
Chapter 5 Horror movie

Anna sighed as she turned off her tv. She stripped down and got into her pajamas which consisted of a black sports bra followed by a loose grey tank top and some loose shorts that went down to her knees. Anna walks out of her room, she heard Giovanna get dressed so she decided to wait for him. Giovanna quickly finished up in his bathrooms and drained his tub. He walked out of his bathroom and into his room where he quickly got changed in loose more comfortable clothes.

Giovanna quickly walks out of his room wearing nothing but baggy shorts. He lets out a whistle as he sees Anna, "tesola you look beautiful" he says with a smile, she blushes and giggles, "your not to shabby yourself" she says as they laugh walking down the stairs. "so what are we going to do now?" Anna asks as she falls onto the couch, "I'm not sure" he says as he sits beside her. "want to watch a horror movie?" he asks as she nods. Giovanna turns on the T.V. and opens up the Netflix app.

Giovanna nods and starts to scroll through Netflix and quickly found a movie he wanted to put on. "Were going to watch The Conjuring." Giovanna says with a smirk. Anna looks at him and smirks at him. "Fine by me horror doesn't scare me." she says and plops down on the couch beside Giovanna curling up into him. He smirks and wraps his arm around her waist and pulls her onto his lap before pulling a blanket over top of them. Anna smiles softly and Giovanna smirks before starting the show. During the movie Anna nuzzled her head into Giovanna's neck as he traces shapes and patterns on her arms and legs.

Everything was going well until an intense jump scare scene. Anna could feel her heart almost drop. She let out a loud gasp and exhaled heavily. The rest of the movie was uneventful when the movie was done Anna quickly went to her room. Anna sighed as she sat on her bed. She pulled the blankets over her and put her earphones in and played music on her phone. She sighed as she closed her eyes and felt her body drift into sleep. As Anna fell asleep Giovanna looks in her room and sees that she is fast asleep,

He sighs and closes the door and walks back downstairs. He walks into the kitchen and writes a note "Anna, I went out to get some food and other supplies, I'll be back in an hour or so" The note said as he quickly grabbed his coat, wallet and keys before walking out of the house and locking the door behind him.

Giovanna gets into his car and sighs before starting it and driving down to the grocery store. As Giovanna leaves the house Anna slowly starts to wake. Even though she took a quick catnap she got thirsty and dragged herself out of bed. She took her headphones out and walked downstairs to go get a water bottle. She sees the note that Giovanna left for her. She let out a soft sigh and nodded.

Meanwhile as Anna had called her boss and told her that she was able to start working soon. that Giovanna was currently in the grocery store. He was buying first-aid items and food. He walked to the checkout and waited in line. He put his items on the conveyor belt and waited as the cashier checked out his items. "Your total is $220.25" Giovanna nods and holds up his card. The cashier nodded and Giovanna inserted his card to pay.

A few minutes later he's walking out of the store carrying 4 bags in each hand. Giovanna quickly popped his trunk and placed the groceries in the trunk before closing the trunk. Giovanna then got in his car and drove to a gas station to buy a bunch of cheap junk food and drinks. He also paid for gas before getting back into his car and driving off back to the house. As he pulled up Anna's head popped up and she went outside to help Giovanna bring the groceries in.

Giovanna and Anna quickly took the groceries out of the trunk and passenger side before quickly unlocking the door and shutting it behind him. He put the groceries away before Anna ushered him out of the kitchen and started putting food away. She quickly finished up and walked back to her room. After about 20 minutes of Anna scrolling through Facebook her boss called her. "Hey Ash, what's up?" Anna asks as she sits on the bed. "Hey I know that this is very last minute but everyone else is busy could you come in?" Anna looks at the time on her phone, seeing that it was only 9:30 pm. Anna sighs before saying "Yeah I'll be right there"

She quickly undresses and gets into her black work uniform and grabs her car keys. She walks downstairs and goes up to Giovanna. "Hey can I get a set of house keys I'm heading into work and I don't wanna bother you to let me back in." He nods and hands her a set of keys. She quickly walks out of the door closing it and locking it behind her. She walks to her car and gets in. She drives down to her work. She is a cook at a local restaurant. When she walked in she saw the time was 9:50 pm. She quickly headed off to the back, and put her stuff away before going off to see Ash.

Anna walked to the managers office knocking on the door. "Come in" Ash says as Anna walks in. "Hey, How are you feeling now?" Ash asked Anna. "I'm feeling better now, thank you." Anna said, Ash nods and sighs. "I just need you here to finish a closing shift" Anna nods seeing that it was already 10:00 pm "I'm gonna go and get started." She walks out of the office and into the kitchen, quickly washing her hands and jumping into action. She was washing dishes and helping to cook when needed. She was so preoccupied with getting everything done that she didn't even realize that a couple of hours went by. She helped clean up the kitchen before saying by to the other people who were finishing up working and walked to her car.

She unlocked her car door, got in and shut the door locking it as she did. She turned on the car and put the radio and relaxed into her seat. She just sat there enjoying the peace and being able to relax. After 10 minutes Anna puts the car in drive and starts to drive back to Giovanna's house. The drive back to his house was uneventful and went by quickly. Anna pulled into the driveway and got out the house keys before getting out and locking her car. She walked to the door and quickly unlocked it before walking in and closing the door quietly and locking it again. She quietly walked up to her room and closing the door. Anna walked into the bathroom and had a quick shower before getting into a tank top and shorts before going to sleep.