of the bed.

No, it's not a naked girl or a naked boy.

What he saw.....was a black silhouette...

'Wh-what the!?'

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

Yamato gestures at the silhouette as he shouted his thoughts out.

'This! Can't you see this!? This is too bizarre!'

Diane looks towards what Yamato was gesturing, she guesses it's what Honestly is currently looking at.

"...Oho~so this is her huh?"

Yamato blinks in surprise and blurted out unconsciously.

'E-eh!? H-her!?'

Dia turns at Yamato, one of her eyebrow was raised and she was looking at him weirdly.

"Is there a problem? All I can see is a lady."

'Bwuh? A-A woman? B-But all I see is a black silhouette!'

Dia blinks for a few times before suddenly smiling sinisterly.

"Ah....I see...so that's what they meant at that time...hmm, just look at the shape of the silhouette and you can tell it's a woman."

'Wh-What!? Hey, if you know something or what is happening, please explain it to me...please!'

Yamato's anxious plea was ignored by Dia as she snickers and turns her head around and directed her eyes at the woman on the bed.

"I'm home, I'm gonna go eat my cake now~"

"Go then, maybe it's in the fridge."

The woman replied Honestly as he struts towards another smaller curtain wall and enters the next room.

Which is the kitchen. It's even smaller than the last room they went into. A table was in the middle of the kitchen, with a variety of objects on top of it.

There's also cupboards, a stove, a sink. A door a few steps away in front of him, to the left of the sink. The stove was to the left of the door and near the windows.

But that's not what Honestly wanted, next to him was a small round table and next to it...is the refrigerator...then another door.

He went around the round table and holds the fridge's handle.

He opens it up and peers inside...there's a few eggs, sausages, chicken meats, milks, fruits and snacks....

....but there's no sign of any cake.

Honestly blinks in confusion and search the fridge once again.

Only after the third try did he stop and accept the fact that the cake...is not in the fridge.

He closes the door before going back to the room where the bed is in and asks the 'lady' on the bed

"Where's the cake!?"

"I told you, it's in the fridge."

"If it was in the cake, I wouldn't have asked you again."

The silhouette then turns her head to look at Honestly.


"*sigh, like I said, there's no cake in the fridge."

".....oh, I forgot. Aunt gundul came here an hour ago and ate your cake."

(A/N:Gundul is bald in my native language.)

Honestly's eyes bulged and nearly pop off of his head.

"What!? Why did you let her eat my cake? I haven't even tasted a bite yet!"

The silhouette shrugs.

"She opened the fridge and took the cake. You should've hid it if you don't want people to eat it."

Honestly was shocked at the indifferent tone, his eyes scrunch up and he grit his teeth in annoyance.

"Goddammit! This is our house and our fridge, why would I hid my food in my own house! It's weird how someone who doesn't live here can freely open our fridge and take my food without my permission!"

"She was already holding it when she asks me who's cake is it. It would be rude for me to tell her to put it back."

"B-But that's stupid! Just ask her to put it back, it's not like it's hers! Why should we back down from crap like that just because we don't want to be rude."

The silhouette lifted her upper body with her hands and looks at Honestly, he already sat on one of the kitchen's chair that's facing the curtains.


Her tone of voice turned dangerous...Both Dia and Yamato realized this. Unfortunately, Honestly didn't realize it and kept on going.

'Uh...that doesn't sound good.'

"Yes...seems like she's getting angry too."

"You know, I saved that cake as a snack, I wanted to cool it first. Cool cake always taste good! It was a cheesecake too! A pricey one at that, given as a gift. Being 'kempunan' sucks..."

(A/N:Kempunan is when you want to eat or have something and look forward to getting it but couldn't have it in the end. Imagine wanting to eat fish, looking forward to eat it in a nice restaurant then suddenly they say they run out of fish.)

Honestly saw the lady went past him and going to the sink. Her footsteps sounded angry but he ignored her.

Dia was floating in front of him and one of her eyebrow was lifted while she was looking at something behind him.

The lady was reaching into something under the sink and pulled it out.

It was a Parang. A type of knife used across the Malay Archipelago. Basically a large knife that can be considered as a machete.

She approaches Honestly but he still didn't turned around. She then lifted it high.

"You asked for this."

And brings it down hard upon Honestly's left neck.

Blood bursted from his neck, the machete managed to cut deep and hit his jugular vein.

Meaning? Tons of blood leaking and a 83% chance of death if not treated as soon as possible.



"Oh my~how colourful"

The pain clouded Honestly's sense as he falls to the ground...the floor underneath him already turning red from his blood.


He put his hands on his neck to stop the bleeding. Which is futile since the cut is huge, and the blood is leaking like water from a broken dam.

