
The Sage Art

Four strangers with the power of the gods and great demons are brought together unwillingly to save the world. What could possibly go wrong? It's the era of great Sages, where the Gods and great Demons are used as weapons and sharp steel between the rips is better than talking things through. A weak Lord with the blood of the Kings, an assassin chained by the oath he made, a mercenary whose smile is as deadly as his nails and a woman battle Sage are all brought together to save their kingdom and the world from.... The Undead Gods and Demons. They all have their part to play. ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ This might be spoilers so you can skip (everything would be revealed slowly in the book) ▪️Note (This might contain spoilers)–> battle Sages are human who had mastered summoning and using the power of Sages.  ▪️What are Sages? They are the soul of dead gods or demons. ▪️ we have upper and lesser Sages. ▪️Master Sages are battle sage that have any Upper Sage in them. Do you have any questions? leave it in the comments (review) section.

146whitewolf · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Unanswered questions

Yetunde put her hand on the window to the room of the inn she had rented earlier and slipped inside, she breathed a sigh of relief, releasing her tense muscles.

The room she was in was small with the usual straw bed with a small table and chair for clients renting the room may use, she paced the room, her mind full of what had just happened. The shadowed one, the infamous assassin used by the equally infamous Webmaster.

She paused, how did she get herself into this? She groaned aloud and flopped into the bed– after she killed that shadow fighter and started her little form of investigation about the black fangs she had gone from one village to another with the hope of seeing at least one shadow fighter but she was always disappointed. It wasn't until a note was dropped at the front of the room she booked in an inn she was staying at one of the villages she was investigating that she had any lead.

"Come to Rouris and ask for schooler Kunle, all would be revealed then, about the Ajasoro sage you carried in you"

She had been shocked and then suspicious but she was also curious because few knew about the upper Sages she carried in her and lesser still are those who knew about Ajasoro– goddess of the volcano.

Since the villages she had been investigating and Rouris town were both in the western domain of the kingdom she decided to give it a try. She had taken off her master battle sage uniform– the one all those who swear loyalty to the King wear on official business – and put on ordinary clothes and cloak and started asking about schooler Kunle in town.

It was a very tedious and mostly disappointing search. The schooler sages are not battle type, they devoted their lives to solving the mystery of sages and what made the gods and demons die all those years ago. She had expected to see schooler Kunle at the schooler temple but they had not seen the schooler in a while.

Yetunde had almost given up when she heard the rumor about a schooler hearing sage mercenaries as bodyguards. With some cowries given here and there, she was able to get the location of the schooler. Turns out the schooler was hiding in the merchant district, he had rented a house there and holed himself up doing god knows what, probably reading some dusty books, Yetunde had thought.

Even though she had rented a much smaller inn down the street to observe the schooler she hadn't seen much, only the bodyguards changing patrols and sometimes getting food and taking it to the house.

She had been surprised when she found out that she wasn't the only one after the schooler but more shocking was that it was an assassin after him, what could the schooler do that the webmaster wanted him dead?

Yetunde turned on the bed, her head full of questions. She went about what she knew, first, the black fangs are gathering money and possibly weapons, for what she didn't know. The webmaster is involved, in what way she couldn't say. But what's the infamous assassin's business here? Could it be only as the webmaster's attack dog?

A chill slid down her spine as she remembered those dark eyes, the assassin's eyes were so black they were drinking the light and meeting those she had brought to her the image of cold places. The assassin wanted the schooler dead yet he didn't attack and was even relaxed when – Yetunde was sure– he thought her to be an assassin after his target.

She knew she could hold her own but she didn't practically enjoy the thought of fighting the shadowed one – he was a very well know assassin used by the Webmaster to get deadly information or to use as a weapon of death. Yetunde did not know what type of dead god or demon was inside that assassin but she was willing to bet that it would be an upper one.

She had upper sages too– even if she couldn't control one of them, she frowned at the thought of Ajasoro, the goddess of the volcano. The goddess had been trying to get out lately, to manifest. Restless.

Could it be what the schooler had been talking about? She burned with unanswered questions and she knew just where to get it. Schooler Kunle. She would have to go to the Irin mountains but she didn't relish the idea of traveling with an assassin she didn't like the idea of traveling alone through mountains infested with slayers either. She would have to choose the lesser of the two – traveling with an infamous assassin that could come in handy in a fight or traveling alone in a mountain full of slayers– souls of god and demons that had nowhere to go and had become monsters.

She knew what the wise choice is. At daybreak, she would meet up with the assassin. Thank the demons the inn she told him to meet her wad the one she rented and was staying in. It would be on her terms, and with a smile still on her lips, she went to sleep.