
The saddest

Olivia_Lisa · Teen
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10 Chs

9. Pregnancy

A month had passed since the death of my family members. I was in a trauma I really hated Victor. I've been feeling sick for about two weeks now. I decided to visit the hospital and ran some tests. While I waited for the test results I went through my childhood pictures.

Steph was coming back in two days time to assist in burying our parents and siblings.The house was clear I made sure I threw away the sleeping pills pack and autopsy results . I didn't want anyone to find out what I did.

" Helloo " i looked up to seeing a nurse. " hi miss congratulations you're one month pregnant " she said " what do you mean by that ?"I said "maam you're pregnant you should be happy " " no no God not another problem " i said as tears flowed down my eyes. I took my result and left i just zeroed my mind on having that child for that scumbag and was never going to let him know .

When Steph arrived she arranged for the funeral ceremony and mom,dad, Terry and Claire were laid to rest. She took me with her to her house after the ceremony.She was curious to know how they died but , I lied saying they were poisoned by an unknown person. Yes I lied and I also wasn't gonna let her know that I was pregnant.

I needed to abort this baby as soon as possible. I went to a doctor to get the right drugs to take and to know the correct dosage because I wasn't gonna make that mistake of overdosing again. I took the medicine and was bleeding seriously, Steph was concerned but I told her it was just period pains. For a week, I was going through pains to abort this child. I didn't care I just didn't want to have that child.

Finally, it was over and I could stay in peace. I promised to focus on my life , have a good relationship with God and have good grades. I do miss my fam sometimes I even wish I could go back in time and make amends for what I did. I know life has more to offer but I really wished while succeeding that my family members would be there to witness my success. If only wishes were horses, I would give anything to amend my ways and bring them back to life. I know Terry and dad will be soo proud of me right now and my life would have inspired them supposing they were still alive.