
The Runt Who Got Rejected

Being the smallest has advantages. But for Amelia James, it is a disadvantage because her mate, Elijah Roberts, the Alpha of the Silver Feather Pack, because of her size. She is heartbroken by the rejection. Now, she is going to learn how to be on her own after the rejection and how to become a parent. Meanwhile, Elijah is going to learn what a big mistake he has made by rejecting his one and only mate because of her appearance. Three years go by, and Amelia is the owner of a popular interior design company and a mother of two healthy twin boys. Meanwhile, Elijah has grown into his role as the Alpha of the largest, and still ever-growing, pack and decides it is time to expand with the land. Their paths cross once again.

Kora_Darden · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

Elijah's P.O.V

I was still in my private office, making strategies on how to kill the rouges that were attacking the pack. I looked up when I heard the door open to see my father standing there. I flashed a quick smile and went back to the papers before he cleared his throat to get my attention.

"Elijah, why did I hear from your lovely mother that you rejected your mate knowing she is pregnant with your child as well banned her from the pack?"

I sighed loudly and leaned back in the chair, explaining, "I rejected her because she's a runt-"

Dad immediately interrupted me in his strong Alpha tone, "How dare you reject your mate because she is small! I did not raise you to do these things! You ban your mate knowing she is carrying the next Alpha."

I became frustrated by each word that he said while I commented, "Dad! I have my reasons to reject Amelia."

We both stopped the conversation when Tatiana came into the office and said in a question form, "Amelia is your mate, and she's pregnant?"

It wasn't like I can lie to her anymore while I answered honestly, "Yes, Amelia is my mate and pregnant with our child."

She ran out of my office in tears, but I didn't stop her or run after her and comfort her. I didn't see the point of that because Tatiana wasn't my mate. I pinched the bridge of my nose and leaned further in my chair, groaning loudly in frustration.

I glanced to my left to see my father standing up from his seat and saying, "I'm going to leave you to figure this out."

I turned my chair to face the back wall and murmured, "Whatever."

I listened for the door to close before I closed my eyes and remember my birthday party.

Watching my mate snore softly is the most wonderful feeling. I could stare at Amelia as she sleep for the rest of my life.

I quietly reached out and tucked a strand behind her ear, slowly caressing her soft smooth skin and placing soft kisses on her face. I rested my head in the palm of my hand with my elbow on the bed, and I played with some of her hair and watched her soft and plump lips part as a quiet snore left her lips.

I laid my head down on my pillow and snaked my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me. I nuzzled my nose in her hair, taking in the delicious scent of her amber perfume or shower gel.

I placed a gentle and warm kiss on her exposed shoulder and gently rubbed her bareback, feeling how soft and smooth her skin is.

"I love you, Elijah." I heard her murmur in her sleep.

Zach jumped in excitement hearing those four words to come out of her mouth, and I smiled myself and continued to play with her silky hair, holding her in my arms and kissing the top of her head.

Zach murmured, Beautiful.

Yeah, she really is. I could stay in this moment forever.

I didn't know if I actually want to sleep because I didn't want to miss any moments with my mate. I kissed her forehead and twirled my finger around a loose strand of her hair before slowly running my fingers through it.

I smiled, even more, when I watched her bury her face in my chest and wrapped her arm around my waist.

We are so lucky, Zach.

I held her close to me and rubbed her back softly, inhaling that amazing amber scent of hers as I started to drift to sleep. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I sometimes wish that I didn't reject her because of her size.

I groaned a little when I felt soft fingers play with my hair. I slowly opened my eyes to see Amelia James staring at me with adoration twinkling in her beautiful and warm brown eyes. I immediately sat up and threw a disgusted look at her before saying the two words that upset Zach. I could see my mate's heart become broken into a million pieces.

I just couldn't have a runt for the Luna of the pack. I need someone who will be a strong and good Luna. But Amelia is my mate, and that is important to me.

I could see the tears forming in her eyes as she said that we are mates, but me being the fuckboy that I am, I said the one thing that will definitely ruin our mate bond.

Zach cried, No! Don't let our mate go out of the room.

I watched her gather her clothes and ran out of the room in tears. I groaned loudly and plopped on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking if this was the right decision for me and Amelia.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door was opened again for the second time. I looked in the direction of the door to see it was my mother.

Mom looked at me with a motive while she entered my private office and demanded, "Where is Amelia staying?"

"Why do you want to know that information, mom?"

"Because she is the mother of my first grandchild, and I need to know that she is okay as well as the baby."

I sighed quietly to myself before asking, "Why do you need to know about their health, mother?"

"Because she is carrying your child and our grandchild as well the next Alpha of this pack."

I rolled my eyes at the comment and ran my hands over my face in frustration before responding, "Mom! Don't you think that I know that? I am not ready to have a mate or be a father."

"Well, you be ready to be a father because this baby is coming real soon."

"Mom, please leave me alone for a moment."

She sighed softly and quietly nodded her head before turning away from me and giving me one more look as she left the office and closed the door behind her. I slouched in the chair and sighed loudly in frustration before running my hands over my face for a second time.

What did I do?

A selfish and inconsiderate thing to our amazing mate.

Thank you for your assurance, but I didn't ask for your fucking opinion, Zach!