
The Scavenger of the Astral Plane

Bane Asteroth, a direct descendant of the wealthy and powerful Asteroth Family in the Agnus Empire renown for both their strong physiques and exceptional talent, was born blind and paraplegic. As such, he was labeled as a defect and discarded to a remote village in the outer area of the Grand Duchy along with a single maid as an act of mercy. However, he had an earth-shattering secret that no one knew about……..? Let's follow the adventure of Bane as he roams onto the road that leads everywhere, the space between everything, and the place you are when you aren't anywhere else, a journey within the Astral plane .............. This is a progression fantasy where the main concept is about the growing protagonist focusing on his growth and finding new meaning in his new life without looking for trouble everywhere. He tends to stay out of trouble in his own little place although not always successful as he seems to attract trouble like a magnet.

Astral101_ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

'Holy shit! That was a close one.' Bane exclaimed in shock as he was breathing heavily after his consciousness was returned to his body in the material world.

Thinking about the cold eyes and the colossal scary jaw of the titanic monster of pure darkness, Bane couldn't help but feel his entire body become slowly drenched in cold sweats.

He narrowly escaped death. If the system had been half a second late, his entire body would have turned into shreds by the giant swords-like fangs of the ferocious monster.

Bane lay there in a daze, thinking how lucky he was to be alive right now. It hasn't even been a day yet since he was reincarnated into this strange new world.

He has yet to know the name of this new world or the kinda people who lived there, their culture and history, etc.

As such, he wasn't ready to kick the bucket yet or fall into a long coma after having his consciousness almost shredded into pieces by that damn monster. There's so much for him to learn and explore.

After a few seconds or so, Bane finally regained his wits and forcefully stabilized his mental state.

He then wiped away the cold sweat dripping down his forehead before he began analyzing his current situation.

The first thing he did was make sure that he was able to open his status window in the real world as well and not just in the astral plane.

[Name: Bane Asteroth]

[Age: One Day(3 months)]

[Species: Human]

[Occupation: Mage]

[Uniqueness: Scavenger of the Astral Plane]

[Level: 10(0/5000]

Intelligence: 32 (37)

Wisdom: 27 (32)

Mental power: 34 (39)

Magic Power: 0/20

Astral points: 30

Unallocated stat point: 10

'It seems like I can open it after all.' Thought Bane with a sigh of relief after seeing his status window.

'But what the hell happened? Why are my intelligence, wisdom, and mental power suddenly dropped by 5.?'

'Don't tell me it's because of that damn monster.' It was the first thing that came to his mind.

That monster was indeed terrifying, just his gaze alone was able to paralyze him and short-circuited his brain which caused him to react very erratically.

'Ohh well, it's better than dying or having all my stats reset.' He added before he scrolled down to his physical stats and skills.

Strength: O.1

Dexterity: 0.1

Stamina: 0.1

Vitality: 5

Skills: Universal tongue(Unique), Appraisal (inferior), Akhrṓmatos Vision(Legendary)

Magic spells: Fireball Lvl 1, Lightning Bolt Lvl1, Acid Arrow Lvl1, Chain Lightning Lvl1, Mana Absorption Lvl1, Ultimate Void Lvl1, Magic purge Lvl1, Ice Shard Lvl1, Finger of Death Lvl1.

Looking at his physical stats, Bane didn't look the least bit surprised as they were unaffected by the primordial dragon's power which caused his Intelligence, wisdom, and mental power to drop by five.

It was his consciousness or soul which was in the astral plane, not his real body. As such, his body was impervious to any damage received in the astral plane.

What caught his attention was Akhrṓmatos Vision skill.

[Akhrṓmatos Vision: A skill created by a powerful being that transforms one's mental power or soul energy into a black and white stimulation 3D mode vision]

Bane has been lusting and drooling for that skill since the first day he stepped foot into the Astral plane.

As someone with severe Scotomaphobia, being trapped in this perpetual and unending world of darkness was his worst nightmare.

Without hesitation, Bane focused his mind on the Akhrṓmatos Vision skill in his skill window which was within his world of perpetual darkness.

He had already learned from the system how to use the skills within his skill window or get the basic information about them such as their use.

[Would you like to learn Akhrṓmatos Vision skill]


Sure enough, as soon as he focused his mind on the Akhrṓmatos Vision skill, the system suddenly sent a notification.

Without wasting any time, Bane pressed yes by focusing on it. In the next second, he was suddenly assaulted by a wave of splitting headache which made him let out a painful whine.

He felt as though an unknown force was trying to forcefully merge with his soul and consciousness.

Bane felt as though his head was on the verge of imploding. Nonetheless, despite the heart-wrenching headache, aside from that first moan, he didn't utter a single sound of pain afterward.

Instead, there was a haze of tranquility in his heart and even excitement. Meanwhile, the indescribable headache continued for about twenty seconds or so before it finally stopped.

At the same time, Bane felt as though his soul had undergone a great change and mutated after merging with the unknown energy.

[Congratulation, you have acquired the Akhrṓmatos Vision]

Hearing the system notification, Bane suddenly became enlightened. At the same time, he suddenly released his mental power which billowed outwards like ripples and waves, expanding aimlessly.

'Holy shit.'

When Bane released his mental power which was now merged with the skill Akhrṓmatos Vision, he was shocked by what he was seeing or what his soul was perceiving.

The towering trees, the grasses, thorns, and brambles, as well as the carriage he was currently in all, appeared within his sight with incredible clarity.

However, In the vision that Akhrṓmatos skill granted him, everything in the world has lost its color.

The world was composed of only black lines on a white background.

Objects such as trees, the road, and even the animals and people have now consisted of only a black line illustrating their outline. Everything looked like a croquis on a white canvas.

'Holy cow, it's similar to having an X-Ray vision.' Bane exclaimed in surprise.

Akhrṓmatos Vision seemed to have erased the outer appearance of any objects and projected both the form and interior of the objects.

It seemed to mirror the 'real' image that the objects originally had. The lines that formed the basis of things. Bane was very surprised by the sight of this new world.

Not only that, the Akhrṓmatos Vision skill seemed to have given him a 360 vision as well. He could basically see all directions at once.

His mental power has covered a distance of 34 meters and he was able to perceive everything within that 34 meters radius clearly.

Witnessing this scene, Bane couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was simply overjoyed at the moment. However, instead of a loud satisfying laugh, a hysterical baby cry came out of his mouth.

'Ohhh shit! I forgot I was still a newborn baby."