
The Rogue Meets The Alpha

Calliope Anderson made herself rouge but leaving her pack for the better of herself and her child Riley. She defended herself against all enemies and trusted no one. Her main priority was to ensure Riley's safety at all costs. But what happens when Mr.Badass Alpha Adrian Moore comes into to play trying to protect his mate. Does he reject the one and only soulmate he will ever have due to having a child and mated to another man? Or does he stick around to see what the whole story is?

Dayylyynn0506 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 4

Adrian's POV

I finished taking my shower my thoughts were completely clouded by everything that Calliope just told me adn what she showed me. I'm in such a big mix of emotions it's ridiculous. My mate is defenseless against her own people. This man had his way with her. The amount of scars that she has. No telling what they are all from. She was a much stronger person than me. When I first saw her with Riley I thought that she had loved someone else and gave up on looking for me. I thought that Riley was a product of love that her mother had with some else. Now knowing the truth I feel foolish.

I stayed laying in my bed for hours not being able to sleep, my mind clouded by thought. Why not just get to their room and sleep there. My wolf told me and it was a decent thought. I pondered on it more and decided that it was exactly what I was going to do. I walked down the hallway to their room and carefully opened the door. When I opened it and saw the way they were sleeping it just warmed up my heart. Riley was curled up next to Calliope while she just held her close. I decided that I would just sleep on the floor next to them. I didn't want either of them to wake in the morning scared. I grabbed a pillow and blanket that was in the closet and took my place next to them. After a little while I was able to drift to sleep.

When morning came I gathered up my things and left the room before either one could wake up. I got back to my room and changed into jeans and a t-shirt. I had in mind Ben and Ryan asking them to meet me at the office at 8. I finished getting ready then went down stairs and made myself some breakfast. I wrote a quick note for Calliope before I left and went to the office.When I got there I started looking through old files trying to find out as much as I could about the Red Moon back. More importantly Ethan. I was going back and forth between the files and the map of the territories trying to pinpoint different locations that Ethan had been spotted.

After talking to a couple of Alphas from other packs iwas able to get a confirmed location of him. He had managed to get a couple of people to join his rouge pack. They were said to have a spot near the Dark Nights pack. It was in a secluded part of the forest. It was far enough for the other packs not to raise any suspicion.

I heard a knock at the door "Come in.'' I said Ben and Ryan. They walked in the door and their eyes grew wide to see paperwork everywhere. "So…uhh what's going on Adrian?" Ben asks. Turning towards them "Well as you both know my mate came across the borders a couple of days ago. She has told me some information about why she became a rogue. I worry that we could be expecting some attacks in the near future so I would like to be prepared when the time comes." I state to them. They both just nod their heads. "And who exactly are we protecting the people from?" Ryan asks. I look through my desk trying to find the file about Ethan. When I find it I open it and lay it in front of them.

"Ethan Raines? Did he creep from that pack that we took down about 3 years back because of what they were doing to the women?" I could feel my eyes turning black thinking about what he had done to calliope. I growled out. "Yes that sick fuck had Calliope. And Riley is his daughter. He doesn't know fully about her but he knows that at one point Calliope was pregnant." it didn't take them long for them to put two and two together. Their expressions changed to more angered ones. "Alright boss, just tell us what we need to do." Ben says, looking over everything. I begin to explain to them my plan for everything.

Calliope's POV

When I woke up I could faintly smell Adrian was in the room at some point but there wasn't anything to say that he was. I just shook it off and nudged Riley so she could start waking up. I didn't know how late in the day it actually was but I knew that it was almost noon by the way the sun was setting. While Riley was waking up I went and got her some clothes. I came back into the room and directed for Riley to come over to me. "Come on Angel we gotta get dressed and get you some food.'' I told her. Too tired to say anything she just started taking off her pj's and did as I told her. I got dressed and we both brushed our teeth and made it back down stairs.

There wasn't really anyone here which I was kind of thankful for. I guess this pack only uses the pack house for certain occasions. I went into the fridge and pulled out the milk. Some of my Riley could have some cereal. I picked out the Lucky Charms from the shelf. They were my favorite a long time ago. I don't see why anything would be different now. I sat down at the bowl in front of Riley and that's when I saw a note for me. I opened it up and saw that it was from Adrian telling me he had some Alpha things to get done today but he would be back later tonight.

