
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Video Games
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67 Chs

Chapter 236: fishing (2)


A loud noise echoed. Three helicopters descended one after another onto the rooftop helipad. The gusty wind tousled not only my hair but also the scarf, causing it to flutter wildly.

Officials from the Akates Defense Bureau gathered around the parked helicopters. Though there were A to S-rank guards among them, they seemed to serve as escort personnel. Most of the high-ranking officials appeared to be C-rank or below.

'There's no way the abilities of high-level Awakened would lag behind, but I wonder if they deliberately prevent B-rank or higher Awakened from reaching high-ranking positions.'

If someone with stats around S-rank were to gain political influence, it would be challenging to handle. Nevertheless, it still felt unfair. What can you do if you were born as a high-level Awakened? If they want to discriminate, they should either refrain from Awakening or find a way to exploit that power.

'...Even in our world, there were issues with discrimination against Awakened.'

Especially concerning college entrance exams and public announcements, there were many complaints. D-rank or higher Awakened had different physical conditions, making it unreasonable to take exams under the same conditions. Later, when the ban on Awakening for minors was imposed, there were ethical concerns, but the issue also extended to the college entrance exams. Even if the world was on the verge of destruction tomorrow, students would still be students.

The helicopter doors opened, and an S-rank guard descended first. Soon after, the damned guy appeared. Ignoring the Akates Defense personnel trying to stop him, Geum An stared straight at me without hesitation, as if he knew I would be here.

I smiled at him. Sigma also narrowed his eyes. And then...



"What the hell is this all of a sudden!"

Surprised voices echoed from various directions. I found myself sitting on the floor without making a sound.

'That damned guy.'

Chains hung about a meter above my head. The wall had large cracks with debris scattered over my shoulders and head. The guy, without any hesitation, focused his gaze on me and smilingly released golden chains that soared toward my neck, precisely targeting it.

'If I were F-rank, one life would have been lost.'

Although he probably attacked to the extent I could narrowly dodge, it only made me more annoyed. Is he playing with people?

With a clinking sound, the chains, along with fragments, were retracted from the wall and returned towards their master. Thanks to that, debris poured down again. Damn it, that bastard.


"...Excuse me?"

Sigma's words left people around us bewildered, their expressions momentarily showing confusion before quickly adjusting.

"Since it's outdoors, yes. There could be bugs. We are managing sanitation indoors."

An Akates personnel spoke nonchalantly, brushing off the dust from his body as he stood up. The guy stared back at me without hesitation. Ah, that hot-tempered son of a...

I gestured to him with my mouth. With Sigma's insight at SS-rank, he should roughly recognize me. ...Or not? Anyway, automatic translation is possible, and he probably won't use Korean.

"Would you like to check the Alpha first?"

"No, it's tiring to move overnight."

In that case, if you'd like, I'll guide you to the accommodation.

With Sigma in the lead, the Akates people proceeded. While quietly following them, I had to endure the urge to knock on the door until everyone was out of sight.

As a VIP, the accommodation was a separate building on the top floor. Sigma decided to rest alone, dismissing everyone. He seemed to understand my words. He waited until there was no one around and then knocked softly on the door. It opened automatically.

Upon entering, the first thing that caught my eye was a glass wall on one side. It offered a clear view of the cityscape below. It might become a lighthouse guiding monsters' gazes if you turn on the lights at night. Still, it seemed like they had taken special measures to prevent light leakage.

'No use enjoying the night view anyway.'

It's an unnecessary extravagance. Instead, treat the Alpha better with that money. Damn, I'm getting irritated again.

"Hello Sigma...


Upon seeing the doll sitting on the sofa in the spacious living room, I almost let out a curse. Why is that thing still here? Crazy. Why is it perfectly fine, sitting there peacefully?

"...You said the maintenance period was one day."

"They replenished the mana, so the maintenance period increased."

Sigma explained as he came out into the living room. In the meantime, he had changed into a light shirt and pants. Even if the maintenance period could be extended, why leave it preserved? Is it like evidence for when they issue a wanted notice? Well, I guess it's more convenient to have that doll.

"Would you like something to drink?"

Sigma placed wine and glasses on the table.

"Do you know what's in it and still want to drink it?"

"I don't think there's a need for medicine in this situation."

Well, no way he'd dare to tamper with it. He took a seat on the sofa first, next to my Doppelganger doll. Looks like we're close, unnecessarily so. It feels dirty. I settled on the sofa opposite him for now.

