

Jack is a loner surviving within the streets of Avalon City. A city filled with bullies and lowlifes always making his life miserable and forcing him to have thoughts of giving on his life. The hand of fate played itself and his life was turned around by a surprise encounter with a wounded super-human. An artifact was provided and the saint's bloodline was inherited. What does life hold for him in the future? Check out my other books: 1) Martial Research Master: https://www.webnovel.com/book/martial-research-master_16569084105417005 2) AIGIS: https://www.webnovel.com/book/aigis_20450378706584105 3) Legacy of the fallen family: https://www.webnovel.com/book/legacy-of-the-fallen-family_24970845306699505 4) Train-sys: https://www.webnovel.com/book/train-sys_16156814106150405

Debasish_padhi · Fantasy
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355 Chs


"Jake Grant

Level -5

Strength 33

Agility 33

Endurance 33

Mana 23



As Jake rose up from his bed, he could feel the heaviness in his body due to exhaustion. He had to fight a prolonged battle against the goblins with all his might to protect Mona.

Thankfully they managed to pass.

A message soon popped up after the thing was done.

" Emergency Combat Mission: Goblin Extermination.

Total no. of goblin killed: 8

Rewards are being granted as per the kill count.

Strength +2, Endurance +2, Agility +2, Mana +2." A total of 8 stat increase. Jake never thought he would gain such a huge stat boost.

"Jake Grant

Level -5

Strength 35

Agility 35

Endurance 35

Mana 25



"The host has successfully levelled up."

"Jake Grant

Level -6

Strength 35

Agility 35

Endurance 35

Mana 25



"The kill points have been recorded. Total kill points granted is 80. The host will recieve a new skill."