Me Riley spent the day playing with her toys and watching all the princess movies we could find. We talked about which princesses were better. I preferred Jasmine and she preferred Cinderella. She had asked me several questions about different things adni tried to do my best to explain them. However one was one question that I couldn't answer. She had asked how long we were going to stay here because even though she liked it here she missed when it was just me and her against the world. It got around 5 o'clock and I decided that I would cook me and her some dinner and if Adrian came back in time then he could have some.

I went into the kitchen and started working on my family's recipe for the italian chicken casserole that had green beans and potatoes. While it was cooking I took this time to clean up in the living room. I got Riley to help do everything that we needed to do. There was quite a bit of protest because she's never had to clean before and that was quite the discussion. Dinner had gotten done around 6:30 as I was bringing it out of the oven. I heard someone walking through the door and it was someone that I did ot recognize. It was a woman. She was beautiful. She had this long blonde hair and these piercing blue eyes. She looked to be about my age but I wasn't sure. I quickly laid the casserole down and told Riley to hide through the mind link.

"Who the hell are you?" She asked me with a snarl. I growled back at her "I could ask you the same fucking thing." I grabbed a knife from the chef's block and was ready to fight her. "Where's Adrian?" she asked me. Why the fuck does that matter to this bitch? Gwen asked angrily. "I really dont think that's any of your business." I told her. "Quite on the contrary. You see, I'm his girlfriend and soon to be Luna of this pack. So I suggest you show some respect." she demanded of me. Like hell we will. I agreed with Gwen. But my thought did wonder if this was really Adrian's girlfriend then why didn't he ever say anything to me. "Look, I'm going to tell you this one more time. Adrian isn't here and you better get your shit and go before you come out in a body bag.'' I snarled at her. "Oh yeah? You wanna go bitch?" she said growling at me.

Before I said anything else I shifted and ran at her pushing her through the back glass in the living room. She shifted and came back at me and tried to get to my neck. Before she could do anything I grabbed a hold of her leg and pulled it hard as I heard a pop. She growled and tried to go at me again. We were going back and forth tearing fur out of one another rolling around not letting either or get on top. We tore the entire house up. Right before I could go in for the kill someone grabbed me by the neck and forced me off of her. I growled until their scene hit my nose, minty woods. It was Adrian, "Stop! That is enough. Both of you shift NOW!" he stated, obviously seriously pissed. She shifted back and I just growled at him. "Calliope…" he gave off a warning. I shifted back into my human form. When I did , I noticed Ben and Ryan were here as well. While standing there nude Adrian threw me his shirt and directed for Ben to give his to the other woman. GWen is still fuming about that one.

"Baby!" the blonde said as she threw her body over Adrian.His body completely stiffened. I let out a low growl. Adrian shoved the girl off of him. "Harmony. How many times have I told you not to call me that? We are no longer together and have not been for years. Get your shit and get out." She looks completely shocked. "Addy baby don't act that way. Just because this rogue bitch is around doesn't mean we can't be together." when she stated that i felt my eyes turn black. "I'LL SHOW YOU A BITCH SKANK!" I went after Ryan and Ben who were holding me down. I was growling in protest. "Harmony Im serious, get out NOW!" tears started to fill her eyes as she ran out of the house. The guys released me and my eyes were still black as I looked at Adrian. "Addy? Seriously. Please don't end your relationship on my behalf." I said to him as I walked away. I mind for Riley to come out and grab her things. She came out from the closet and ran upstairs. I was about to walk up them myself when I felt Adrian grab my arm. I snatched my head around. "Let go!" I snarled at him. "No. Your going to let me explain this to you right here right now." I laughed sadistically. "Like I'm really in the mood for whatever bullshit lie is about to come out of your mouth." His eyes are now turning black. "Do not make me do this the hard way Calliope." he gave me a warning. "I'm not scared of you." I told him.

Before I could do anything else he had pinned me to the floor in the blink of an eye. He applied almost all of his strength on top of me. "Get the fuck off of me." His pitch black eyes matched mine. "Not until you listen to what I have to say." He grunted. "Harmony is an old girlfriend, yes. But I swear to the Moon Goddess that I have not had anything to do with her since." I looked at his eyes as he said this. After a moment his eyes went back to the hazel color that I loved so much. "I promise you Calliope I am not involved with anyone but you." I looked into his eyes to see if there was a lie anywhere. I'm not sensing anything Callie. He's telling the truth. Gwen stated to me. I had no reason to not believe her. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath and opened my eyes again.Adrian seeing that they were back to normal let me up.