Honestly started to feel dizzy and couldn't stand up from the floor. Nausea hits him like truck-kun and he started to vomit gastric juices from his mouth and nose.

"Ahh, auuuwaaa...."

The stinging pain hurts his nose and throat, his tears fell like waterfall and snot drips down his nose.

He fell on the mix of blood, gastric juices, tears and snot as he starts to crawl away.

"Ahhh, i-it hurtss ahhh....I d-don't wanna die.."

His limbs started to lose strength, his eyesight started turning blurry. He suddenly felt colder despite it being hot as fuck outside.

He use the last of his strength to look back behind him. Towards the culprit. Lo and behold, she was standing there looking at him with the parang in her hand.


His vision started to turn blurry, surprisingly for Yamato the silhouette started to fade away...it wasn't long before he saw the lady behind the silhouette...it was...

....an old lady.


In his final moments, Honestly used every single ounce of strength that he can muster. Adrenaline rush through him, as if his body was doing a final hurrah before being embraced by sweet sweet death.


Then everything turned black.




Yamato woke up with a start. He was panting heavily as he sat up on the clear surface. He looks around him in anxiousness, only when his brain registers where he his did he sigh deeply before his upper body slump forward, his hand cupping his face.


His body was trembling as his breath turn shaky. He felt like crying and tears nearly came out of his eyes.

Of course, he didn't manage to cry since someone called out to him with an almost amused tone.

"So? How's the experience?"

Yamato's body jolts in surprise. He quickly rubs his face with his hands, especially the eyes to remove the faint tears from it.

He then lifted his head and looks at the the speaker.

There she was sitting on top of the sphere, her posture was the same as before. Right elbow on her legs, head resting on top of her right palm. Her gaze was fixed on Yamato, there's a faint smile on her face, amusement in her eyes and....a tint of worry?

Yamato pants a bit more before a small smile adorns his face, he then brings both hands to each side of his face.

And brought them hard on his cheeks.


He closes his eyes before breathing deeply. Only when his shaking subsided somewhat and his breath turned normal did he removed his hands and opened his eyes.

He then looks up at Dia and grins.

"It was fucking awful."

Dia chuckles before sighing lightly.

"That's good then, for a moment there I thought you would've broke."

Yamato shakes his head as he laughs slightly.

"Hah, nope...the experience was painful, yes. But the death has nothing to do with me. That was all on the original me...I'm different from him, I'm an entirely different person."

Dia just sat quietly as she listens to Yamato. Then she mutters underneath her breath, quiet enough that Yamato couldn't hear her.

"hm....hopefully you won't break as well when the second gift from him hits you...that wouldn't be fun..."

"Excuse me?"

Dia shuts her mouth before smiling at him once again.

"As fun as it was to see you cry and tremble in fear, Za Warudo is ending, only a minute left then the time will continue to be 1 minute here, 1 hour outside. There's something else we need to do."

Yamato flinched and flushed when Dia calls out his breakdown. He shakes his head to clear the embarrassment to focus in Dia's words.

"What else are we going to do?....don't tell me....we're gonna bang!?"

Dia's smile quickly turns into scowl. She then speaks with an annoyed tone of voice.

"I would've hit you on the head with a stick. Unfortunately, some people are into that shit and you might be one of them...no, what we're going to do next is checking on what you call as 'golden finger'."

Yamato blinks before turning his eyes to the giant blob.

"...that blob is my golden finger right?"

Dia jumps from the blob and landed gently on the floor. She then turns around and pats the blob.

"That's right, this is your golden finger."

Yamato approaches Dia as he stares at the red ball. He only stops when he was next to Dia, right in front of the blob.

"So...what should I do?"

Dia lifts her hands and steps away from the blob and Yamato.

"Activate it, you'll know what to do next."


Yamato slowly reaches his towards the blob with his right hand, it wasn't long before his palm rests on the surface of the red ball.

"*inhales*...wait, I forgot the password...lemme just check the security question real quick."

He looks at Dia in embarrassment while scratching the back of his head. Dia just sigh and make a 'hurry up' gesture with her hands.

(Kimetsu~Mc redoing the security question like an atm machine while Dia stands behind him tapping her foot on the floor in annoyance.)

"*sigh*, finally!....I still can't believe that's the activation phrase though....*sigh*, alright, let's do this!"

He then took a deep breath while closing his eyes, then opens them and shouts the phrase with determination.


The red blob's color suddenly turned a darker shade of red and jiggles a bit before returning back to normal. A foreign voice sounded out.

