
The Saiyan Sect (Remastered)

Only a few are selected and only the selected can become the strongest. That's the motto of those who are above all Chapters will be published: Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays (Remember English isn't my native language so I maybe made some mistakes, the history at the start could be a little bit confusing for some, so I will tell you one thing there will be multiple POVs but only one protagonist, he will be revealed in the first chapter another thing the development of the characters is going to be a bit slow, especially that of the MC, I just hope you have patience) This is a re-post because the other one doesn't let me do anything

Burst17 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs


Shallot begins to walk towards Nameless and Chen Kai who is still lying on the ground as he keeps a slight grin " Now you two, the place where are we going is pretty far away, so it could be annoying to carry you if you are still conscious "

" ..!! " Nameless and Chen Kai opened their eyes wide and *SWOOSH* *PAM* " Uhg... " Shallot banished suddenly to appear in front of Chen Kai then he kicked his face with enough force to make him spin in the air

" Goddammit... " Said Nameless trying to stand but *SWOOSH* Shallot appeared in front of him and *PAM* the last thing he saw was Shallot's feet approaching his face



" Come back here thief! " Yelled a man with a spear as he was chasing a small frail-looking young man, but he wasn't the only one chasing him, the man was with other three men as he was running after the young man and the three of them wielded weapons

The young man that they were chasing wore a big bag of fibber instead of clothes. he looks attractive despite his skinny features nothing like someone would expect from a beggar, he has short messy silver hair and ice-blue eyes, his age must be around 13 and 15 years old. The young man was none other than Nameless he was running with a hopeless expression and was throwing everything he could in the way of the men to slow them and like magic that started to work in his favor and he finally began to leave the men behind

" F*cking thief!! come back here!! " Yelled the man that carries a spear with fury the young man started to grin as he kept running it seemed that the armor that the three of them wore made things difficult for the men, that and the small alleys that the young man was using is giving him a little advantage even if the men were cultivators at the Spiritual Enhancement Advanced State

After the gap between them was becoming wider and wider Nameless finally began to smile but suddenly...

*PUM* " Ack!! " Someone kicked him in the face sending him flying into a big wooden box near a house. Nameless hits the box destroying it completely, besides the bag that he was carrying falls to the floor making all its content roll on the ground, the content was just a bunch of potatoes nothing very outstanding

" Ha...ha.. thank you " The men that were chasing Nameless arrived a minute later to thank the one who kicked him, then the three of them smiled politely seeing the one who stopped him and the leader said " Greetings young master Zhong, thank you for helping us catch this criminal "

" It's nothing " Says the one who kicked the young man in the face. He was a young man around 22 years old he wore fancy white clothes with a golden belt, and he carried a shiny silver sword on his back. The young man had light blue eyes, long brown hair tied in a ponytail, very handsome features, a strong fit body, and was quite tall. The young man turns to see the young beggar he kicked and says with a frowning expression " I just imparted some justice "

The young beggar was still conscious but his consciousness was feeding slowly, he turns to see the handsome man who kicked him with a face full of hatred ' Justice... my ass... '

The young beggar watched the handsome young man and the men that were chasing him chatting " Now you will be sold as a slave just for stealing some vegetables stupid brat, hahaha " The men laughed as the handsome young man watched him with a disgusted expression then the handsome young man turns around and starts to walk away " You can't win against justice "

" Now you will come with us " That's the last thing that Nameless heard and saw while the men that were chasing him raised him from the arms

After some time he begins to regain consciousness he has his arms tied behind his back while two men are pulling him, around him, he hears the yells and the screams of people " Kill them! " " Burn in hell!! " " F*ck you! " he found himself in the city's main square while being dragged he noticed a huge crowd

yelling words full of anger and resentment 'Oh no! ' He yelled internally after all he knew what this was it was a public execution. He was being dragged to a wooden platform where he saw a few men standing arms and legs tied and with ropes on their necks, most of them were motionless but a few were crying with faces filled with despair, at the same time as the crowd mock them or threw them a lot of different things to them

