
The Saiyan Sect (Remastered)

Only a few are selected and only the selected can become the strongest. That's the motto of those who are above all Chapters will be published: Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays (Remember English isn't my native language so I maybe made some mistakes, the history at the start could be a little bit confusing for some, so I will tell you one thing there will be multiple POVs but only one protagonist, he will be revealed in the first chapter another thing the development of the characters is going to be a bit slow, especially that of the MC, I just hope you have patience) This is a re-post because the other one doesn't let me do anything

Burst17 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


" What the hell are you saying, old man " Callion responded with a disgusted expression then he faced Lord Wu giving his back to Yun Hai and the other two men

Lord Wu frowns profoundly and says with scorn " Don't play stupid with me, I can see that f*cking woman's face on you, her ambition doesn't know limits "

Callion frowns with a serious expression, he previously had the chance to learn from his origins from Shallot but just as then, he says " I don't have anything to do with anyone! I don't have family or stupid ties that make everyone inferior! So don't dare to say that I look like someone else!! " The more Callion spoke the angrier he turned, so he increased his Kaio-ken to 4

Yun Hai and the other men saw Callion's aura red aura ranting with serious expressions, they could feel Callion's 'cultivation' getting stronger ' He is from an Imperial family! That explains his power! But from which one?! And why does he hate them so much?! ' Yun Hai just like the other men could hear the amount of hatred that Callion exuded when he talked, unlikely Lord Yang, Lord Wu was the mind behind the union, Lord Yang dealt with the operations while Lord Wu dealt with the aristocrats

Some so many people have deals with Lord Wu and so many would do anything to steal what he has, even if they are a small business, compared to others, so Yun Hai doesn't know which empire Lord Wu was talking about, maybe even his deceased brother couldn't know as well

" Hmph! " Lord Wu snorts and says with a cold expression " Little bastard, you share your father's arrogance and short temperament "

Callion grits his teeth and clenches his fists, then yells " SHUT UP!!! " Then he jumps towards Lord Wu destroying the ground where he was standing

" What the hell??!! " Yelled one of the men as he and the others covered their faces with their arms from the wind and debris that Callion's jump shot in every direction

Lord Wu sees Callion moving against him with a calm expression, even if Callion had a face full of rage and his speed was incredible, he was unfazed

" DIE!! " Callion yelled and *SWOOSH* he attacked Lord Wu with a right punch, but Lord Wu evaded the attack moving his head to his right, and then he grabbed Callion's right arm, and slammed him against the ground using Callion's speed against him

*BOOOM* Callion hits the ground and rolls destroying everything on his way until it hits a big stone building

' The little bastard has a Dual Spirit Core strength not only that but one in the Fusion state, but It's not enough ' Lord Wu thought seeing Callion's direction

" Lord Wu! Let us help you kill this bastard! " A man yelled, the other men except for Yun Hai began to yell the same things until Lord Wu yelled " NO! You are trash! Get out of here if you don't want to be killed! " The men stayed silent after his words and then *BOOOM*

The house where Callion crashed blows up in pieces as he stands in the middle gritting his teeth with anger, then he raises his arms above his head and creates a yellow Ki ring, and then he throws it towards Lord Wu

" Damn it!! " He yelled as he used his arms to protect his face, a shiny blue sphere appeared around his body, and when he and Callion's attack collided *BOOOOM* a brutal explosion occurred, the houses, wall, and even the men and Yun Hai were covered by the explosion, debris, wood, and corpses outside the explosion radius flow in every direction

After a few seconds, the place was revealed, and the whole town disappeared leaving a crater in which in the middle was Lord Wu with his arms still crossed, he was still intact, but the shock on his face was evident ' If I hadn't protected myself, I would be injured, f*cking brat ' Lord Wu puts down his arms and sees Callion who was still seeing him with anger

" Impudent brat! You dared to kill them! I will end your life right now! " Lord Wu yelled with anger, then from his space ring he took out a shiny silver spear, then he whispers " It's over, Ninety-Nine Cleavers " Above him, multiple blue spears appeared floating, the spears were blue copies of the one he had in his hands and all of them were pointing at Callion

Callion extends his palms at him as he grits his teeth them *BANG* *BANG* *BANG* He begins to shoot Ki blasts at Lord Wu while lord Wu moves his spear slightly and the spears in the air move towards Callion

*BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* The spears and the Ki blasts collide creating big explosions that illuminate the place with red and yellow lights, Callion doesn't stop shooting at Lord Wu he wants to destroy him with his Ki blasts, but something was very wrong

' What the hell?! ' Callion thought seeing that the explosions were approaching him very fast, so he stopped shooting, and then *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* *SWOOSH* he barely evaded a few spears that came out from the fire by jumping to the right but *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* " Agh! " Callion couldn't avoid three spears that pierced his right leg, shoulder, and forearm

Even with his Kaio-ken times 4, Callion hardly has the speed to avoid the spears and not only that, he doesn't have the time to stay still to suffer from the pain thanks to the spears that were moving towards him

*PAM* *PAM* *PAM* The spears crashed against the ground while Callion kept jumping around using his right foot to keep avoiding them ' You bastard! I'm going to kill you no matter what! ' Though Callion gritting his teeth

' He can still move with those injuries? The little maggot is resilient ' Thought Lord Wu then he raised his spear and pointed it at the moving Callion, making all the blue spears move against him even the ones that were stuck in the ground raised again and flew towards him

Callion sees the multiple spears moving against him once again, he makes an angered expression and thinks ' NO!! I'm not going to get killed here!! Not to someone like you!! ' Then he yells " Kaio-ken times 5!! " *BOOM* Callion's red aura rages and increases its size

