
Chapter 2

Damien slowly came to, his eyes spotting nothing but the same shade of clinical white, he slowly rose to his feet as he swept his eyes around, gradually taking the situation in.

Apparently, he was in a really big place, a completely white place, there was only the same shade of clean, bright, clinical white color as far as he could see, it bothered his eyes a bit. The place seemed to have no edges, but Damien didn't know if it truly is infinite or if it was only his eyes.

"Is this a dream?" he said in a surprisingly calm and collected voice.

[Generating user profile...]

[Name: Damien Walker.

Abilities: Relaxed mind (Lv.1)

Equipment: None

Level: 0

Points: 0]

"A U.I? I should cut down a bit on games" he whispered to himself

[Generating beginner weapon]

Felling something in his hand, Damien looks down to see a wooden stick in his right hand, it looked like someone took a broom, cut it in half, and then gave him one of the halves. Damien was a bit startled by the sudden appearance of the broom but was soon distracted by another screen.

[Please prepare, Mission 0 will start in 5]





[Mission 0: defeat your enemy]


Damien was confused by the floating words, a strange light caught his eye, and when he looked to the right to check it out, he spotted a monster.

Despite being half his height, 'monster' was the only word he could possibly use to describe the creature in front of him: with its thin gaunt body, its long arms and clawed fingers, its pitch black beady eyes, its small triangular teeth, flappy bat-like ears, its wide maw, lack of nose and football-shaped head, this creature was clearly a monster.

In fact, it looked like a certain character from a certain franchise about a ring.

Damien was taken aback by the appearance of this creature, he involuntarily took a step back. His first reaction was to run away, unfortunately, the creature had already noticed him.

"GRAAAGGGHHHHH!!!!" the monster let out a high pitched growl as it charged at him, bearing its fangs.

Damien's body wanted to run on instinct. However, he thought back to the spars in the dojo and his body immediately took a stance he was comfortable with; his right leg and arm back, ready to attack, his left arm and leg forward, ready to defend, he bent his knees and waited for the monster.

As soon as the goblin came close enough, it jumped at Damien's head. The later immediately swung the stick at it in a downward arc, intending to swat it to the ground.

At that moment, the goblin knew it fucked up. Damien's stick hit its ribs and slammed it down to the ground, bruising its body and cracking its ribs.

Damien swiftly rushed towards the goblin, his heart pumping adrenaline at a crazy pace. In his mix of fear and confusion, soccer kicked the monster, who once again shrieked in pain.

The shriek only served to remind Damien that the creature wasn't human, but was, in fact, a monster that just tried to attack it.

So he stomped on it with all his strength.

Then he did it again.

And again.

And again.


Slowly, he lost himself in the violence; fear took control over his being as he attacked the creature again and again

When he realized what he was doing, an ugly black bruise formed on the otherwise green back of the creature, who, overwhelmed by the brutality of the attacker, could only curl up, hoping that some miracle might save it from the demon in front of it.

"Wha... What am I doing?" Damien stared at the creature, words slowly escaped his mouth as he realized the sheer brutality of the actions he did.

'No, the monster attacked me first, it was self-defense' He convinced himself as he looked at the goblin 'That screen said that my mission is to kill my enemy, it should mean this monster, right? I really have to get out of here'

Damien looked at the stick in his hand then at the goblin.

"I'll just have to choke it," he said as he regained his mind cleared up.

Walking to the goblin, Damien pulled both arms on to the side, pressed his knees on the elbows, and then wrapped his hands around the neck and begun pressing.

Aside from being tired of the beating it received, the monster was so surprised by the human's sudden actions he didn't realize what was happening until he felt large, vice-like hands squeezing its windpipe.

Sure, the creature tried to get rid of its attacker, but considering the weight above it, having its head and arms locked, and that it was having its windpipe crushed, the monster obviously failed.

And soon enough, it stopped flailing and surrendered itself to its fate.

[Mission 0: Complete!]

[Rewards: 10 points!]

He felt the world around him change, but when he tried to move, he noticed that he could not move a single muscle under his neck. Looking around, he noticed four black silhouettes standing next to him, judging by the curves of their bodies, two were male, and two were female.

Facing them, however, was a person. A pale-skinned young girl sat in front of them one a white cube, the girl was probably not human, as she had long snow-white hair and shining golden eyes. Her face carried an expression of boredom as she sat cross-legged, her back slightly hunched as she stared at my direction resting her head on her palm.

"The world is facing perilous times, the veil separating the worlds has been destroyed, and the worlds will merge once again, and all of your lives will change.

All five of you have passed the initial trials, you are all worthy of being selected by me.

Complete missions, gain points, and you will be able to obtain any kind of item or ability through the shop.

Fight, fight and survive"