
The Rogue Meets The Alpha

Calliope Anderson made herself rouge but leaving her pack for the better of herself and her child Riley. She defended herself against all enemies and trusted no one. Her main priority was to ensure Riley's safety at all costs. But what happens when Mr.Badass Alpha Adrian Moore comes into to play trying to protect his mate. Does he reject the one and only soulmate he will ever have due to having a child and mated to another man? Or does he stick around to see what the whole story is?

Dayylyynn0506 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Adrian's POV *starting from the morning of the last chapter*

I'm not quite sure what time it was when I woke up. All I know is that Calliope wasn't in the bed and it was still dark outside. I got out of the bed and began looking for her. I don't see her in our bathroom or in Riley's room. That's when I heard that the TV was on, she must be downstairs. It was strange for her to be out of bed when it's still dark out. I got downstairs and watched her for a moment. She still had on her pajamas and I'm guessing she had eaten a bowl of cereal seeing there was an empty bowl on the coffee table. She was intently watching whatever was on the TV. "What are you doing down here?'' I questioned her as my arms crossed. She got a little startled before she gave me a sheepish smile. "I couldn't sleep so I came down here so I didn't wake you, which I now see was pointless." she started with a small chuckle. I went into the kitchen and made us some coffee. Obviously she wasn tgoing to be able to go back to sleep so i wasn't going to either. I dont know whats going on or what she's thinking but i don't want her to be alone. Don't need her mind wandering off to the bad things. "Everything ok?'' I asked her, concerned. She nods her head and looks at me "Yeah I guess I'm just a little nervous about Riley not being here tonight. I haven't been without her before." I could sense that she was telling the whole truth but I let it go. She would tell me eventually what it really was. "Well I'm pretty sure she's going to be ok. And if something were to happen she's literally two houses down so it won't be an issue to go and get her." I told her while I brought her a cup of coffee. I sat down next to her and we just drank our coffee in silence until the light of morning came.

Her phone went off telling us that our morning was about to start, she would have to go and get Riley up. Which was a chore considering that girl was not a morning person. I didn't know kids couldn't like the morning until I met her. She is one grumpy little girl. I just stayed on the couch finishing my second cup of coffee waiting for the girls to come down. My thoughts began to wonder. If this is what life was going to be for me and my mate. If it was then I'm perfectly happy with it. I love Riley very much, just like she was my own daughter. It doesn't really bother anymore that she isn't mine because there wasn't much that I could do to stop it. I didn't know anything about what was going on then. Just thinking about the thighs they did to Calliope just made me mad. If I ever saw this Ethan kid I was going to give him the same treatment that he gave to Calliope. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Riley scream my name. "ADRIAN!" She jumped out of her mothers arm and jumped into my lap. I grunted. I wasn't expecting her to be so full of energy this early. I gave a big hug. "Now what would the princess like for breakfast today?" I asked her and she thought about it for a moment. "I think today is more of a cereal day." she stated. Like mother like daughter my wolf, Reid, stated. Riley got out of my lap and went into the kitchen and had a seat at the bar. Me and Calliope followed her. I had made her a bowl and Calliope another bowl then myself one. One thing was for sure, I was going to have to keep the house in full stock of cereal for the two of them. Riley would definitely eat for every me'al if she could.

