
Chapter 6 The Truth Comes Out

Giovanna's phone going off. Giovanna groans and unwraps his arms from her body and answers the phone. "Hello?" he says as he sits up. Giovanna's face quickly goes from relaxed to alarmed as he starts to look around the room. "Look, I don't know what type of game your playing Angelo but this isn't funny." Giovanna says as Anna quickly sits up and curls up into his side. She looks up at him knowing something was wrong. "Angelo I swear if you try anything I will kill you" he says as Anna quickly gets up and puts Giovanna's shirt on. She quickly heads to her room to get changed. She quickly takes off his shirt and puts on a sports bra before grabbing a black tank top and putting it on. She then proceeds to find a pair of shorts and walks into Giovanna's room seeing that he's still on the phone.

She sits down at the edge of the bed and waits for him to finish his call before looking at him. "What's happened?" She asks as Giovanna gets up and sighs. "He's on his way" He says looking at her. "But why?" She asks as she meets his gaze fear starts to enter her eyes as she looks up at him. "I don't know but what ever his reason for coming is it won't be pleasant" he says getting into a tank top and shorts. "Call Olimpio and let her know that Angelo is on his way." Giovanna says as Anna nods and quickly pulls out her phone calling Olimpio. "Hello?" Olimpio says as she answers. "Olimpio It's Anna, Angelo is on his way to us, please come quickly" She says as Olimpio says "I'm on my way" Olimpio hangs up and quickly gets dressed calling Adolpho "Meet me at Giovanna's place. Angelo's heading there now." She says before getting into her car and speeding down to his house. In the meantime Anna stands still as Giovanna quickly teaches her how to use a gun and how to protect herself.

As Giovanna's explaining how to reload the gun they both hear an angry knock on the door. "he's here" Anna says softly. Giovanna nods and goes to open the door. He stares Angelo down "why are you here?" He asks obviously pissed. "I'm here because of the fact that, that bitch decided to have the one person I cared the most about killed. Now I want revenge" he says growling out as he pushed past Giovanna and walked into the room. "Oh there you are bitch" he says as him and his men push past Giovanna and shut the door. They locked the door and sat Giovanna down. Two men walk to Anna and Grab her wrists. "My turn to take revenge."

"What's going on" Anna says as the men grab her wrists. She starts to struggle before feeling a sharp stinging pain on her face. "What the hell?" She says as she looks up at him. "Your a dick Angelo" she says as she feels him slap her again. "And your a bitch" Angelo spits out. Giovanna immediately goes to stand up and make Angelo stop but he's held down by two men. "What is the meaning of this?" He asks suddenly starting to realize the predicament that they were in. "Angelo, don't do this" Giovanna says looking at him. "It's not worth it" Angelo scoffs and the men hold him down against the chair. "You see, I want revenge" Angelo says caressing Anna's face with his hand before lightly slapping it. Giovanna's face pales out as he looks at Angelo. "You wouldn't" he says as Angelo smirks, "oh I would" he says.

Anna looks between the two of them before sighing internally before speaking. "Angelo, what are you talking about?" She asks braces for any potential slap. Not feeling it she quickly looks up at him as he looks at her with some sort of pity. "I will in due time." He says before he turns to Giovanna. "I will tell her, But first I want some information out of you." Angelo says as he smirks. "C-can I sit down please?" Anna asks softly as Angelo nods at the men holding her. They quickly grab a chair and sit her down in it. Anna internally started to think to herself, 'why is he being so nice to me? He was the one who hurt me so this doesn't make any sense' she thinks before she hears a knock at the door. "Ah, Giovanna who would that be?" Angelo asks. Giovanna keeps his mouth shut, Angelo sighs then looks at Anna. "Do you know who it is?" He asks her. She nods "Giovanna asked me to call Olimpio" she says as he sighs and slaps Giovanna. Angelo walked to the door and opened. "Olimpio everything is okay. I have a score to settle. No harm will come to Anna. However I can not promise the safety of Giovanna." " Olimpio nods and walks off as Angelo shuts the door. "Back to business now" he says as walks up to Giovanna. "Now keep in mind, I know you heard what I said. So with that in mind do you want to make things easy and just tell us what we want to know or are we going to make you tell us?" He asks.

Giovanna rolls his eyes and Angelo takes that as a no. "Please take Anna to a different room." Angelo says as the men help her up and escort her back up to her room. After they leave Angelo looks at Giovanna. "You can tell her or I will" he says. "I don't know what your talking about" he says "That Doctor Valentina woman" he says and Giovanna pales out. "Oh... shit" he says as looks up at him. "You wouldn't tell her would you?" he asks. "Oh I assure you, I will" he says and calls for the group of them to come back downstairs. Anna sits in a chair and Angelo pulls up a chair and looks at her. "Do you remember when you were in the hospital and being treated by a Doctor Valentina?" He asks Anna. She nods and He sighs softly. "Okay so what Giovanna doesn't want you to know is that he and Ms. Valentina Are married." He says softly and quickly. Anna pales out and looks at Giovanna. "What?" she asks softly in shock.

"Giovanna is it true?" she asks him as he sighs and nods his head. Angelo stands up and grabs his face, "You are going to speak to Anna." he says with venom laced in his voice. Giovanna looks at Anna and sighs. "Yes it's true" he says as Anna softly sobs. Her heart breaking into pieces. The men beside her quickly stand up and look at Anna, "Miss, do you want us to pack your stuff?" they ask. She nods and they head upstairs and quickly start to pack up her room. They filled her bags with her clothes, shampoo's, and everything else she had in her room. They walked back downstairs as Angelo helped Anna up. "Olimpio is waiting outside for us." he says as she nods and walks with Angelo to the front door. Angelo wraps his arm around her waist as they walked out. Olimpio was there waiting in a van. Anna said nothing as she got into the vehicle. Angelo held her close to him and she nuzzled into him sobbing. "shh shh, It's okay. I know it hurts now but I want you to know that he's not going to hurt you anymore" he says. She sobs and looks up at him. "It's okay, he won't hurt you anymore, we won't allow it" he says as Olimpio starts the van and drives down the road. "That fucker is dead" she says as Angelo holds her close to him. "Agreed" Angelo says. After a half an hour of driving Olimpio pulls up into the driveway of a house. "Welcome home princess" Angelo says softly