
Power Unleashed

"Come on move those legs! The milk won't deliver themselves!" Yelled Master Roshi at his new disciples

It's been a few days since Shin left for his training journey and during that time, Goku and the rest of the Z group were training under the guidance of their new master, Master Rosh. All of them were running on the streets of Musutafu while carrying milk on their backs. They have to deliver milk to everyone all over the city and even though it sounded easy, It was extremely hard for the Z group as they had to wake up early in the morning. They didn't get the chance to eat breakfast before they started! It was especially hard for Goku as he had to wear a training turtle suit on top of carrying the milk-making everything heavy and exhausting

"Master Roshi when are we going to stop!? we have been doing this all day!" Yelled out Yamcha. He couldn't take this anymore

"Only until you delivered every single milk! Only then do you get to take a break and eat breakfast!

"Why do I have to wear such a heavy outfit!?" Comminetd Goku. It was his first time wearing weighted clothing

"Since you're physically strong this would be too easy for you to do. So I had you wear this to make it hard for you" responded Master Roshi

After a few more hours of hard manual labor, They were finally able to deliver every single milk bottle and were resting at the local park before they went back to eat breakfast and continue their training

Once Goku sat down on the bench, he immediately began to take off the heavy training turtle suit as he was exhausted from all the running around they had to do. As he was taking it off, Krillin asked him a question

"Hey, Goku how's Shin doing lately? I haven't seen him in a while?" Krillin questioned. it's been a bit since he had spoken with Shin

Tien and Yamcha were also intrigued as they hadn't seen a Shin in a while as well so they turned to Goku for an answer

Goku just scratched the back of his head as he thought about what to say next. He did promise Shin to not tell anybody about his journey " well you seeee... Shins been ahhhh... Traning by himself ya! he's been training daily so that's why you haven't seen him recently"

Krillin looked back at Goku suspiciously as knew that he was hiding some things from them so he questioned further "So if he's training by himself, where has been la.."

Before Krillin could question anymore, they all felt an energy coming from far away. Never in their life have they felt something so strong. To them, it felt primal yet powerful at the same time. Before they could anything, The Powerful energy quickly disappeared as it came

"WHAT WAS THAT!" Yamcha yelled as he started to panic

Krillin was just panting as the pressure on him was too strong for him to handle. He then looked to goku to see he was completely fine besides being shocked "You alright Goku?"

Goku didn't as he looked where to energy was coming from. Never in his life has he felt something so strong before and even though it felt primal, the energy he felt so familiar to him. It was only after a minute did he recognized it



"Mr. Popo what are you watering?" Kami asked


"Pots of what?"

"Pot" then there was a moment of silence

"I'm not getting rid of it"

"Are you kidding me!? that shit's great for my glaucoma!"

Before they could speak anymore, they felt massive energy coming from inside the lookout. Then they turned to Shin walking out fully bare-chested and looking completely different than before

"Incredible! never have I seen a mortal obtain such power before! How is this even impossible?!" Kami was completely shocked to the core. never in his hundreds of years as protector has he seen somebody reach a high level of power

"Ah, do you have any food? I'm starving" Said Shin. All the food within the chamber wasn't enough to fill him up

Kami regained his composure "ah yes we can give you some food Mr.Popo can you go get our guest here Some food" Kami said as he turned to Mr.Popo

"All these squares make a circle. All these squares make a circle" Kami turned to see Mr.popo higher than a kite. He just sighed as he went inside to grab some food for Shin. After a few minutes of munching down all the food that kami could provide Shin was filled to the brim and was fully satisfied

"What will you do now since you completed your training?" Kami said as he was curious about what was Shins next course of action

Shin didn't really know what to do. He planned to train some more after got of the chamber but he got so much stronger and then some. He decided that he would take a few days off the relax as pushed himself far beyond the limit. " I've decided to relax for a few days before I go back to training. I also have two 2 months before I have to go back so I was planning on staying here before then" Shin didn't want to go back as yet as two months was plenty enough time for getting stronger still and would take any chance to do so

Kami smiled "I don't mind you staying here. This would also give us time to get to know each other" He didn't mind having shins presence on the lookout and he also wanted to know more about this powerful child. As they were talking Mr.popo suddenly walked up to Kami "Kami! I need you to tell me that I can leave the lookout if I want to"

"Mr.Popo you may leave the lookout if you wi..."



"All these squares make a circle"

"Is he going to be alright?" Shin asked worriedly

"Don't mind him, He just got through dropping a gallon of LSD"

"A gallon!?"

"A literal gallon out of a milk jug! see?" he then pointed to the milk jug right next to Mr.Popo "I don't even know where he got it from. He never leaves the lookout

"Mmmh. Can you do me a favor and give me some clothes? I kinda shredded all of them when I was training"

"Sure" He then pointed out two of his fingers right at Shin "CLOTHES BEAM!" the beam went straight right at Shin before he was covered up in a glow. After a few seconds, the glow disappeared to reveal Shin in a whole new outfit

He was wearing clothes that resembled that of Xeno Vegito. red outfit with a black top and a blue sash and white gloves and boots. The only difference is that there was added hood to the back top that covers his entire face with and the gloves became fingerless

Kami then manifested a Mirror and handed it to Shin so he could see his new outfit and he really liked it. He gave it back and walked to the edge of the lookout and sat down to enjoy the breeze on his face. Shin was fully content with what he had achieved during his year of training and now it was time for him to relax


"WHERE THE HELL DID HE GO!? shigaraki said as he busted through the doors of the laboratory. He was infuriated that they weren't able to locate Shin for the last few days

The doctor just turned around "Calm down Tomura Shigaraki. You being mad won't do anything"


The doctor just sighed "wherever he is doesn't matter as we know when he will come back already" He then handed a newspaper to shigaraki that said [23 WORLD STUDENT TOURNAMENT] "schools all over the world will come to compete and observe the tournament and it so happens that UA will be competing this year. that means that Shin will be joining as well. we can take this chance to observe his strength and once we discover his weakness, we will eliminate him once and for all!

Shirigaki listened while looking over the newspaper "That sounds like a plan but tell me. How are the androids going...."

"Doctor Gero?"

Dr.Gero just smirked and turned on a monitor right next to him. What showed was countless androids replicas waiting for a command(All of them looked like android 19)

Shigaraki just smiled in excitement. with the androids and the Nomus, they can finally set their plan into motion to destroy the Hero Association and eliminate every single hero. especially...

All Might


Hey guys! sorry, this took me a while to write as I had IRL issues but everything is fine now. I wanted to clarify something

the story

As we all know by now, the story is MHA X DBZ more specifically MHA that is heavily influenced by DBZ. And one reason why you're reading this is that you like MHA or DBZ or both. I love MHA as any other fan and I also like DBZ so I decided to write a fan-fic combing both. It was never my intention to "'slaughter" the original story of MHA and "ruin the power level of the world" just because 'This is a Fanfic' and the MC has the potential to be "OP". I power scaled the world of MHA because this is a DBZ crossover, they need to be strong in order to survive.

That's was something I wanted to clarify as it rubbed me the wrong way a bit but honestly, if you don't like the story or how it's developing then I apologize for it not suiting your tastes (I also again apologize for my deplorable writing)

that's all I wanted to say

see you in next chapter!