
The saddest

Olivia_Lisa · Teen
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10 Chs

10.New beginning

Two years had passed since the whole incident happened . I was in my final year in high school. I planned to study in the US for my college education . I just needed to study hard to get a scholarship. This time around I didn't want any distractions, yeah my new school was really good at least the students here weren't soo mean.

Few days to the examination day, I was tensed up but, I just needed to do this for myself and family. I read hard and eventually passed. I was soo happy I was finally heading to somewhere good in life. I graduated from high school with good grades then I decided to pursue my scholarship exams. I studied very hard for it, anytime I tried to relent I just remember mom,dad, Terry and Claire. I needed to go harder for them.

Finally, the day of the examination came I was sweating I was wondering if I should just go to my home university or the United States. I really needed to start a new life soo I went ahead with my scholarship exams.

I wrote to my best ability and passed in flying colors .Steph was soo proud of me and advised me to never give up on my dreams.

I was soo happy then I decided to visit mom,dad,Terry and Claire's grave to tell them how far I've gone in life and how I wish they were still alive to see me succeed . I stood there crying and wondered what Steph will think of me if she found out the truth. She deserved to know the truth she is still my sister. I can't keep lying to her and pretending I don't know what happened.

I decided to tell her when I got home. When I had reached the house, I saw Steph looking at my results smiling" Hey Steph" "Anna whatsup? I'm soo happy you're here,I've told Amara to start processing your visa" she said as she hugged me smiling. "I've never been this happy,soo glad you're starting a new life "she said walking to the table. I knew very well I couldn't ruin that smile on her face. I decided not to tell her what really happened and leave things the way it was.

I started processing my visa to leave the country. I was happy and sad at the same time. After, a month everything was ready and I was ready to leave. I got my things ready and went to the airport then I went to check in. I knew that's where my new life was beginning I just needed to focus more.

To God be the glory,I'm still in the states till date in Carleton college studying Psychology.