
The RUDRA World: The World That Cries (Moved to a New Link)

Rudra means "the roarer," "dreadful," or "formidable." Ram, a normal office-going person from Gurgaon, India, had everything in his life. He was not exactly pampered, and being a middle child, a lot could agree on this, but his life took a turn when he found himself transmigrated to a new world. This world was something new for him; he had never read a novel or played any game to get a basic understanding of the situation. But in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of light. Ding! "Welcome host; you have entered the Rudra world." "Why is there a voice in my head?" "Have I really lost it?" "Host, I am the system provided to you by the supreme will to guide you." "Wait, so you're a system, designed by the CEO of the US company Supreme, Will." System: "..." How will a person who has no clue about the fantasy or cultivation world survive in his new environment? Let’s see how Ram finds his way while evolving himself and conquering evil. _____________________________________________________________ Some points about the book 1. This is a new cultivation world story with different cultivation elements. It doesn't involve Qi or mana but uses "Prana" (Prana is an actual thing used in the yogic culture in India for the past 20,000 years), so anyone who likes to read a cultivation or fantasy story but wants something new could give it a try. 2. Though the character has a system with him, do note that that system is there to only guide him, not make him overpowered. 3. The protagonist does act silly at times, but it is to be expected as he is new to the system and cultivation, and you will realise sooner that he is actually very smart. 4. The character will evolve naturally as a human does in real life after learning their lesson; there will be no harem, but romance in the future is to be expected, and as the story progresses, there will be a lot of tension and definitely blood spilling and slaughters. 5. The main protagonist doesn't kill with overpowering strengths; he often uses his wits to outsmart the situation and trap the enemy before killing them. 6.Since this is my first time writing anything, there may be a few ‘You know what I mean"s here and there. I'm developing alongside Ram as the story unfolds. I wish you all a blessed and joyful day. _____________________________________________________________

RasikBairagi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
66 Chs

First Kill

Ram then remembered Hanu and his giant-like strength that he had witnessed a month ago. These ghosts are nothing for him, and there was also Prakhar beside him who had been constantly travelling, so he should have also dealt with this kind of threat before, so he relaxed and looked towards Hanu.

Hanu was still in shock, and there was a little panic on his face. Then Ram turned towards Prakhar, and he saw nothing. He had actually become invisible. Maybe he vanished; what technique did he use to become invisible? But then he heard a sound behind him and turned and saw Prakhar running away while leaving them.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" He bolted away at the first threat. Here I thought he used some kind of technique to become invisible to attack the ghosts."

"You guys handle them; I'll wait ahead." Prakhar shouted while running.

Ram was speechless after seeing this action, and then he remembered an old ancient saying of wisdom: Sometimes it was better to run.

"Hanu, let's run."

Hanu shook his head and said, "It's too late; we are already surrounded."

Ram turned and looked all around, and he could see ghosts, like deformed bodies of humans, coming out of all the surroundings.

"What are these? Are they zombies?"

"Zombies? What is that? These are called 'Prets."

"So some virus affected them and turned them like this or what?"

"Are you crazy? What kind of nonsense are you spouting? They are "prets" who had unjust and violent deaths. Now they have only one emotion, and that is anger, which controls them. Now stop talking and figure out how to stay alive."

Hanu said this while taking out his war hammer from the spatial ring.

Ram also took out the blood spear and took a stance while keeping some distance from Hanu.

As far as he could see, he could guess that approximately 200 Prets were surrounding them. To be honest, he was scared; though he had trained himself in the secret world, he had never actually fought someone. He observed the Pret closest to him, and a window opened above her head.

Name: Rina

Age: 36

Status: Alive/Dead

She was killed by an unknown entity while it was hanging her from the tree from behind. Her anger is towards everyone she sees. She feels the one who hanged her is the one she sees.

Ram saw the information, took a deep breath, and said

"Rina, I know you can hear me; I know you are angry, but you should understand that it's not me who has killed you. I have never met you before. Please don't be blinded by the anger. Try and see. Please do not do this."

Ram kept repeating it while trying to reach her, but she kept walking towards him. Though it looked like a zombie walk, it was not slow at all.

"Please don't make me do this."

Ram spoke slowly while gripping his spear tightly.

First step, second step, third step...

He took a deep breath and adjusted his mind, and when Rina reached a certain metre closer to him,


He thrust the spear straight ahead with full force and peirced Rina's heart.


Rina splattered black blood on the spear while still being stuck in it. It could be seen that she was still not dead and struggling to free herself from the weapon, and after some time when she couldn't free herself, she looked ahead and looked at Ram and


She screamed in a teryifying manner, and Ram, still holding the spear, didn't even move an inch. Though the scream did shake his heart a little, he still didn't let it come to his face, and soon it could be seen he had some tears in his eyes; his eyes became red, and Ram then transferred the fire elemental prana from his body to the spear, then to the inside of Rina's open heart, and the intensity of prana increased, and the spear shook and


Rina got burned from the inside out and vanished; only a black spot remained where she stood.

Ram then looked in the distance and saw Hanu using the tall war hammer with his giant-like strength and crushing all the Prets surrounding him.

Ram took a deep breath and looked towards his bloodied hand and then at the sky. It could be seen that the first kill was very heavy for him, as his eyes were still red. He knew either he could kill or be killed, though if given a chance he would never wield a weapon. But he knew there was nothing he could do.

He then started walking with a weapon in his hand towards the nearest Pret, and soon his walk turned into running.


He stabbed his spear in the pret and with fire elemental prana burned it, then he turned and manipulated the earth prana and made a small wall on both sides of himself. and every Pret that entered between the walls was pierced by the spear one by one and then burned to ashes.

Soon there was an influx of Prets towards him; initially it was only 2 or 3 who were coming in his direction, but now there were more than twenty coming in his direction. He dispersed the wall and took a few steps behind, and then, after distancing himself, he switched spears with the bow, and with the bow and arrow, he started to attack while using fire prana on the arrow.


One after another arrow shot out, and every arrow hit the target, and before Pret could react, they started to burn.

Slowly, this repeated itself again and again, and soon, there was less and less pret, and at last, there were only a few handfuls remaining.

Ram looked towards Hanu and saw him still hammering prets, and he was surrounded by more than twenty prets. He pulled the bow and released arrows one after another, burning the Prets at Hanu's side. Soon, every last one of the Prets was killed.

Ram then went towards Hanu, but he was stopped by him in the distance and said,

"Do not relax. Prets usually act alone and not in groups, but once there is a group, there is always a leader."

Ram, hearing this, nodded, and soon they heard a sound of thumping.



A tall giant more than 50 feet tall came towards them. This giant was made of a combination of different species. It looked like a chimaera, but after hearing Hanu, he understood that leaders of prets are born after absorbing all the prets in their group into their bodies. So this was the leader, 'Maha Pret.'