
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Video Games
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73 Chs

Chapter 237: fishing (3)

Following the Inventory Sealing Bracelet, a body search was conducted. Since the S-rank Lynx equipment had been removed in advance, only a few appropriate A-rank items remained. The middle-aged man marveled, mentioning that they were excellent items, although they seemed a bit excessive for a C-rank like me.

I also drafted a contract stating that I wouldn't disclose anything I see or hear from now on. Although penalties wouldn't be applied to me as an A-rank, it seemed like a necessary precaution.

"Just to be clear, don't even think about escaping at this point."

"There won't be any need for you to escape."

He shrugged in response to my confident words. We exited through the back door of the store, traversed a narrow alley, and entered another building. Once again, using the same method, we reached the third building. The alley, blocked by roofs on all sides and above, made it difficult to guess the direction. Even if someone attempted to escape here, blocking the alley gaps roughly would make it challenging for them to find the main road again.

"Interest rates..."

The A-rank guarding the back door of the third building glanced at me.

"He is still a guest."

He willingly stepped aside, and we went down the stairs leading to an underground passage. Except for the lack of windows, it appeared to be an ordinary living room. As I waited for a moment, the middle-aged man left the room.

It felt somewhat like a resistance base down here. I suddenly wondered what had happened to the original Akates, considering there was no Alpha going berserk and I didn't exist at all.

'Alpha probably didn't go berserk, and I never existed.'

Until the world perished. Even though it was the business of someone else's neighborhood that had already disappeared, it made me ponder whether our world, which had changed considerably after my regression, would have continued like this.

"So you're rumored C-rank. Nice to meet you."

As the door opened, someone walked in with heavy steps. It was a short-haired woman in her early twenties. The middle-aged man was also with her.

[S-rank Vitera]

"So, what's the business?"

"It's simple. Help me destroy Akates Defense Bureau and take control of Alpha."


Both Vitera and the middle-aged man, who stood slightly aside, were dumbfounded.

"...It's not that simple. Are you in your right mind?"


"Or perhaps you're a con artist planning to make a quick getaway after causing trouble."

"I am planning to make a quick getaway after causing trouble, but I'm not a con artist. You take control of Akates, and I take control of Alpha. That's the deal. The preparations are already done. Just a little push is all you need. Or do you prefer to maintain the current status quo─"

"No way."

Vitera responded with a growl.

"You, who came from the outside, probably don't know the dirty secrets of Akates in detail yet. My sister is also among the S-ranks affiliated with the Defense Bureau."


Come to think of it, I had seen a white-haired S-rank.

"The Defense Bureau can't easily manipulate all the upper-level guards. Akates mandates that all children must attend the municipal education facility. They start at the age of 5 and receive education. The facility itself is excellent, especially in focusing on physical activities."

"...Could it be some kind of brainwashing starting from that age?"

"They instill love for the City and trust in the Defense Bureau, but brainwashing at the level you're thinking of is impossible at that time. I say this until now. Exactly at the age of 10, they undergo inspections, mainly focusing on children with excellent physical abilities, to check for A-rank or higher combat awakening potential. Those children are affiliated with the Defense Bureau from that moment."

"10 years old? Are you insane? Seriously."

An unintentional curse slipped out. No, at the age of 10, they were still kids. Even during the chaos when dungeons broke open, the Hunter qualification was restricted to a minimum age of 14, and later it was raised to adulthood with constraints.

With a sincere expression, Vitera's face slightly relaxed at my words.

My sincere words slightly softened Vitera's expression.

"It's rare for superior awakened individuals to fail in the inspections, but 99% end up forcibly taken by the Defense Bureau. It's not challenging to make even the children who haven't awakened loyal to the Defense Bureau. Rumor has it that S-ranks use mental realm skills against each other. Eventually, from A to S-rank guards, and even the citizens below them, everyone follows without a word, as the Defense Bureau controls powerful combat guards."

"...In that situation, you managed to escape from the Defense Bureau."

Vitera replied with a wry smile, "My parents, who had lost my sister, noticed my excellent physical abilities and took me away before I turned ten. The gentleman here provided a lot of help."

She glanced at the man standing next to her. He smiled and nodded politely, saying, "It was my pleasure, Miss."