"Host recognized, funds and spare time needed to activate...current funds is 12 Litres...current time left is 8 minutes..requirements fulfilled...avtivating Blood Mutator-inator"

Yamato blinks in confusion after hearing the name of his cheat, henearly voice his protests but was cut off when a translucent red screen pops up in front of him once again.

"Another screen?"

He then reads the large text on said screen.

"Blood Mutator-inator, become a terminator."



That's just lazy writing and it sounds stupid.


"That's a stupid name with a dumb phrase.."


(A/N:I said Shush!)

Yamato then looks at the single button under the writings, right in the middle of the screen. It was a red cross button.

"Maybe it's the on button?"

He presses on it, then the screen refreshes, the words got removed...all that's left was a few buttons with different symbols.

There's a button with a male human silhouette on it, like the ones you commonly see on bathrooms.

One with a red demon with two large horns and sharp fangs smiling sinisterly.

The next button had a human silhouette on it like the first button, but this one was different. Half of the human head was a skeleton the other half a human, the left hand is a crab pincer, the other one was a knife arm, his right upper back had a bone wing, the other upper back had an angelic wing. His right leg was made up of tentacles while the left leg was furry and seem beastlike. The abdomen had eyes all over it with a gaping mouth on his left hip with a lolling tongue.

Another button had a gaping mouth, but with large fangs, like a vampire's.

The last button was a single crown. The other symbols were white and bright but the last one was dark and unlit.

"Hmmm, that's quite the cool symbols there. How can I check it?"

"Maybe try tapping them?"

Yamato jolts in surprise because Dia's voice was too close to him. He looks back and saw Dia standing directly behind him.

She makes eye contact with Yamato and lifts an eyebrow.

"What?aren't you gonna check it out?"

Yamato coughs into his hands before turning around.

"Y-yeah, let's check what does the buttons do..."

He clicks on the first button, then the symbol became large and words pop out next to it. The voice once again sounded out to explain the meaning of the symbol chosen.

"Humanity, this blood mutation will ensure that you won't be estranged from your human side as you dive deeper into the world of demon and grow stronger than humanly possible."

"Unfortunately, this won't be that good of a side to invest in and should be labeled as a luxury instead since it would be quite useful only if you want to keep your human side intact."

Yamato presses on the x button and the symbol returned to normal and the words fade away.

"Humanity huh....that sounds nice..."

Dia scoffs and folds her arms under her breasts.

"Hah! Reject your humanity Yamato, it's overrated."

"Whatever, let's check on the others"

He then presses the second button. It then turn just like the first one, symbol becomes large, words pop out.

"Demonize. This blood mutation will strengthen your blood demon art and give you lots of boost to empower your demonic abilities."

"Unfortunately this'll cause you to be more sensitive to blood, meaning the temptation to suck someone will increase. Your bloodthirst and hunger rate will increase as well, you'll also be more prone to act aggressively and irrationally."

He then lifted his finger and cups his chin with a thinking expression.

"So I can unlock and boost my blood demon art at such an early moment.....but didn't it said in the manga that only when you've eaten a certain of human will you be able to use special abilities?..."

"Perhaps you can ask this screen, why bother theorising when the answer is right in front of you."

Yamato nods at Dia's words.

"That's true...but let's return here after we've done checking all of the symbols."

Dia shrugs.

"Your call."

He then presses the third button. The chimera like symbol.

"Shapeshifting. Boost this simple skill and turn it into what it is. An Op skill if done right. Speed up your rate of shapeshifting, increase your repertoire of shape, the duration of shapeshifting and so much more."

"Careful, if you don't have enough will you might turn into something different everytime you shift and you might lose your mind and turn into a chimera instead."

Yamato rolls around his tongue in his mouth.

"Hm...shapeshifting huh....well I have a few ideas for that..."

Dia looks at Yamato and gives him a piece of advice.

"Even a simple thing and ability can turn into a fairly strong one if done right. A knife in the hands of an idiot might be dangerous, but a pencil in the hands of a smart and professional man is even more so."

"Yeah, I know that much at least...let's see what's the fourth one."

Yamato then presses the next symbol.

"Absorption. The amount of blood you can drain from a victim increases, your devouring speed increases. Very good if you want to farm for funds."

"Too bad it also increases your tank. So you'll probably have to eat more in order to feel filled as you upgrade this."

Yamato made an O shape with his mouth.

"Ohhh, so this is kinda like a luxury mutation too..you use funds to increase it and then the amount of funds you can gain increase as well....by the way, what is this fund it's talking about?"

"I'm assuming it's blood. The activation phrase is blood, then the funds mentions Litres...so it must be the blood you gather from your preys."

Yamato nods his again.

"Hmm, just as I expected....alright, let's see the last one..."

