
The Sage who never was.

The epic of a once known sage, where he reincarnated into a new world where his usual magic was replaced with technology, reined supreme by Nobel hierarchy. Follow his new adventures across the vast space as he conquer what should be rightfully his. Regaining back his title, the sage who never was.

Jagger_Johns101 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 13: Fear

'…what was….that?' she questioned. Sensing the voice all the way to her core. Her body tickled, reacting to this sudden voice.

She wanted to stand up, speak up, but with her hands tied behind and his lips sealed with a metal band, it was impossible, even her legs, bonded with a lapsed metal wire. she struggled, stirring her body here and there, trying anything she can do to be released, but all she got was their attention, all the freakish eyes gazing on her roped body.

"I thought you knocked her out cold baldy, getting rusty eh." One commented, smiling like the rogue bandit he was.

"Don't underestimate the bitch, her blood runs thick with royalty. Of course, one of my chops won't be enough." the other replied, toning his defense.

The chatter was all over the place, as the men talked and talked, yelling at each other as if they were on the verge of fighting themselves, but someone got bored with their simple chatter, his focus on the girl on the deck. It couldn't be helped, with the dress she was wearing, a top with a red mini-skirt. And positioned in such a way that only he could peak his eyes on what lay beneath the garment skirt.

He smiled, getting near her. "she is a healthy one, ain't she?"

"eh eh, we got ourselves a pedophile here, call nine one one….hahaha" one of the guys joked.

"…..ah well, he is one." the driver answered oh so suddenly.

Receiving such an riposte out of nowhere, there was a sudden silence within the van, everyone looking at the thin guy, reaching his hands on the crimson-haired girl. The realization jamming on them all.

"what? you guys mad?!" asked the thin guy. "we can talk if you lot want." he said, shoving his half-leather jacket. A small knife peaking out from his inner pocket. That was enough, that was all he needed, silencing the group once again. As the blade shinned red.

Why? even though they didn't realize who the thin man was before, now they knew, because the man was no other than The pincer. An individual who had a legendary kill record of his own, ramming up his own name on their levy gang. His small crimson knife hatched the hearts of many. From little children to torn-up sacks of old bones.

"I guess nobody wants a taste eh?" he asked, focusing back on his prize. "aaa…..twelve, young and budding. So beautiful and juicy that I want to rip everything apart right now. But don't worry, I'm not a savage like these ones over here, I take my meal with proper manners. So be ready, chum."

Everybody filled in a bit of disgust, now knowing the rumors surrounding the great pincer were indeed true. But that was non of their business, the spiderling gang was a place of freedom. Place of power. and definitely a place for debauchery. Power was everything on their turf, so what could they do but rein in silence? and silence there was, seeing the guy pat the girl's head.

"he…he…he.." the man glid, showing his deranged smile.


The transmission buzzed, the mike hollering someone's call, finally disturbing the distressing silence. the driver couldn't help but laugh, as it mattered not to him what the atmosphere was. enjoying the reaction of all the others. but the incoming call was the same, getting a call from one of their heads. It mattered not of the situation, as he quickly clicked the screen.

"yes head!" the driver voiced with discipline.

[…..team 069, what of the target?] asked a coded voice.

All the spiderlings smiled, why not, they caught a target that was further above their league, and a head, a head was calling them. Why won't they smile in glee, with such accomplishment? They were sure to be promoted and enriched with all the gold coins to stake their lives forever. Their belly shrined in beer and nights debauched by whores.

"yes Head, the target is secured, we will be arriving in an hour."

It was the same for the driver, his cyber eyes twitching in excitement, he could see it, his way to wealth, only a couple of miles away from him.

[…what?] The head questioned. [one hour? Did I hear you right? The clock's ticking and, I am hearing you cunts are coming after a whole fucking hour.]

The lapsing lips slowly paled, their breaths tiding with the sudden change of tone. The driver gulped as the voice of the head was slow but wasn't tame, and a speech with even a glint of anger meant something, something horrifying. Not just the driver but the whole crew. But an answer was required, and if not given right at the moment, their affable wealth wouldn't be the main concern, their very lives would.

"umm…..yes Head, it will take an hour, as…ummm… we are just out of Maximus city." The driver replied.


One second, two seconds, three seconds. There was only silence, the anxious room only turning more anxious. Their ears held for a reply, for an answer, hoping with their frozen heart and sweat-filled brow. Maybe there will be some hope after this defining silence. but all they got was more silence. more and more apprehensive silence.

[...….put back the package where you found her.]


That was it, that was the reply, the end of the call. "…..put the package back?" the thin man relayed in confusion, and he wasn't alone, the driver, the other nine members, their eyes googling each other in confusion, hoping someone would explain what the fuck just happened.


