

A large tree symbol sewn on the white shirt accompanied by a black pair of pants was a symbol of the prestigious maple woods school, currently wearing it was a tall and lean dark haired youth.

The youth, named Damien, was lying on the grey cement floor of the school's roof, earphones blasted music into his ears as he gazed into the light blue sky, a pleasant breeze swept past him as he was lost deep into his thoughts.

Damien was the son of the woman running one of the biggest law firms in the world, although they were more often than not away from home, they did provide him and his sister with a comfortable and easygoing lifestyle.

However, it was all so boring.

During his life, Damien was able to achieve a blue belt in taekwondo, a substantial level of mastery over the piano, he enjoyed top grades and a high level in a variety of video games. But it is still boring.

Knowing that he was born with a silver spoon made life seem even blander than it already was; Damien was simply bored. Thankfully, the video game industry never ceased to produce new products, as soon as he finished a game, a new one would pop out. He particularly liked RPGs, the vast world he could explore, the interesting game mechanics, the attractive plot, he simply loved it, it was living a new life, existing in a new world, simply being someone else, in a world where struggle and effort were actually rewarded. It was all so exciting!

However, as soon as he tore his eyes away from the screen, the crushing weight of reality came down upon him once again, slamming him down into boredom.

Suddenly, Damien realized that the music has stopped playing, which put a halt into his train of thoughts.

He pulled his Smartphone out from his pocket, only to realize that the screen was on.

Black words appeared in the middle of a pure white background.

[Do you wish to truly live? Do you wish to find a purpose in life? If so, click yes, but be warned, life your life will change, forever]

[Yes] [No]

Damien, read the words, not knowing what to think, a large part of him wanted to click on the word [yes], but another, most likely his instincts, screamed at him to dismiss this strange occurrence.

"Meh, what's the worst that can happen?" he shrugged and clicked yes

Yes, this is the prologue

supreme_monarchcreators' thoughts