The middle-aged man, Noshi, mentioned that he was originally a guard of the Defense Bureau. As a first-generation awakened individual, he revolted against the distorted tyranny of Akates Defense Bureau with like-minded people over a decade ago. Unfortunately, the rebellion failed, and since then, he has been involved in creating a resistance force, mainly rescuing children.

"Children with outstanding physical abilities and even those taken by the Defense Bureau are being removed as much as possible. Some escape with their parents to safe houses, but if the conditions aren't suitable, they end up in Lanchaea."


"Lambda of Lanchaea secretly supports us. I, too, received awakening and guard training in Lanchaea. We also conduct equipment and byproduct trades with Lanchaea."

Without external assistance, it would be challenging to operate as a guard in Akates. Among those who escaped the Defense Bureau with Noshi, some had awakened practitioners specializing in imprinting. And mana replenishment...

"I've dug a few tunnels near the mana hall Fortunately, we have a guard with a high-level earth manipulation skill."

They've been through a lot. It would be convenient if I could trade mana potions, but my points were insufficient. Without imprinting, I had to make sure to have enough mana potions.

I wonder if people in this area can use mana potions from our area. It should be fine since mana is the same.

"So, how do you plan to overthrow the Defense Bureau and take control of Alpha? I'm really curious. Moreover, Sigma is here. Alpha may be incapacitated, but Sigma is likely to be in full force."

"Don't worry about that."

I showed them the contract with Sigma. It stated that I wouldn't interfere directly or indirectly until Alpha was released. Both of them were surprised once again by the content of the contract. The trust in me also seemed to have risen.

Putting the contract back into my inventory, I crossed my legs. Right, the scarf. I forgot again.

"Follow me, and we'll take them down together. First of all, among the S-rank guards affiliated with the Defense Bureau, do you know Eriko and Kubilus?"

"The ones I have bad blood with, ranked 1st and 2nd, right?"

"Then it should be good for fishing, right?"

Vitera chuckled.

"Of course."

It was a welcoming sound. I smiled back and began explaining the detailed plan.

"Why does it suddenly feel so chaotic?"

An Akates Defense Bureau employee murmured while looking at the surveillance camera screen. The screen showed various Blue Holes and Alpha on the Mana Absorption Array. Another employee nearby also nodded.

"A monster invading the Defense Bureau? How long has it been since this happened? Alpha might suddenly go berserk. There have been too many incidents in a row."

"It might even escalate to an SS-rank monster appearing. Thankfully, Sigma is here, but still."

Today seemed to be passing quietly, but at that moment, an emergency signal blinked. Through the urgent call, a desperate voice could be heard.

[This is Vitera!]


[I've provoked S-rank guards Eriko and Kubilus. They have specified a location and challenged them to come out. It seems like a trap, but if you're confident, please send them. What are the instructions from the higher-ups?]

"...Of course, send them! What about the superiors?"

[Judging by their confident response, they believe it might be a trap. Still, the suggestion is strong to send two guards. However, due to concerns about Alpha's imprint, they requested confirmation from the Alpha team.]

"...Of course, it's risky with two connected to the imprints. But with one remaining, it should be fine. Sigma is also present, so even if Alpha is released, it should be possible to suppress."

If Sigma weren't there, I might have hesitated a bit more. However, with an SS-rank guard in the best condition, much more experienced than Alpha, there was no reason to dwell on it.

Orders were issued, and soon, the two S-rank guards set off from the Defense Bureau. With a loud noise, two bikes raced through the empty night streets. Then, quietly, another S-rank guard, hiding his presence, followed suit. In case the real Vitera appeared at the designated location, it was to handle the situation decisively.

"Could there really be something? Even though they've called two S-rank guards, no less."

- Key-eek!

Instead of a response, a wingless insect-like monster blocked the road. Despite its three times the size of the bike, Kubilus didn't slow down, simply pulling out a 5-meter-long, thin steel piece and swung it like a light nunchaku.

With a thud, the monster exploded as if hit by a bomb. The bike continued smoothly, crushing the debris in its path.

"We confirmed from a distance. It was the right one."

"Let's uproot them in this opportunity! If these bugs have complaints, let them go to another city. Why bother settling in our city?"