"I never expected you to show up so easily. I thought I'd have to search for you for days and was ready for it."

"Let's not talk nonsense. You've probably heard everything."

I crossed my legs arrogantly and leaned against the back of the sofa. I also rested my hands, with fingers interlocked, on my knees. Did I wear the scarf too loosely? It doesn't really suit me.

"We will compensate for the damages adequately. We will return the items we brought willingly."

"They must be quite valuable."

"A few SS-grade equipment pieces are nothing more than rolling pebbles compared to Alpha. Well, calling them pebbles might be too much; let's say glass beads."

"Alpha, huh."

Sigma poured wine into a glass, raising the edge of his lips. Creating an atmosphere, even though he should handle alcohol much better than a mere S-rank.

"I received a report that a C-rank with the skill to calm Alphas has appeared."

"It's not just about calming. It's a skill that can be firmly obtained. Thanks to Akates Defense's softening, it worked out."

I hoped my expression looked arrogant and confident. Let's not think about my brother's current state. It's not Yoohyun but Alpha, an SS-rank guard I met for the first time this time. I never knew his face in my life, and I still don't know his name.

"So, please, don't interfere until that side appears."

I lowered my voice as threateningly as possible, even though it wouldn't really work.

"Alpha belongs to me."

"You're quite self-assured."

"Isn't that obvious? Akates people don't know about my Stealth skill. Except for Alpha, an SS-rank guard, there's no one who can find me. So, pulling out Alpha while pretending to cooperate was not that difficult. Until that side shows up, at least."

"Do I need to apologize?"

"If you had talked about my Stealth skill to Akates, then yes, you should apologize."

"Only those with heavy tongues should worry, so you can rest easy."

Thankfully. Communication between cities is severely restricted, so if Sigma can guarantee it, it was certain that the fact about my Stealth wasn't known. Over time, it might eventually leak out. There are people moving between cities.

"C-rank taming an SS-rank. That grace is interesting, but I see no reason for me to cooperate."

"What do you want?"

As if I was saying anything, I looked at him with my eyes lowered. The perspective would be more imposing if my sitting height were a bit higher. Sigma, with a slight smile, ran his finger lightly along the rim of the wine glass.

"Taming an SS-rank as a C-rank. That should be enough for compensation."

"Enough? Are you out of your mind? Even an SS-rank like you."

Sitting quietly, he seemed ready to capture both Alpha and me simultaneously. He's too greedy.

"Besides, do you have anything else to offer me? I already have quite a lot."

"Although I have many things, what I propose is information."


"Yes. Write a higher-grade contract first. Surely, you don't think there's none? Bring it out. Might as well make it strong with penalties."

"You're good at ripping people off."

"If you're not interested, just leave."

"Wouldn't that be a loss for you?"

"You're talking like you know. If I just sit here doing nothing, it'll be damn boring. Have I ever disappointed you in our short time together? Yes? I think enough credit has been earned."

"It might be interesting to hang a noose around your neck right here, given your excessively high credibility."

"...You're giving in too easily. Let's make it a bit more challenging."

Sigma took out a contract from his inventory. It was an SS-grade contract.

"The basic conditions are that you won't interfere until Alpha is released, and after I take control of Alpha, I will provide you with important information."

"If the value of the information isn't satisfactory?"

"Then I'll package myself and Alpha as you wish. Isn't it a really good deal?"

As satisfying as it was to draft a contract with magical power, there was no pretending to be dissatisfied. And the importance of the information I could provide needed no lengthy explanation. Simply revealing that this place is a fake with only information left would be enough to shock them.

... I worry they might react aggressively due to the shock.

Since the contract terms were undoubtedly in Sigma's favor, he agreed to the contract without saying much. It's good to give and take. Refusing would be foolish.

I included other detailed terms. Mainly about Sigma's movements until Alpha is unquestionably released.

"Do not encourage others to touch Alpha. Any action that may affect Alpha is absolutely impossible. Postpone Akates' requests as an excuse for fatigue."

After finishing the detailed contract writing, only the signature remained. Sigma signed first. Well, it's just Sigma. Although the act of signing was essential, it wasn't impossible to use a pseudonym. I wrote "Han Yoojin" as my name.

"What's your name?"

Sigma, looking at the signature on the contract, asked. He didn't reveal his own. Moreover, if he received information about me, he would know my name. Is he asking for me to reveal it myself?

"Han Yoojin."

"...That's an alias. What you're  looking at now is a doll."

