
The saddest

Olivia_Lisa · Teen
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10 Chs

5. Sleeping pills

I got to school soo, happy that I escaped getting beaten up by dad. Victor was late to school today I was sad wondering what happened to him. He refused to tell me why he was late because he was always punctual , I decided to let him be and not bother asking again. During break he came to me and said he wasn't feeling too well and also had some family issues that's why he came late to school. I was shocked because, we just partied last night. We didn't really talk that day but, I decided to let him be maybe he was going through a something he doesn't feel good sharing.

He left real early before the school was over. I was really worried then I called him on phone he said he wasn't feeling good and needed to leave. When school was over I headed back home, thankfully dad wasn't around. Terry and I were the only ones at home. I just went into my room wondering why Victor was giving me that attitude. I freshened up and studied a lil.

The sky was already getting dark, when I got a text message from Victor saying I should come over to his house that he's really sick and had no one to care for him at that moment. I was scared what if dad catches me again I mean I just narrowly escaped earlier. I decided to go to the pharmacy and get sleeping pills. That, was the only thing I could think of to prevent my family members from ever finding out. I got the pills and went to my room feeling relief that my plan will definitely work , I just needed to put them to sleep and leave. Victor kept calling saying he was dying, I was getting really worried. Soo, I quickly went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for the family. When I was done preparing dinner,I took out the pills and wanted to put it inside their foods. Just in the process of doing that Victor called again, saying if I don't come in 30 minutes time he will die. I was scared and just put the whole packet of pills in their orange juice. Then, I quickly took the food and drinks to the parlor and rushed to my room.

Mom and dad had just arrived from work, Dad came to my room to check if I was there. He said I should see him when he's done eating. I smiled knowing he'd be sleeping when he hoped to see me. I spied on them to make sure everyone ate their food and took their drinks. Then, I waited for five minutes for the pills to take effects. It wasn't even long then they started sleeping. I was happy my planned had work at least I could go and come back before the effects of the drugs were over.