A desolate area they approached revealed itself. The location Vitera called them to was none other than the commercial district where Alpha had gone berserk. Beyond the silent ruins, there was a person sitting among the partly demolished buildings, less affected by the flames but with shimmering white hair in the moonlight.

Kyeeek, the two guards parked their bikes and dismounted. Vitera still didn't move. As the two guards slowly closed the distance, they simultaneously raised their heads, sensing something strange. It was at that moment when they felt something suspicious about the humanoid object sitting there, realizing it wasn't the real deal.


"What's this?!"

Just after the sensation of space twisting.

- Kuooo!

Along with a terrifying oppression, the monster's roar surged forward.

From the point store, I bought an item. It was a whopping 530,000 points. I had to buy a Doppleganger doll and keys. My points were decreasing rapidly.

"Hunting dogs, two of them, have set off."

The news that the two S-rank guards, their targets, had left the Defense Bureau through the earpiece. They took the bait nicely. Well then, let's warmly welcome them.

In front of me was Vitera's Doppelganger doll. I moved subtly, changing its posture as naturally as possible for the Defense Bureau employee who might be monitoring from a distance. If the opponent wasn't S-rank, they wouldn't notice the fake unless they came close.


After some time, I heard the sound of bikes scraping in the distance. Almost simultaneously, through the earpiece, Noshi whispered that the hunting dogs had arrived. Smiling, I took out the disc.

As expected, the second disc's deployment location was in Akates City.

"Counting on you."

This time, at least two. Please. If the monsters are troublesome, I might have to use items, but then I'll have to spend all my remaining points here. So please, bring out at least three SS-rank monsters.

Praying, I pressed the button on the disc. The air, the space shook. And then.

- Kuooo!

- Kyaaaou!

One, two.

- Krrrr.

And three! Yes, thank you! Triple lucky with SS-rank Fear Resistance! Shivering from the shock, I enjoyed the faces of the two S-rank guards who were appalled. I generously scattered five B-grade bombs. I also used the items I prepared in advance.

[Gallop of the Legless Horse - S-rank

Moves quickly and silently, teleporting a certain distance in an instant. Cannot be used if there are obstacles in the teleportation path.

Single-use 3 km (can be used up to 3 times)]

Observing from the rooftop with binoculars, I briefly assessed the situation. The S-rank guards, in a hurry to avoid attacks between the gigantic monsters, were visible.

"They might not last long."

Another S-rank guard, perhaps following secretly, joined, but it was still insufficient. Soon, the two SS-rank guards would handle it well, so don't worry and go comfortably. Even though they weren't real.

Running across the rooftop, I teleported once more. Now, the sounds of monsters were completely inaudible. In the sleeping city, everything was quiet. I pressed the radio button connected to noshi to change the channel.

"Three hunting dogs was caught. How's the situation with the pack?"

[Now, those SS-rank monsters... No, how...?]

"Just calm down."

[It's chaos! All Defense Bureau S-rank guards are set to deploy. We requested cooperation from Sigma, but it seems to have declined. Still, with Sollemnis guards, we plan to mobilize all S-rank guards until Lambda arrives! There's even talk of letting C-rank, Han Yoojin you handle the Alpha. But really, how did you do it?]

"With love, friendship, and hope."


"Just nonsense."

Even though I had used all three 3km teleports, there was still a considerable distance to the Defense Bureau. I leaped across the building roofs. Despite the slope, thanks to the cat shoes, I could run lightly as if on flat ground.

Thump, I pushed off the roof, leaping towards the opposite building wall. A steep 90-degree wall. I landed stably, then smoothly descended the wall. At that moment, a message window appeared, stating that I had achieved a hidden quest.

[★ Success in Defeating Multiple S-rank Guards with Love, Friendship, and Hope!^▽^☆

Successfully eliminated as many as three S-rank guards in the midst of a car slaughter! A partner who admires you sends a congratulatory gift!

Rewards: 830 points, Handmade Hot Pink Fur Neck Warmer, Med 21st Anniversary Champagne, Extensive Spoilers(SS)]

...Hey, you, are for real! I had a slight suspicion, but I never thought this would happen, I thought it was impossible because it's a system.

"Sung Hyunje!"

Where on earth are you hiding and what are you doing?!


(⁠╯⁠°⁠□⁠°⁠)⁠╯⁠︵⁠ ⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ Sung hyunjae!

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