It was getting close to time for me to leave and head to the office. I went ahead and mind linked the boys to meet me there in 30 minutes. I went back into the kitchen where the girls were, I gave Calliope a kiss goodbye. Man how i loved it when we kissed no matter how powerful or sweet. It gave me pure happiness. I gave a big hug to Riley and told her that I would see her tomorrow. I got into the car and drove to the office building. I made sure to stop and get me another cup of coffee. I had a feeling that I was going to need a lot of that today. When I got into the office I opened my computer to an email from one of the neighboring packs, Alpha's. He had sent that he had seen the rogue male that we were looking for, Ethan. Thankfully this pack was about 200 miles to the south east of us. Meaning that it would take time before Ethan tried to come for Calliope again. I sent Alpha an email letting him know that I wanted to stay updated on this rogue and notify him if he ever left the area. I wanted to make sure that I knew every movement of the son of a bitch. I had made other alpha's of the surrounding packs about who he was and that he was a threat to my mate. Alphas did not take threat to mates easily, so it wasn't hard to get their cooperation with this. A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. "Come in." I started to walk Harmony. I groaned "What do you want Harmony?" I said while I leaned back from the computer. She kept her head down as she took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. I could see that she was crying. "Why not me?" she whispered. I was honestly confused as to what the hell she was talking about. "What do you mean?" I had asked her emotionlessly. "Why couldn't you make me Luna? Why couldn't we have just been mates? Instead of you and that rogue?" she questioned. I hinted at a sense of hate towards Calliope which didn't make me or Reid happy. "Harmony, I can understand that you are upset. But I would watch your tone and the words you speak about your Luna. Especially to your Alpha." I started to try to remain calm. "But why couldn't we just continue where we left off? You could forget about her. I could make you forget about her." She long for her tears and was almost fuming with rage. "Harmony. Last chance. I'm not going to tell you again. Calliope is my mate. Your Luna and you will give us respect. If that poses too much of a problem for you then I highly suggest finding another pack, or become a rogue." I stated to her firmly. "Now leave my office." I used my Alpha tone for that knowing that she couldn't deny the demand.

I wasn't sure how long I was actually in the office before the guys showed up. "Wassup boss man?" Ryan asked. WHen they walked in. Both of them had a seat in the chairs. "So I just heard from Alpha Ross down in the New Moon pack. He was able to get some eyes on Ethan. Thankfully there is some distance between us and him but I would still like us to be on the offense of things. I want to increase the training and workouts by an hour every other day. When it comes to sparring I want one that is higher level against someone who is lower. I don't want to lose a pack member if I can help it. Tomorrow we are going to need to increase the patrol surrounding the pack seeing how us three will be at your house, Ryan." I stayed with them. Ben seemed a little questionable at this moment. "Ben, I can read your face. Wassup?" he just nodded his head and looked at me. "No offense or anything but if we keep increasing the training hours and then changing the sparring I worry what the pack is going to think.They might see it as us preparing for something big to happen. I would hate for panic to grow within the pack when there isn't much to worry about at this moment." He started calmly. He had a point, he always did. He was the most level headed one out of the three. "I see your point. And you are right that we don't have a threat right now, but I would hate for something to happen and us not to be prepared. It's only going to take a few hours for Ethan to get here and in those few hours we won't be able to be protect the pack like we need to.'' I told both of them. "If we start to have those that begin to worry we can just tell them that we wouldn't want anything to happen now that the pack is getting their Luna. We can let them look at it as more of a protection detail for her, and Riley." They both nodded their heads accepting this new change. Ryan turned to me with a smirk on his face "So… how are things going with our new Luna?" I knew what he was hinting at. I just chuckled. "Everything is fine. She is wanting to take things slow. Can you blame her considering everything that she's been through?`` That's when Ben decided that he would speak up. "I mean really though can you blame her? She's been through hell and back. I couldn't even imagine what she was going through. And what your thoughts were when you first found out about it." He started giving me a sympathetic look. I nodded my head. "Well that's enough about feelings. Lets go roundup the guys and get ready for training. Then when that's done we can come back and pinpoint weaknesses that need to be worked on for the guys."

