
The Scavenger Fate

Just another isekai trash. same old concept but with a little dark twist. same old plot but with a little darkness. same old struggle but a little elaborate. same old MC but a little different. same old world but with infinite possibilities.

arnav_chandra · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs


Have you ever wondered what happens when someone dies?

If not then don't worry. Truthfully most of us ignore such things thinking it is absurd to talk about something that is not happening right now. Well, we human are being who lives in the present so we sometimes ignore the things that happen in the future.

But just because we ignored it doesn't mean it will not come to haunt us. It will come to haunt you when you least expect it to.

Now honestly I don't know what happens when someone dies. But I do know one thing people become very religious and philosophical when they hear that their time is near.

Allow me to tell you a story. In our slums once lived a woman who used to smoke and drink a lot, unexpectedly one day she fainted. The doctor told her that she has third-degree lung cancer and she is going to die soon, as she has very few days to live.

Surprisingly all of a sudden from a chain-smoker she turned into a religious woman who would go to the church every weekend. Naturally, when she was about to die she said

"It is an inevitable truth that whatever has come will once go in the future. I am not angry with God for taking my life so early. Since death is inevitable and unexpected one can't complain. I would've been lying if I say I don't have any regrets but I can say I lived a very beautiful life. Thank you everyone for looking after this old woman. "

'It is an inevitable truth that whatever has come will once go in the future' are you crazy since when did you become so philosophical?

'Not angry with the God for taking my life so early' are you joking then who the fuck forced you to keep smoking day and night, huh?

'I don't have any regrets but I can say I lived a very beautiful life' huh woman you need to visit the hospital once again as not only you are a cancer patient but a mental patient as well. A beautiful life don't make me laugh, who was it who kept on yelling about her friends living a beautiful life but she was still single?

Anyway back to the main point, we humans are very big hypocritical bastards who during the time of joy forget about God, but during times of crisis start praying.

Now naturally I am a human as well, so when I was about to keep my head on the guillotine I started praying to the almighty for forgiveness. But still, the blade was dropped on my head and I was executed.

Now when I opened my eyes I was very confused-

"Huh, wasn't I supposed to be dead? What am I doing in this place? In fact, what is this place?"

Millions of questions were flooding my brain. But I have the answer to none of them.

"Is this heaven or hell?"

I was floating in pitch-black darkness, now I am not too sure whether I am floating or falling as I could see no floor at all.

Suddenly I found myself landing on a platform. As soon as I landed I could see stars and galaxies forming around me. Still not too sure where I am, I decided to look around when I saw a bright light.

I was curious what that light was so I started walking towards it and suddenly I was engulfed in bright white light. When I open my eyes I found myself standing with white background around me.

"Great first it was black now white."

Even in such mysterious conditions, I cannot stop being sarcastic.

Suddenly in front of me, I saw various pictures started floating. They were pictures of my memory and in one of them was my mother looking at her I didn't even realize that there was a tear rolling down my cheek.


Seeing my mother was very emotional for me. She died as she was suffering from an illness and we were not that rich to afford medicines. My father was a drunkard and a gambler. So my mother always protected me from my violent father.

Even my life as a scavenger was full of hardship since I was the youngest I was always ordered around. The only good memory I ever had was with my mother. I was 9 when she died, with no one to protect me from my violent father I left my home.

Now seeing my mother in one of the hovering photos my confusion turned into anger.

"Just who are you. Show yourself! Stop playing these mind games."

But I was met with no response. It was only silence.

"Please, I beg you to stop. I beg you. Please."

But even my pleas didn't make any difference.

"Are you testing me, is this some new type of torture method. Fine, you won I will answer all your questions now please stop."


I was becoming desperate my anger started to turn into fear. Have you ever wondered why people fear death? They don't fear death exactly but the unknown thing that comes after death.

You see humans have always feared the unknown. Finally looking at all the pictures I asked-

"Is this afterlife?"

But there was no answer and suddenly a weighing balance came out of nowhere.

"What is this thing. Hey, answer me. I said answer me."

But the weighing balance started to descend to the ground. And then suddenly I noticed that on one side of the balance there was a feather. Suddenly I felt piercing pain in my chest.


Suddenly I noticed that my prison uniform started burning and I was naked. Finally, I noticed that my chest started to bleed. When suddenly I felt something coming out of my body it was my heart.

My heart suddenly started to levitate and landed on another side of the weighing balance. I noticed that the weighing balance started to tilt. And suddenly a black humanoid dog-like figure started to appear out of nothingness.

As soon as the humanoid dog started speaking a mechanical voice came out of its mouth.





Suddenly out of nowhere a monster with a hippopotamus body and crocodile head came and started staring at me. Then even that monster started speaking in a mechanical voice.


And suddenly the monster opened its crocodile-like mouth and I got sucked it its mouth.


Where am I going? When will this madness stop? What am I supposed to do now? How should I escape this madness?

There were countless questions in my head. But there was no answer to any question.

Only time would answer all these questions.