Lord Wu sees him with amazement and thinks ' Impossible! ' Then *BANG* Callion jumps against him with a speed that he barely can follow with his eyes " BASTARD!! " He yelled and trusted his spear forward then *STAB* " Argh! " He pierced Callion's stomach with it but " AGH! " Callion hits his chest sending him flying a few meters backward

" Argh... " Lord Wu was kneeling grabbing his chest with both hands as he made a painful expression ' Argh… what the hell? The brat matched my strength in an instant ' Then " Ugh... " he vomited a mouthful of blood ' I let my guard down for a second... Agh, my bones are broken, but I least I killed the brat ' Lord Wu frowns and turns to see Callion

And when he saw him he opened his eyes wide with surprise " No way... " he whispered at the sight of Callion. Callion was still on his feet, he had the spear still embedded in his stomach and his red aura was still there " Freaking monster " he said with a weak voice then

" Ka! " Callion with an angered expression clapped his hands forward " Me..ha..me.. " Callion drew his hands to his right side and between his cupped hands a dark blue shiny sphere took form, growing rapidly until it touched Callion's hands

Callion smirks evilly at Lord Wu and says " Your life is the one it ends here " Then in a quick movement, he thrusts his hands forward " HAA! " *BOOM* He shoots a stream of dark blue energy that travels toward Lord Wu with an amazing speed, devastating all the ground below it

" AAHH!!! " Yelled Lord Wu with terror and *SWOOSH* The stream swallowed him and not only him Callion's Kamehameha traveled through the remains of the sect destroying the buildings that crossed its way, the attack didn't stop until it reached the forests there it exploded destroying a big part of the forest

Callion was gritting his teeth then " Ugh... " He made a pained expression and fell on his knees and the red aura around his body disappeared he almost felt like passing out, so he shook his head and thought ' No... not yet... ' Callion grabbed the spear embedded in his stomach, and pulls it out " Agh! " He yelled then a current of blood came out from his stomach. Callion searches inside his vest with his right and takes a small bag, he opens the bag and takes a Senzu Bean to eat instantly

*SIGH* Callion sighed as he regained his strength and his injuries disappeared then with a frowning expression he thought ' Fannel was right abusing the Kaio-ken is a bad idea, I could feel how my muscles were torn apart, even if I only used it over the limit for a couple of minutes ' then he grits his teeth ' That bastard forced me over my limit! I have to get stronger! '

Then " Hmm? " Callion could feel a very weak presence, he smirked and whispered " What a lucky guy he is " Callion walked where he felt the presence. He arrived next to some of the debris from the houses that were previously there, he began to remove the debris until under a lot of rocks he found a man heavily burned, that man was none other than Yun Hai

Callion smirks coldly at the unconscious Yun Hai, then he takes a Senzu Bean and gives it to Yun Hai, force-feeding him

Yun Hai recovered from his injuries, and he began to open his eyes slowly, when he saw Callion his face turned pale, he was about to yell from the fear when Callion grabbed him by the mouth to raise him forcing him to stand

" Don't you dare to scream, or I will blow you to pieces, do you understand? " Callion said with a cold smile on his face, Yun Hai nodded slightly with his eyes showing fear

Callion then releases Yun Hai and says " I will let you live but, you have to do something for me " Yun Hai kneels and says with a trembling voice " Y-yes my lord, anything, anything, just give me an order! "

Callion smiles with disdain and says " I want to know everything about your enemies, especially those to whom that old man may have referred "

Yun Hai turns to see him with his eyes wide open then Callion says " Don't look at me like that, I know that there are still some of you out there, I couldn't have killed all of you, right? Besides, I don't want to owe anything to that bastard Shallot "

Yun Hai was confused about who this Shallot was but still, he bowed his head and said " Yes, yes my lord I will find everything you wanted! "

" Great, now you have until the annual tournament in the Xuixin Empire begins, I will find you there " Callion said with a cold grin then he frowned and said coldly " Fail me and I will give you a slow and painful death "

Yun Hai turns pale once again and nods multiple times then Callion says " Get the f*ck out of here " and with that Yun Hai runs away from the place

Callion sees Yun Hai departing back with a frowning expression thinking ' I will have something to do after the tournament ' then he grins evilly ' It will be really fun ' Then he walks away from the place



Chen Kai was standing at the top of a hill in the middle of the forest, there was a single tomb, the tomb was a little bit mistreated and covered with herbs. Chen Kai cleans the herbs, and then he sees the tomb with a sad face saying " Grandmother, you are... you were the last thing I could call family... I wish you would be here to see how powerful I have become... I'm sure that you would be happy that I finally have the power to protect myself "

Chen Kai smiled a little and continued " I will keep my promise to you, I will stay safe and protect Yue from any harm, even if she refuses, haha " Chen Kai's face turned sad again " I wonder if my parents are with you " Then he shakes his head and says with a resolute expression " No... I can't give up, they must be out there, I have to find them " then he sees the tomb again and says " Anyway, grandmother, I have to go, I still have to find Yue, I haven't seen her in a few years " and with that, Chen Kai kneels and touches the tomb to then stand again but then

" So it's you " A soft, but manly voice spoke behind him making Chen Kai open his eyes wide, he couldn't feel the energy from the man who spoke behind him, but his instincts told him that it was very dangerous maybe only the Supreme Elder of the Divine Sect could make him feel like this, It wasn't Shallot nor Fannel or the White Tiger, after all, the only ones who he can't detect his powers, just who was standing behind him