I'm not quite sure how long we were out on the training field before we came back to the office. While we were out there I had first year warriors go up against the third years instead of the second years. I let each coach of the age groups watch and make notes about their techniques. I wrote notes on my clipboard of the overall training techniques. I knew that our veteran warriors were trained for almost anything so I let them train against me, Ryan and Ben. letting them see that everyone has their own ways of fighting even someone in power such as ourselves. I wanted the pack to be aware of all of the things that needed to be worked on for each age group and each person. We had some warriors who were stronger in their wolf forms than their humans and some were the other way around. We as a pack needed to be able to handle ourselves in any form. The next time we trained I wanted everyone in their wolf forms training to switch back and forth with the training each day. I also wanted to spend some of our days working on weaponry. To ensure that everyone knew their way around blades and guns. I was going to make sure that we were well diverse in everything. I didn't want anything to be a surprise to us and nobody knew how to react. When I went to the office I began opening a spreadsheet and filling out with everyone's names and rank and pinpointing the weakness and strength of every person. No stone was to be left unturned in anything. Me and the guys would also need to learn our own things. I may be an Alpha but I'm still part human and everyone has their own faults . When it comes to hand and hand I do rather well but I'm not as flexible in the legs as I need to be so that is something I know I need to work on.

It was around four in the afternoon when we got done discussing everything. Then Ben spoke up "Hey, so do you think that maybe at some point we should let Calliope know what's going on? She will be Luna and it's not like she isn't going to find out at some point. She may even want to help, she may know something about Ethan that could give us some type of advantage against him." he states looking at me. I notice that Ryan is in agreement with him "Yeah, I mean she was a part of his pack and as much as it pains me to say this, there isn't much about that guy that she wouldn't know. He was the alphas' son, and they spent quite some time together. I bet you even before those two years." I thought about what they had just said and they provided good points. I wasn't sure if I did want to tell her because I didn't want her to begin to worry and put herself in a downward spiral with all the "what ifs" about things. "You both have good points but telling her at this point may hurt more than help. She is finally getting to a place where she can enjoy herself without having to constantly look behind herself." I let out a big sigh "I don't know if i could inform her about all this and risk her going back to the way she was when she first got here." Ben let out a low chuckle "Yeah, but tell you what Adrian that girl has got spunk and she definitely can handle herself if necessary. Remember the way she handled Wyatt and Tom when they found her?" Ryan laughed at this point "Yeah! Remember when we went to that Rogue pack that had captured her? She took on a lot of people then too.'' I grumbled "Of course she did. She didn't have me and she didn't know what else to do. I'm the one who is supposed to offer her protection and safety, not the other way around.`` I started leaning back into my chair, squeezing the bridge of my nose. They were silent for a moment then spoke up "Normally, yes you would be the protector. But no offense, this isn't normal. No you weren't there and that sucks sure, but no reason to think that you can make up for it now there is no reason too. Both of you are a team, a team works together. Mates have two people for a reason. Tell her. And see where it goes from there." Ryan nodded his head "yeah man, maybe you could even let her help train. She knew how rogues would fight back and she could show us different ways she would do things. A second opinion about something isn't bad. She is our Luna." I let out a big sigh and thought about it for a moment. "Ok, fine I will tell her.Not now maybe after tomorrow when she is properly introduced to everyone."

We finished up with everything at the office. Ryan let me know Riley was ok and that she and Jonathan are having the best time with each other. HE said he would call if anything were to happen. He also reminded me that the party was going to start around two tomorrow afternoon. He also stated that quite a few of the pack members would be there and obviously my parents would be there. That's when I also remembered that i haven't hardly mentioned anything about them to Calliope. I just knew that it was going to bite me in the ass. I didn't want her to think anything too bad. I was also going to hear a lot of shit from my mom because I haven't brought her over to have a proper dinner with them. Calliope hasn't even seen her parents since the day after she turned 18 so why would i want to show her how happy my parents were. I had a good childhood and I was showered with all types of love compared to everything that she had been through. I really didn't want to bring up too many bad memories of her all at once. I knew it would be hard for her so why not push it off for as long as possible. I got all of my stuff together and headed back out to the car getting ready for the drive home. On the way home I began to think about what Calliope had in mind for tonight seeing as we would be by ourselves. Her reasoning for waiting for her lately was having Riley home and not wanting her to see anything but now she wouldn't be there. However she could just be putting it off for the simple fact that she wasn't ready for more than anything that we had going on right now. I wasn't one to rush anything especially considering everything that happened in her past i sure as hell was going to do anything that Jackass did to her. I am perfectly fine at keeping everything at the same pace that it's going right now.