The young man began to panic seeing what kind of fate waited for him while a couple of men were pulling him " No wait! I just stole some potatoes! You can't kill me for that! " he beings to struggle as much as he can but the men didn't answer him they just hit him in the face and one of them said " Stop struggling! You little bastard " while the other turned to see him and said to him " You offended someone very important so you have to die because of that "

The young man starts to shake in fear even more than before, he even starts to cry and says " What....? No, please! I just stole some potatoes! I didn't offend anyone! this must be a mistake! "

But the two men ignored him and kept carrying him towards the place, The young man tried to break free even more from the men's hands but it was so useless he couldn't even make them shake their hands, later they took him over the platform as one puts a rope on his neck and the other tied his legs together

The crowd keeps swearing like before even after they saw that Nameless was young they just want him to die

The young man just saw them with hatred and tears in his eyes so he yelled at them " Why do I have to die for a bunch of potatoes?! Who gives you the right to kill me, I just wanted to eat something! You are just a bunch of bastards! all of you!! Bastards!! "

" Haha! " " Just die already thief! " The young man's yells just caused some to laugh mockingly at him while others kept cursing him, The young man frowns still with tears in his eyes and whispers " I wish that all of you have a horrible death "

Then *PUSH* a man pushed him out of the wooden platform " ...?! " The young man hangs from the neck but he survived the fall

" Ack..! Agh..! " The young man was slowly suffocating as his body twitched uncontrollably " Hahaha " The laughter of the crowd started once again looking at his despair and the life leaving the eyes of the young man 

The young man's eyes went up and his consciousness started to fade away when he was about to die when suddenly *BOOM* a sound like a thunderbolt roared in the whole place silencing the crowd, and The young man began to breathe again, he opened his eyes slightly on noticed the wood of the platform beside it seems that someone was carrying him on his left shoulder then he heard

" What a nice party you have here " The voice came from the man that was carrying him, he sounded very proud and arrogant, later he heard the voice of one of the men that hung him say " Who the hell are you? "

" Ha " But the man just responded to him with a snort

" You mother f*cker... " the man sounded very angry then the next thing that the skinny young man heard was *PUM* and the yells in fear from the crowd a couple of seconds later the man spoke again saying " What? Do you two want some as well? " Said the man with a cold voice, he seemed to be talking with someone below the wooden platform but when he never received an answer he said mockingly " That's what I thought"

The young who could not keep his conscience anymore saw that he was being carried away from the place by the air and as he looked at the platform below he noticed a pile of scared soldiers and a pile of blood and guts spread in the place


" Ha! " At sunset, Nameless finally wakes up and sits on the grass, he looks around and notices Chen Kai who is still lying on the grass unconscious ' Loser ' he thinks seeing him later he notices that he is near a river on the top of a mountain, he stands saw Shallot drinking some water of the river with his bare hand

Shallot stops and turns to see him and says with a grin " You are always the first one to awake it must be thanks to your previous life, haha, that's handy " Then he walks to the edge of the mountain and says " Maybe do you want to take a look at this "

Nameless sees him with a frowning expression then he walks near Shallot and when he is near the edge and sees what is below he opens his eyes and mouth wide with surprise and says " What the hell is this place? "

Below the mountain the place was covered with craters of different sizes, the small ones must be around 10 or 20 meters wide but the bigger ones were at least a couple of kilometers wide and deep, they spread over a very large range. There was a dead forest too having only scorched trees and a few mountains with holes like the ones on the ground, some of the mountains even had some holes that went through them like perfectly carved tunnels. Although it was still mid-day something was making the place look dark, with a strange black and purple fog moving all over the place, the fog seemed to be denser the farther away the devastation was. Nameless knew that that fog wasn't normal and he felt a sense of dread and fear looking at it, the whole place screamed death which made him feel even more uncomfortable just watching it

Nameless observed the place with shock for a couple of minutes when Chen Kai said to his right with the same surprise as him " The Fallen's Valley! " Nameless turns to see him and Chen Kai continues " This is the place where the war for the artifact happened or that's what they said " Chen Kai turns to see Shallot and says with a frowning expression " We must be at the edge of the continent, why did you bring us here? "

As both of them see Shallot he just grins and says " This is the place where the last part of the second phase begins and once it's finished you won't be the same anymore "