He then presses the last button, the crown.



But nothing happens.

Yanato then scratches his head.

"Hmmm, that's strange...perhaps it's not unlocked yet?"

"That could be it, the other buttons are lit while this last one isn't...that's the only explanation."

Yamato sighs in exasperation.

"*sigh*, dang...can't do anything then...I'll just pick something to upgrade first..."

"I recommend regeneration first...Increase your survivability."

Yamato made and open palm and hits on top of it with his fist.

"That's a good idea! Lemme see, regeneration is considered a demonic ability.....so, demonize section then."

He then clicks the second button. Then he clicks the symbol one again. The symbol became larger burn turn into a silhouette in the background. Then many dark unlit symbols appear like stars, funnily enough they were connected and forms the shape of the symbol.

(A/N:Like skyrim's skill tree. Go play it with mods installed, preferably with ones from lovers lab and you won't be disappointed.)

Only the 3 bottommost symbols were lit and white coloured.

Yamato then presses the first one. Symbol with a bicep.

'Demonic strength low, increases your strength further compared to normal demons of your level."

He then presses the second one. A symbol of a cross.

'Regeneration low, boost the speed which your wounds would heal compared to normal demons on your level.'

"Alright, I've found it...but let's check the last one just so I can know what it is..."

The last symbol was a leg, pretty self-explanatory.

'Demonic agility low, boost your movement speed, agility, dexterity, stability beyond normal demons of your level.'

"Alright, let's choose the second one and be done with it."

Yamato then presses the regeneration mutation, it then asks for confirmation and he presses it once more.

"The first mutation in each category cost will be cut in half. Would you like to proceed?"



"Regeneration low, Demonize mutation will cost you 10 Litres of blood would you like to proceed?"

"Wow....that's so expensive...yes, proceed.."


"Mutation purchased, thank you for your investment. Please buy again from us later...thank you~"

Yamato then looks all over his body. Nothing changed at all.

"Huh, I don't feel any different..."

"Perhaps it takes effect after you go back into the outside world.."

"Yes....maybe you're right...also, can I set nickname to the mutator?"

"*beep*you may give a nickname free of charge for the first time and you may change the voice set as well if you wish so. However, it's free only for the first time!"

'Hmm...I want to change the voice...as entertaining as Echoes act 3 sound, I don't practically find it endearing....maybe...'

Yamato looks at Dia before grinning. Dia raise one of her eyebrows as she looks at him. He turns around and face the screen once again.

"Alright, set you name to Red and change all of your voice....to the voice of Dia!"

(A/N:Oh yeah, Dia has Tara Strong's voice...look her up and you'll know how hot she sounds.)

Oh damn! No wonder Yamato lost control when he first saw her!


*cough,cough*. Anyways, back to the story.

Dia had a surprised expression on her face when she heard Yamato's request. But Yamato didn't see it because he was facing away from her.

"Affirmative...recalibrating voice...3...2...1"

"Voice change successful, nickname accepted. Red at your service."

Yamato pump his fist in happiness, oh yeah baby. Ahahaha that's what I'm talking about!

Dia sigh and opens her mouth to say something but stopped. Her mouth was open but no words came out of her mouth. Her eyes widen while her pupils turn to pinprick.

She then dives forward and grabs Yamato by the scruff of his neck.

"Wh-What the!?-"

"No time to talk! You're under attack! Go back now!"

She then slams him down on the floor and Yamato instantly went under, then he sinks at a faster rate compared to before, everything turn dark real quick.

He didn't notice Dia looking at him worriedly.

"Please.....survive..dammit! If only I can exit this place!"

Yamato quickly awake in the house. He looks around, but he couldn't find anything wrong.

"Hmm..there's no attack...was she ly-"

He then heard a whooshing sound and the smell of something burning, he looks outside through the windows and saw the whole village basked in orange lights.

"What the f-"

He didn't finish his words.

The house was hit.

By a fireball.

It exploded and burned down the house.

The Akagiri's house isn't the only house that was burning.

The whole village was burning

Fireballs were falling into every single house like a rain. No exception.

The source of the fire came from the middle of the town.

A large figure stands up from the middle of a broken banquet site. It looks up towards the sky and roars.

The darkest hour of the night is before dawn, the village was attacked at that moment.

A demon has attacked the village.

Phew, was making researches so it was a slow update.

Sorry bout that, but I've made this longest chapter as compensation tho!

We're approaching the final chapter for book 1! Yayy!! Only after that will I ask for donation, once again. Enjoy the chapter.

Hamster! Eh, just lay down today, enough rollin.

TediousHamstercreators' thoughts
Next chapter