"...What you see now is a doll."

"I know, C-rank."

Hey, this... an SS-rank, seriously. His personality is genuinely intriguing. As both sides finished signing, the contract automatically split into two pages. Convenient. I took one copy of the contract and stood up.

"To enhance the convenience of my activities, please summon me here. You mentioned consulting with a special skill C-rank. Since there's a doll here, it would be nice to create an illusion that I'm staying here."

"Anything else?"


I cut in decisively.

"Just enjoy the show or pick up some crumbs, Sigma."

I wonder if there are any treats around here.

[☆★Hidden Quest Achieved!!☆★]

Using the stealth skill, as soon as I left Sigma's place, another quest notification popped up. Aren't they a bit too generous with hidden quests? Well, I'm thankful nonetheless.

[Successful Deal with an SS-rank!

You have successfully contracted on equal terms with an Awakener of a much higher rank! In celebration, your friendly partner generously empties their pockets for you! You needed a lot of points, right?

Reward: 500,000P]

Wow, 500,000 points. I did need points. I had to buy an expensive item, and if Yoohyun wants me to find something, I might need a couple of universal keys. Thanks a lot. Thanks to this, my living situation should improve a bit.

Returning to my place, I waited for a while. A Defense Bureau employee came to inform me that Sigma was looking for me. I accepted it gladly, opened the door to Sigma's place, closed it, and left the Defense Bureau again. Since it would still be a few hours before sunset, the streets were quite bustling.

'This is where the problem starts.'

To save Yunhyeon safely, I first needed to deal with the two S-rank guards linked by marks. There were ways, but to lure them to the desired location, I needed bait. I had already thought about the bait. The problem was not knowing where they were.

'Maybe I should have taken a bit of Sigma's help.'

No, getting involved would be a bad idea. If I tried to fix the contract haphazardly, Sigma might take advantage of it and backstab me at any time. It's wiser to keep a proper distance. Moreover, since he's too self-centered, fixing the contract to allow any kind of help would only create opportunities for him to betray me. To prevent any openings in the contract, it's better to keep him at bay.

I took out the scooter from the storage and put on my mask. Let's head towards the slums for now.

[Akates' Request]

The quest window popped up.

[In Akates City, there is a group dissatisfied with various restrictions on combat guards. Go and listen to the details.

Turn right at Tropogo Central Road Zone 3 - Turn right at Pubei City Department Store - Arrive at the east entrance of Nabisae Park, then the third grocery store in the central shopping district across the street.

Reward: 100P]

...Goodness, rookie! This is moving. How do you understand my feelings so well and throw quests at me like this?

Of course, there would be people unhappy with the harsh treatment of Akates' guards. Among this group, there was even an S-rank guard. A Defense Bureau-affiliated S-rank guard and a wanted criminal with a bounty tied by family relations.

Enemies of my enemies are my allies.

I followed the rookie guide and soon arrived at the grocery store, our destination. After parking my scooter, I entered the store. Ding-dong, the bell on the door rang.


"Yes, welcome!"

A cheerful man warmly welcomed me. There were no other customers at the moment. Since he was a non-awakened, I took off my mask without worry. The man who saw my face widened his eyes in surprise. He quickly corrected his expression, but there was no doubt that he recognized me.

He recognized me properly.

"As you may have noticed, I am Han Yujin, a C-rank guard who recently joined Akates Defense Bureau. I have an interesting proposal. Would you like to hear it?"

"A proposal? I'm just the owner of this grocery store."

"Neither the conditions nor the treatment presented by the Defense Bureau appeals to me."

Leaning against the counter with a slanted posture, I smiled broadly.

"I'm thinking of turning everything upside down; are you interested?"

"...You're making dangerous remarks. What you just said constitutes a rebellion charge."

"Oh well, an opportunity like this doesn't come twice."

"Then, let's hear it."

Smiling, I suggested.

"Recognize me as your guest, and let's talk about it comfortably."

His expression seemed to say that he was intrigued.

A voice came from behind, not the man in front of me. Turning around with a face still smiling, it was a middle-aged man of A-rank. Since the doorbell sound didn't ring, he must have come from inside. Additionally, it was a face I had seen on a wanted poster.

Bounty: 20 million L.

"My stats are C-rank, so please handle me gently~"

"If the guest is certain, I will treat you politely."

Following the middle-aged man, I entered the store. If things go smoothly, it will be over by tonight. Just a little more waiting, Yoohyun.