When I pulled up to the house I saw there were barely any lights on. I didn't even see the TV's light coming through the window. I didn't feel that Calliope would already be asleep by now; it was only 6:30. I got out of the car and headed towards the door, where I heard music playing. It wasn't a song that I had recognized first hand. I walked in the front door and I noticed that there were candles lit throughout the house, leading up the stairs and that's when I saw Calliope at the top swaying her hips to every beat of the song. She was wearing this sexy light purple colored lingerie with a black lace robe over it. I could feel my eyes turning black as I slowly approached the stairs to walk up them. As I went up a couple steps I started untucking my shirt and undoing the buttons. She really knew what she was doing, this song and the way she was dancing. She looked so sexy, all Reid wanted to do was take her in that very moment but i wanted to take things slow and enjoy every moment. Before I could even reach the last step Calliope was standing in front of me, and that's when I could see everything clearly. She had so many beautiful scars and all. The lingerie showed a modest amount but still provided a sexy appeal. A perfect combination for her. "Miss me?" she asked me flirtatiously, i let out a low growl in response while clenching my jaw fighting back the urge to be rough with her. I laid my hand on her waist pulling her closer to me and leaned in for a kiss, right before our lips touched she turned her head causing me to kiss her cheek. I let out another low growl "Tease…'' I told her. She let out a small laugh. "Only the best for you." she stated while giving me a wink. I took a step back to get another good look as to what she was wearing and then I looked back up to her "So just a robe huh?" I started while chuckling. I should've known since she was going with Amelia to victoria secret. She blushed before stating "Well what are birthday's for if not surprises?" I wrapped my hand around her and grabbed her ass to pick her up and place her on my waist. SHe let out a gasp as I did. "Impatient are we?" she asked as she leaned down to my lips as she smiled against them. "Never" I told her right before she pulled me in for a kiss. The kiss was passionate and loving. She tightened her legs around my waist as I brought us into the bedroom. I got us to the edge of the bed and gently laid her down with me on top. I slowly moved one of my hands down from her thigh to her leg. Her skin was so soft and her scent was intoxicating. It was a mix of honey and vanilla with some coconut. I could feel the sparks that flowed throughout our bodies. I pulled away slightly, letting my eyes return to their natural color. "You are so beautiful," I said to her, staring into her eyes. The golden hues that surrounded her honey brown eyes shined ever so brightly. I crashed my lips onto hers, more powerful and hungry than the last. I had licked her lips asking for permission, which she easily granted to me. Our hands began to roam each other's bodies. She liked to trace the muscles on my back. The tension and body heat building up between us with every second. I brought my body closer to hers. I knew she could feel my member by the gasp that she gave, which caused me to grind against her lips.

