
The Sage who never was.

The epic of a once known sage, where he reincarnated into a new world where his usual magic was replaced with technology, reined supreme by Nobel hierarchy. Follow his new adventures across the vast space as he conquer what should be rightfully his. Regaining back his title, the sage who never was.

Jagger_Johns101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 14: The Devil's night




"ummm…..put back the package where you found her." said a voice, offing his angular gear pod right after. A voice, belonging to someone, someone who was called one of the heads, people whose leadership should be unshakable, their authority absolute. Within the spiderling gang, they were the decision-makers, the very people who decided the fate of their gang, but something happened. He was quiet, sitting on a chair right after the call, his two cybernetic eyes deep in thought.


" where's the guy who planned the princess mission?" he asked. His voice tuned with a hint of wrath. "yeah…yeah…get him to come to my den….pronto."


He waited and waited, both his hands on his chin, his cyber eyes still in mysterious thoughts only known to him, his feet tapping the floor, unconscious to his being. Maybe the AC was broken, he was starting to feel hot as his brow sluggishly filled with sweat, with his palms turned moist with every lapse of a second.


"you called boss?" said a man, opening the entrance door to the dark office. The only source of light was the lamp on the table, its color changing from red to white and white to red.

"Come, Johns…..come inside my humble den." The head replied. Standing up from his chair.

The man gulped, pending from this unseen pressure. He entered, trying to adjust his upright hair, as he tucked his dark coat. It was an interesting choice of clothing, his wearing of a businessman, he would look like a pure gentleman, if not for his upending hairdo and pierced nose and ears. Shaming his fashion choice to the tea.

The head was the same, but his red suit, and his two cybernetic eyes, beaming out red light couldn't help but match, his hair lapsed all the way to the side, with somewhat greyness covering his corner, showing his growing age.

"you…..gave an ok, to the princess mission, whole heartily knowing, it would take place in Maximus city?" the head asked, taking off his coat.

The voice was meaner, more so than from the transmission, now the man knew, this wasn't a simple call but an interrogation, and the beaming eyes of the lion were growling for him for answers, answers to a problem, which he didn't know he committed.

"y…yes head, a…any problem? I… I heard the mission was a success." The punk replied, his throat turning dryer and dryer.

"haha….success you say," the head replied, placing his hand on the man's shoulder. "hmmm….let's see, wanna hear a story?" he oh so suddenly asked.

The man turned confused. His neck twitched from the pain, the pain on his shoulder which the man, his boss had placed his hands upon. "y..yes head." He feebly answered.

The head finally smiled, letting go of the poor man's shoulder, patting him on his arm, like the good little boy he was. "good….this story dates back one year ago, back when we were at our peak." He said, brewing a smile of pride. His hand picking out a cigar of his choice, lament flavor they said, not so popular among men but his preference was his own, lighting it with his silver Clint burner.


"We were thriving, many deals closing to success, our black-market booming all over the cities, drugs, whores, killing, kidnapping, you name it, the spiderling was there to rein their blood on it. but one day, on that one fucking day…


on that one fucking day, one of my mates, who was a head like me, planned something, a foolproof plan to branch out to the city of wealth and health….."

"….Maximus city…" the man replied.

The head nodded, his face turned to the window, the dark night clearing the window, his own reflection lamenting on its surface, as he lamented his past, his oh-so-dreadful past.

"yes…..Maximus, Maximus city. The land where the house Miracle rules. It was a brilliant plan, so meticulously planned that we could milk most of every coin the city contained. I supported it wholeheartedly and so did the other heads, giving us the pass we needed…


Oh, how naïve we were, thinking it would be easy as that, cucking a noble family…..we started off great though, with many parts of the city turning to our turf, the nightlife of Maximus paling to our hide.


Ohhh...but on that night, on that fateful night, 12:40 am September 30…"

Hearing the date, Something clicked in John's memory, the date matching some stories some of his mates passed on to him. "…..The Devil's night." He relayed.

The head turned, twisting his neck, with a twig of cybernetic sound, leaking out. "so you know….?" He asked, his glare more pressuring than before.

"….o…only rumors, my Head." He innocently answered.

The head placed his hand on his own neck, giving it a light massage, as the sound leaked more and more, with his hands shaking a tad much more than usual. "…..yes, the devil's night. The night mirrored the moment just like its name. it was indeed, the Devil's night. His night, the four-foot man with a heave of a demon's mask.

He had come crashing down on our turf, our fighting pit which we just opened that night. At first, we only thought of it to be some chum trying to be a hero….no, no, that devil started reining hell from the very start, throwing some laved potions here and there as hailing smoke gradually covered the arena.

With his sword in hand, he pierced through our men, one by one, I didn't know what blade he was using, passing our men's shields like butter, he was near a moment and sometimes far, the screams of our men howling one second after another, he would vanish within the smoke, appearing again at a place we couldn't point, what happened after with the smoke turning thicker and thicker, was only screams, encroached screams covering every inch of the underground pit.

I and my friend did what was sensible, leaving the place as quickly as possible. But the smoke got to us, and so did he. I was back holding my magnum gun, when…" he paused, reliving the terror that the memory brought.


"That was the only thing we heard, the sound of a sword simmering, I didn't see it, what I saw was my mate, had fallen down screaming in pain, his legs sliced off so cleanly. The blood had ripped out a moment later.

I thought I was next, shooting my gun haphazardly….At that moment, Fear guided my vision and my aim. But eventually, my ammo was off….

I can still remember, the sound of his steps echoing near. Until eventually I saw him with both my healthy eyes, lavishing out of the smoke like a hunter, his dark cloth painted in blood. I peaked at his appearance, the only thing I saw were his eyes, crimson eyes glaring at me.

Do you know what I felt looking upon those eyes?" he asked the man.

"…what Head?"

"a fucking pebble! I know that look, I know that look all to well, it was cold, colder than the hilly mountains, his gaze piercing through me before his blade could. After that...."

There was only silence, as the head looked upon the night sky. He hands shaking to a degree, that he had to lay down on his chair eventually.

"after that….?" John asked in curiosity.

The head looked back at him, "…..he will come now," he said instead, "And I don't think our gang will last longer after this, the other's should had listened to me. Yet they ignore my warning. Now the fated day has come."

He stood up. Looking at his gear watch, walking away to the exit, only he knew. " he will come, and he will come for you, and he will rein his hypocritic judgment on everyone….. "

With these final words, he closed the door, leaving the man in total confusion. What could the man do but stand in stupidity, in misperception? But the night was long and so was his time.

"....did I really fucked up?"