
The RUDRA World: The World That Cries

Rudra means "the roarer," "dreadful," or "formidable." Ram, a normal office-going person from Gurgaon, India, had everything in his life. He was not exactly pampered, and being a middle child, a lot could agree on this, but his life took a turn when he found himself transmigrated to a new world. This world was something new for him; he had never read a novel or played any game to get a basic understanding of the situation. But in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of light. Ding! "Welcome host; you have entered the Rudra world." "Why is there a voice in my head?" "Have I really lost it?" "Host, I am the system provided to you by the supreme will to guide you." "Wait, so you're a system, designed by the CEO of the US company Supreme, Will." System: "..." How will a person who has no clue about the fantasy or cultivation world survive in his new environment? Let’s see how Ram finds his way while evolving himself and conquering evil. _____________________________________________________________ Some points about the book 1. This is a new cultivation world story with different cultivation elements. It doesn't involve Qi or mana but uses "Prana" (Prana is an actual thing used in the yogic culture in India for the past 20,000 years), so anyone who likes to read a cultivation or fantasy story but wants something new could give it a try. 2. Though the character has a system with him, do note that that system is there to only guide him, not make him overpowered. 3. The protagonist does act silly at times, but it is to be expected as he is new to the system and cultivation, and you will realise sooner that he is actually very smart. 4. The character will evolve naturally as a human does in real life after learning their lesson; there will be no harem, but romance in the future is to be expected, and as the story progresses, there will be a lot of tension and definitely blood spilling and slaughters. 5. The main protagonist doesn't kill with overpowering strengths; he often uses his wits to outsmart the situation and trap the enemy before killing them. 6.Since this is my first time writing anything, there may be a few ‘You know what I mean"s here and there. I'm developing alongside Ram as the story unfolds. I wish you all a blessed and joyful day. _____________________________________________________________

RasikBairagi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

Maha Pret

A tall giant, more than 50 feet tall, came towards them. This giant was made of a combination of different species. It looked like a chimaera, but after hearing Hanu, he understood that leaders of prets are born after absorbing all the prets in their group into their bodies. So this was the leader, 'Maha Pret.'

Ram, out of reflex, switched his bow for a spear and prepared himself for the fight.

"Wait, let me handle this."

Hanu said while looking at the Maha Pret.

"Are you sure? I can help."

Yes, let me handle this.

Hanu said and started walking towards the Maha Pret, and after a few steps, his body grew taller, and he became three times the size of what he was. Hanu was now more than 20 feet tall, but he still looked like an infant in front of the Maha pret, which was at least 50 feet tall.


There was a loud cry from the Maha pret as it ran towards Hanu, and he responding to the shout replied with a loud battle cry.


Then he swung his fist, which created the illusion of a huge mountain being thrown towards the enemy.


The dust cleared, and it was visible that the mountain did reach the Maha Pret, but it was stopped by his hand, and there was no damage whatsoever done.

Then there was a sharp cry, and Hanu was flung from front to back, and he crashed on the floor.

Before Hanu could get up, the Maha prat ran towards it, jumped on him, and started punching nonstop at Hanu.

"Are you sure you don't need help?"

Ram, seeing all this from a distance, felt concerned and asked

"No, I am fine. I am just worming up." Hanu replied while still being punched nonstop.

"I don't know how this is fine, but I'll stay back and honour your wish." Ram replied, but honestly, he wanted to see the fight; he had never seen a proper fight and wanted to observe the natives of Rudra World fight.

He then observed Maha Pret and used Supreme Truth Eyes.

Name: No Name

Species: Maha Pret

Level: 3 (Advanced)

Status: Alive/Dead

It doesn't remember how or when it died, but all it remembers is that there is uncontrollable anger inside it. It wants to kill everyone near him. It started as a normal Pret, but soon, out of anger, he started to kill all the Prets nearby, devouring more than 500 Prets. It evolved into Level 3 Maha Pret.

Ram saw this information and now understands what exactly happened. He was only level 2, and the Maha Pret was level 3, so he was also not sure if he could kill the Maha Pret. Ram observed the Maha Pret, then turned and saw Hanu, and out of reflex, he used the Supreme Truth Eyes.

Name Hanu

Species: Human

Level: 3 (Advanced)

A physical cultivator with immense talent and power hidden in him

Ram saw Hanu's information and nodded. So during that time in the village, there was definitely some treasure used by the village chief to hide their information.

Now I can say that Hanu and the Maha pret are both at the same level, so he definitely meant it when he said he could handle it. He thought and shifted his focus back to the fight.

Hanu was still being beaten again and again. Maha Pret, out of his increasing anger at seeing that his opponent was not dying, pulled a tree from the root and came towards Hanu to hit him. He swung the tree at Hanu.


Maha Pret relaxed, feeling that he had successfully hit the opponent, but then he saw that he did hit his opponent, but the opponent didn't feel anything; it was like he was hit by a feather. Maha Pret only felt confused and looked towards the tree in his hands and then at Hanu's head. As if looking for some confirmation.

"Are you disappointed that nothing happened?" Hanu said mockingly and continued.

"I thought we were not going to use the weapon."

Then Hanu waved his hand, and a tall war hammer appeared in his hands. He then swung the hammer at Maha Pret.

It was just a normal swing of the hammer, but Ram saw something else; he saw a huge mountain made of metal come towards the Maha Pret, and this motion of the mountain descending was neither fast nor slow, but it felt like the Maha Pret couldn't react and just kept on staring with horror in its eyes. Ram saw everything in slow motion, and then


The hammer connected from the side, and the Maha Pret's upper body was blown into oblivion; it was as if there never was any upper physical body; only the body below the waist remained.

"System, can you explain what I just saw?"

"Host, you just witnessed a Hammer technique being effectively used."

"System, I also have weapons and fighting techniques, but why can't I make some metal mountains and make them descend?"

"Host, the techniques that you use are basic and fundamental on how to use body and breath, while what you just observed is an advanced, specialised technique."

"Okay, it's like this. "System, can I also get some advanced weapon and fighting techniques?"

"Yes, host. You can look for them in the market and see if some suit you."

Ram meant he wanted to get it from the system, but seeing the question being dodged by the system with some other answer, he didn't continue.

Hanu changed his body size, came back to his normal size, and came towards Ram.

"That was an amazing fight."

"It was nothing; I didn't even feel like it tickled."

Ram, after hearing him, felt either he meant what he said or he had some kind of fetish to feel pain, but he didn't wait too long for this doubt to be cleared as he saw Hanu stretching his body and he could see not even a scratch on him.

"So he really meant it," Ram said in his mind.

"Let's go and find that idiot." Hanu said this and started to walk deeper into the forest.