After a few minutes of staying in that position with minimal grinding trying to keep at a pace that wasn't too fast for her, not wanting to rush anything. She rolled us over and she was on top, by the color of her eyes I could tell that it was her wolf that made the move. She started to leave damp kisses down from my chin the right above my waist line. I groaned the entire time, but when she got to my waistline I stopped her and propped myself up. "Are you sure that this is what you want, Calliope? You don't have to do this for my benefit." I told her. I was in no rush and she didn't have to be either. She placed one of her fingers over my lips "Shh…" she said as she moved closer to my ear, setting her area on top of mine. "That's enough talking." she said in a whisper as she started kissing my neck up and down. She started to nip at the area that my mark is supposed to go. I was letting out soft groans the entire time. She knew how to hit all the right spots. She got right on top of the spot for my mark and I felt her canines graze it before she bit into me. I let out a low growl at the pleasure that was sent through my body, sparkes flying all around us. When she got done I immediately turned us over so that I was on top. I moved my face to her ear, I could tell that she was blushing by the heat her face was giving off. "Now it's your turn" I said to her in a whisper. I got to the spot where her mark was supposed to be, where she had all the previous scars from Ethan trying to mark her. Good luck now asshole Reid stated. I carefully grazed my teeth over her skin like she did me before I spank them into her skin. She let out a moan, which was music to my ears. When I had pulled away I licked my mark, sending shivers down her spine. She grabbed my face and kissed me so powerfully, begging for more. I complied by wrapping my hands around her back and unclasping her bra. After it was off i threw it across the room seeing as how she wouldn't be needing it anymore. I had cupped one of her breasts in my hands, her skin feeling softer than ever. I was massaging one breast with one hand while I moved my mouth to the other, letting my breath fan her now sensitive area. I carefully placed her n***le in my mouth as I began sucking and licking it. She had arched her back and let her area rub directly on my member. I could feel just how wet she was getting with every movement I made. Letting my member rub her ever so slightly. The sexual tension building up between us as she continued letting out soft moans. "Adrian" she growled at me. I looked up at her to see her eyes flashing back and forth between black and brown. SHe and her wolf were getting frustrated.

I came back up to her mouth and crashed my lips on hers, the kiss was more hungry than ever. While we were kissing I could feel her hand shrugging my chest as she reached down to my pants trying to undo my belt. After a few moments she pulled away and glanced down at my belt trying to get it undone. "Eager are we?" I said to her slowly in her ear. She had gotten the belt undone when she spoke "You are driving me crazy. I'M ready and I want it now" I could tell by the color of her eyes that her wolf had taken over again. I backed away from her so I could take off my pants. We were both in our underwear now. Calliope's gaze shifted to my member. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she definitely wasn't expecting it this big. She let out a low growl before meeting me at the edge of the bed placing another hungry kiss on my lips. I laid us back down on the bed as I brought my hand down to her area and she was wet. Soaking even. As I began to stroke her I heard her whimper begging for more. I let out a low chuckle "Don't worry you will be feeling all of it soon." I told her. I began tracing the lining of her panties as she let out low moans. The sparks that were flying through our bodies were getting stronger every second. "Fuck…" I said to her "you're so wet" I said before I slowly slid her panties off and placed one finger inside of her at a time. Her wetness increased. She was letting out a moan every stroke I took, keeping a slow pace. She was beginning to get breathless "Ohh…" her breathing started to get heavier. She started grabbing the sheets and her legs began to twitch every time i rubbed over her cl*t. Picked up the pace a little and put in another finger. She was having a hard time sitting still as the waves of pleasure washed over her. My breathing is even heavier, watching her and feeling her against me. After a few moments I removed my fingers and when I did she let out a loud moan. I licked my fingers ``Mmm. I just had to have a taste…It's so sweet." I told her as I brought my face back up to her and kissed her again. Her hands went back to roaming my chest finding their way to the waistband of my underwear. She pulled them down far enough that all I needed to do whas kick them off with my feet. After they were off i brought myself closer to her allowing my member to touch hers. As it did she let out a gasp.With every movement i made it rubbed her cl*t just right. "Oh…Adrian." she said as she brought my face closer to hers, our noses touching. "Please…" she pleaded. I began laying small kisses down her body before I adjusted my body perfectly on hers. I carefully began stroking my member against hers. Her moaning out with each stroke. "Ohh…" she moaned, her breath becoming more labored. I carefully pushed myself into her, doing slow long strokes. I began to groan feeling her wet p***y against my member. She was letting out loud moans. "Ah, fuck." I said in between breaths. "YOU feeling so fucking good." I said before I started picking up the pace. Her nails began to start digging into my back. I quickened my pace even more, putting all of me into her, both of our moans getting louder. "Oh fuck, Im about to c*m." I told her. I made one more deep thrust into her. "Oh! Adrian!" she moaned out as we both finished. I came back up to her face and placed a light kiss on her lips "That was amazing." I told her. "Mmhmm…Let's do it again." She said with a smirk on her face.