
The Scavenger of the Astral Plane

Bane Asteroth, a direct descendant of the wealthy and powerful Asteroth Family in the Agnus Empire renown for both their strong physiques and exceptional talent, was born blind and paraplegic. As such, he was labeled as a defect and discarded to a remote village in the outer area of the Grand Duchy along with a single maid as an act of mercy. However, he had an earth-shattering secret that no one knew about……..? Let's follow the adventure of Bane as he roams onto the road that leads everywhere, the space between everything, and the place you are when you aren't anywhere else, a journey within the Astral plane .............. This is a progression fantasy where the main concept is about the growing protagonist focusing on his growth and finding new meaning in his new life without looking for trouble everywhere. He tends to stay out of trouble in his own little place although not always successful as he seems to attract trouble like a magnet.

Astral101_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

*Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!*

"Baby, don't cry, aunty is here. Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, this aunty will protect you." Said the maid as she was gently shaking and shushing baby Bane who was in his swaddling clothes in her embrace.

'Damm it! Lady, I am not crying because I am afraid but because I'm starving, I'm starving!' Bane screamed out internally with an indignant look on his face.

It was unknown if it was because he has spent three months in the astral plane without eating anything or because he hasn't eaten anything since he was born, but he was starving at the moment.

It didn't matter whether it was the prior or the latter or even both, but at this moment Bane felt as if he was facing a life and death crisis.

He was starving to the point where he felt like his big intestine was eating his small intestine. He felt like his stomach was digesting him from the inside out.

*Wah! Wah! Wah! Wah!*

"Shush! Shush! Don't cry, young master. Even if they abandon you, I will never abandon you. I will raise you as if you were my own flesh and blood." Said the maid with a gentle and caring voice as she continued to bounce and shake Bane.

'Oh Lord, I am gonna die of starvation.'

'This woman gonna kill me.'

At this moment, Bane was at his wit's end as he didn't know what to do to convey his thought and feeling to the woman.

Usually, when a baby cried, the first instinct or reaction of the caregiver was to give him food or milk to make sure the baby wasn't crying because he was hungry.

However, it wasn't the case for this woman. Bane has been crying his lung out for almost twenty minutes and not even once did she offer him food. That thought seemed to never cross her mind.

With the Akhrṓmatos Vision merged with his appraisal skill, Bane was able to identify everything within his 34 meters radius, from the largest animals to the smallest ants with clarity.

As such, he could tell that there was some baby food in the carriage, but that damn woman didn't even think of feeding him. Instead, she was shaking and shushing him.

'Damn it! I better stop crying and conserve my energy instead.' Now that crying didn't solve the problem, he needed to find another solution as soon as possible.

How the mighty have fallen!

Bane was at loss for words. He couldn't have ever imagined that the Great Bane, the uncrowned king of the underworld would one day find himself in such a situation.

A man whose name used to instill fear into the souls of anyone who heard it. A man who used to have it all, women, fame, power, and wealth. However, today, he was battling against starvation.

'Ohh yeah, my unallocated stat points!' Bane exclaimed as an idea suddenly popped up into his mind.

'Maybe if raise my physical stats, I would be able to lessen my hunger if not erase it.' He thought.

According to the system's description, strength was the stat that represented a person's physical power.

Dexterity represented a person's physical nimbleness. It was also used to determine fine motor skills, reaction time, balance, etc.

Meanwhile, stamina was a measure of endurance and vitality was related to good health and life force.

'I guess I should first raise my vitality to see what happens.' Bane inwardly thought as he immediately added one stat point from his unallocated stat points to his vitality.

Your vitality has gone up by 1.

As the system's notification rang out within his mind, Bane felt an invigorating warm stream of energy flow out throughout his whole body.

'So warm, just like soaking in the hot spring."

Bane had no idea where the mysterious energy came from but it felt as if it was within him all along. It was very soothing.

After two seconds or so, the warm stream of energy stopped circulating throughout his body and disappeared completely with no trace as if it was an illusion.

'It's working.' Bane exclaimed in surprise as he felt his hunger greatly lessen.

However, it was unknown whether it was because he wanted to erase his hunger completely or because he enjoyed the warm soothing feeling of increasing his vitality, Bane suddenly added two more stats points to his vitality.

Your vitality has gone up by 1

Your vitality has gone up by 1

After using 3 points from his unallocated stat points, Bane now had 7 unallocated stat points left. At the same time, his vitality has gone from 5 to 8. It might not look like much, but Bane could feel a great change within his body.

Strength: O.1

Dexterity: 0.1

Stamina: 0.1

vitality: 8

'While I'm at it. Why don't I raise my strength and stamina as well?'

Your strength has gone up by 1

Your stamina has gone up by 1

Strength: 1.01

Dexterity: 0.1

Stamina: 1.01

vitality: 8

Looking at his dexterity, Bane wanted to increase it but he knew it was useless to do so at the moment.

Aside from being born blind, he was also paraplegic. He was unable to move or even feel his legs. It was as if his lower body wasn't connected to the rest of his body.

'No wonder my biological parents abandoned me.'

'Oh well, let's stop thinking about that and focus on something productive.'

'I have a bunch of magic spells, I need to raise my magic power if I want to use them.'

Even though Bane has yet to know what kinda world he reincarnated into, he knew one absolute truth. It didn't matter what world or the society, the law of the jungle always reign supreme.

You have unlocked your first magic circuit.

Your magic power has permanently Increased by 1

Your magic power has permanently Increased by 1

Your magic power has permanently Increased by 1

[Unbelievable achievement: You are the first human being that was able to open his first magic circuit just a few hours after being born]

[You have acquired a new title "Blessed by Mana"]

[Blessed by Mana: Your magic output will increase significantly as well as your mana absorption. You will be able to use various types of magic without conditions]

'Not bad.' Bane had a look of surprise on his face as he was reading through the perks of his new title. Even a novice like him knew the significance of this new title.

[Name: Bane Asteroth]

[Age: One Day(3 months)]

[Species: Human]

[Occupation: Mage]

[Uniqueness: Scavenger of the Astral Plane]

[Title: The One Blessed by Mana]

[Level: 10(0/5000]

Intelligence: 32 (37)

Wisdom: 27 (32)

Mental power: 34 (39)

Magic Power: 3/20

Astral points: 30

Unallocated stat points: 4