
The Scavenger Fate

Just another isekai trash. same old concept but with a little dark twist. same old plot but with a little darkness. same old struggle but a little elaborate. same old MC but a little different. same old world but with infinite possibilities.

arnav_chandra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

new world



As I was sucked into the darkness suddenly I felt someone hitting my head.

When I opened my eyes I was no longer in the white room at all. In fact, I was in a snowy landscape.

'What is exactly going on?'

Looking around I saw that there were around 19-20 humans dressed in medieval knight armor and carriage.

"Kwụsị mkpu ma ọ bụghị na m ga-egbu gị oge ọzọ ghọta."

What is this place? And why are these people wearing such armors? And what language are they speaking at all? Countless questions flooded my mind. Suddenly remembering something I placed hands on my chest but there was no wound and I could hear a regular thumping sound.

'What is going on? Am I not dead? I am pretty sure I was executed. And that white room I am pretty sure was too real. '

"Kedu ihe na-eme? Ị gaghị ekwu, ihe ọ bụla ohu?"

"Uuh, who are you people and what language are you speaking?"

"Huh, adara m isi gị nke ukwuu nke na ị chefuru ịsụ pọnka?"

"Please tell me who you guys are? And please tell me where am I? "

"Ọ dị ka punk a na-arịa ọrịa uche."

"Sorry, but can you say that once again."

Before I can understand what the situation was one of the soldiers kicked hard near my abdomen.


"Mechie gị ohu. Ị kwụsịkwa igbu oge gị."

I was lying on the ground with tears rolling down my cheeks. I had no idea what is going on. I thought –

'Is this my punishment?'

But before I could understand anything I saw a young soldier approaching me with the water bottle

"Ị dịkwa mma?"

I didn't understand anything but seeing his face I naturally knew he was worried about me. Taking the water bottle I started drinking water. Suddenly one of the soldiers spoke –

"Chei bugharịa ya, anyị enweghị ụbọchị dum anyị kwesịrị iru ebe anyị na-aga ozugbo enwere ike."

After drinking water I looked around and noticed that there were 15 soldiers and 4 people who were handcuffed and tied. Looking at our old and worn attire I conclude that those 4 and I, we all our slaves. There was a carriage as well, I am guessing it is to carry various food supplies and essentials.

Taking a deep breath I started walking. Along with the other people.

On walking I thought of all the things that happen when suddenly I realized something.


It clearly said ANOTHER WORLD. Based on how these people are talking in foreign language. It is safe to assume that this is not my world. This snowy mountains and these people appearance. It is clear I am in another world.

But why?

Looking around I concluded that it is dangerous to be here and I must escape but how?

As I was busy in my own thought I noticed a muscular slave saying something-

"Ewoo ruo ole mgbe ka anyi ga na-eje ije? Gịnị mere na ị gaghị egbu anyị ebe a? Ike na-agwụ m. "

Hearing is remark a soldier smirked and said-

"Gịnị kpatara na ị gwaghị m na ị chọrọ ịnwụ ngwa ngwa."

Let me rephrase it I top priority is not just to escape but find a method about what these people are saying.

After walking some distance the soldiers stopped all of a sudden and all the soldiers and slave started to rest. Everyone was resting except me who was looking at everyone with hawk eyes.

They say that one someone is in crisis fate provide them an opportunity to escape that crisis. And I am waiting for that opportunity to come.

As we were walking one of the slave started talking to me but since I didn't understand what he was saying I kept quiet.

"Oye, imakwa ebe ha na eburu anyi."

As he was met with no response he frowned and ignored me. Throughout our journey that same slave tried his best to talk to me but every time I stayed quiet.

Now all of us came deep into the mountains and the soldiers were keeping a close eye at us and the carriage full of food supplies and essentials.

As we were trying our best to climb the steep mountain slope we heard a very loud shout.
