
The Sage Art

Four strangers with the power of the gods and great demons are brought together unwillingly to save the world. What could possibly go wrong? It's the era of great Sages, where the Gods and great Demons are used as weapons and sharp steel between the rips is better than talking things through. A weak Lord with the blood of the Kings, an assassin chained by the oath he made, a mercenary whose smile is as deadly as his nails and a woman battle Sage are all brought together to save their kingdom and the world from.... The Undead Gods and Demons. They all have their part to play. ▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️▪️ This might be spoilers so you can skip (everything would be revealed slowly in the book) ▪️Note (This might contain spoilers)–> battle Sages are human who had mastered summoning and using the power of Sages.  ▪️What are Sages? They are the soul of dead gods or demons. ▪️ we have upper and lesser Sages. ▪️Master Sages are battle sage that have any Upper Sage in them. Do you have any questions? leave it in the comments (review) section.

146whitewolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


Femi was still as he looked at the inn the woman he had just met entered, he stood under a tree that was growing opposite the inn, he was sure this was the inn she meant when she said they should meet later. He put his hand up to worry the little hair he had growing on his chin and think about the woman, this woman that had heard his name and didn't bat an eye, this woman that had looked at him with liquid eyes that shone like liquid fire that ran in those in those volcanic mountains.

Femi was curious enough that he wanted to know more about her, what's driving her? And what did that schooler meant about her and him saving the world?

He smilled warly, he was sure the kingdom didn't want him. Shurly the kingdom didn't want the likes of him, the likes that killed when ordered to do so. His thoughts took a dark turn as he thought about the cunning Webmaster that sat at the top of all things that was dark in the kingdom. But he didn't sat on it also, there was also the Black fangs....

He stiffened as he felt a presence behind him, one moment it was not there and now it was. Femi didn't like that and he let the newcomer know that by the bite in his voice.

"You should know not to appear to me like that, Seki. Unless of course you don't need your head anymore."

Femi knew she rolled her eyes even though he was not looking, he knew her like that even though he tried not to know her. He tried not to know anybody because once you do, once you became attached to people they became your weakness. They became the small hole in your armor that an arrow could pass through in your otherwise formidable armour.

"Aren't you sore today, Shadow boy? And why are you here of all places," Femi felt her stare on him like a small beam of hot light, "don't tell me you get yourself a whore in that inn, the boss won't like that. Seki moved forward into his line of sight, she wore all black but her trousers were lined with red stripes as well as the blood red spider that was stitched into the front of her chest– the mark of the ones that served the Webmaster directly and closely.

When Femi was newly brought to the Webmaster's mansion as a boy of eight years old, Seki had been the only one to talk to the gawky boy that was full of bones than flesh. Even when he turned his dark cold eyes on her, she would smirk and rough up his dark long hairs.

"But then, I have never seen you take much liking to whores, I would have thought you were into men if not that you do dabble," Seki continued speaking, looking at the inn with eyes that saw and captured all.

"I'm sure you're not here to talk about whores," Femi said in a dry voice. He looked at her, studying her strong jaws and dark eyes that were as sharp as the steel she was so good at. She was so unlike the woman he just met yet they had one thing in common– power. Power that comes with one's own hard-working. It was in the way they stand and the way they size things up with their eyes.

"No," her voice had lost all it's teasing now, "I came here because I was sent by the boss, he sent me to summon you back to Jaraya."

Femi was surprised, Jaraya was in the Eastern Domain of the kingdom and It would take almost one month to get there from Rouris that was in the Western Domain.

What could the Webmaster wanted that he wanted his favorite assassin back so quickly without waiting for him to come back? Jaraya was the capital of the Eastern Domain and it was also where the Webmaster had his headquarter.

"What did he want me for? It must be important if he had to sent you halfway through the kingdom."

"Yes, I don't know the finer details but it had to do with the black fangs and their new movement."

Femi frowned. Black fangs, he hated that name and hadn't the schooler or is it the woman mentioned something about black fangs?

Femi grunted, "I still haven't finished with my current mission," he pointed out.

Seki looked at him, her question clear in the way she raised her brows.

"It was a complicated mission and the target was surprisingly tricky than I thought," Femi paused, "I had made the kill I just want confirmation. Like I said, it is complicated."

"I see," Seki said in a way that meant she did in fact not seeing anything.

Femi didn't understand either, the Schooler had killed himself but Femi was sure he wasn't dead.

"Well, the boss want you back and he want you fast."

"So you said. That must have been why you were sent, to take me with you." Seki had a very unique sage inside of her, she could access the sage's power to transport herself to anywhere she wanted.

"Yes, and we should get going. He really wants you quickly."

Femi found his gaze and thought going back to that woman in the inn, he would miss their meeting. Demons, he would not be in the same Domain as her. He sighed, it couldn't be helped.

He found Seki raising her brows at him and eyeing the inn, Femi only shrugged in answer.

"Okey," Her eyes loose focus as if she was not seeing where she was, as if she was not there then her eyes began to glow sliver that briefly illuminate her face.

On her forehead, glowing with sliver light is an image of a small door, like a tattoo that's glowing sliver light. It was the symbol of the sage she summoned– Barasim.

"Let's go," her voice had changed too, it was hers but filled with power. It sounded as something not of this world.

Femi gave her his hand and she warped hers around it, and with a feeling of the ground falling away under his feet they were gone.