I had stayed up stairs with Riley for most of the night after we ate our dinner in silence. It was getting close to time fo Riley to go to bed. "Riley, angel, you need to get ready for your bath, ok?" she just nodded her head. I grabbed her some pjs and we both headed to the bathroom. I ran her a bath and got her washed. We went back to the bedroom where I brushed her in and got her tucked in. I sang to her again till she fell asleep. Then I went downstairs to go and clean up the mess that I had made earlier from the fight with Harmony. Her name felt like wolfsbane coming out of my mouth.

I walked down the steps and saw that everything had already been cleaned up and some tarp had been placed where the window once was. I looked at the island and saw the Adrian was sitting there with a glass in one hand and the other pressed on the bridge of his nose. I had carefully walked to the fridge to grab myself a bottle of water. Adrian speaks first. "Did I sense a little bit of jealousy out of you earlier?" he said with a small smirk on his face. Heat ran up to my face. "No. What you saw was an overprotective mother." he chuckled. Yeah sure that's what that was. We definitely were jealous. Shut up Gwen. "If you would like, I would be more than happy to answer twenty questions tonight. Seeing how I know more about you than you know about me." I scoffed. "Gee you think?" he chuckled again. "Someone is a bit more cocky tonight than normal." I just rolled my eyes at him. And went to sit on the couch and turn on some TV to help relax my mind. Adrian joined me after a few minutes, neither of us speaking.

After watching Tv for about 20 minutes I finally broke the silence. "20 questions huh?" He gave a small smile. "Why not?" he said. I turned to face him. "Fine. You go first." He set down his drink on the table and looked at me. "Hmm. Something easy. How old are you?" I just rolled my eyes. "26, you?" he nodded his head "28. Your turn." I thought for a moment. "Favorite color?" He looked into my eyes. "Brown like your eyes." I felt the blush come on to my face and looked away for a moment. "You?" I cleared my throat, two can play this game. "Green like yours." he gave me a smirk. "Your turn." I started keeping a smirk on my face. "Hmm." he started thinking again. "Favorite food?" I had to really think about that one. "Anything that has pasta. You?" I looked back at him. "Pancakes. Your turn." he said. We played this game for a while. I really learned a lot about him which made me more comfortable. I looked at the clock and realized it was getting late. "It's getting late, I should really get a shower" I told him as I got up. Just as I reached the stairs I could hear footsteps behind me. "Wait before you go." Adrian stated before he turned me around to face him our faces inches apart. "What is it?" I asked him as I felt my face get warm. "I forgot to give you something." I rolled my eyes at him. "Oh yeah? And whats-" before i could finish i felt his lips connect with mine.

It was a strong powerful kiss, it was more sweet and passionate. The sparks that I felt through my body felt amazing. I could feel Gwen booming with joy. I kissed him back very slightly. Not really wanting this sweet moment to end. HE wrapped his arm around my back and pulled me closer to him to deepen the kiss. MOre sparks flew throughout my body. This was the most amazing feeling ever. I slowly pulled away from him before we got too carried away with anything because I don't think that I was quite ready for that yet. I rested my head on his. "Thank you for a great night" I said as I pulled away completely, walking back up the stairs so I could get a shower.

I spent the whole time in the shower thinking about the kiss that Adrian and I shared. I couldn't stop touching my lips wishing I had never ended the moment. I have never felt anything like that. And my body just wanted more and more of him. When I finished in the bathroom I headed back to my room and closed the door. All I wanted to do was go to his room and kiss him again. I felt like a little school girl. I crawled into the bed with Riley and snuggled into it.

I couldn't fall asleep that easily tonight, my brain still focusing on the kiss. That's when I heard the door open. I could smell that it was Adrian, I pretended that I was asleep just to see what he was doing. He came by and touched my arm sending sparks through my body again. I have become very fond of his touch. He went to the closet and grabbed a pillow and blanket and laid on the floor. So that's what he did the other night. How sweet is that callie! I could see my face heating up again. I wasn't sure how I laid in bed just thinking.

"I know you're still awake Calliope." I heard Adrian say. My face heated up again "No I'm not" I said back to him keeping my voice low so I didn't wake up Riley. He chuckled and man was it to die for. "You know you would go to sleep faster if i was IN the bed with you." I gave it some thought. I mean how bad could it be. He can't do much because Riley is here so that's a relief. I let out a sigh. "I guess Adrian. Just this once." It didn't take him long to put the blanket and pillow back up and climb in the bed with us. I moved Riley over some so Adrian would have more room. I left some space between us just enough to feel his warmth but not to be physically touching. AFter a little while I managed to go to sleep. I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me close. Taking RIley with me. I wasn't letting her go, not even for a second. Before I knew it all of us were sleeping peacefully.