
the rogue heir’s redemption: Aria’s vengeance

In a dangerous world filled with hidden evils, Aria Holloway's life is shattered when a devastating tragedy rips away everything she held precious to her leaving her alone and betrayed by those she once trusted. Consumed by her thirst for vengeance, she decides to break her pack's bonds, becoming a rogue and sets on her quest to avenge her parent's murder. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when Aria discovers that her parent's killer is the last relative her mate has. As she confronts this painful revelation, Aria is torn between her desire for revenge and her growing feelings for her mate.

Glittering_gold · Urban
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24 Chs

chapter three: shadows of the bonfire

I slipped into a black dress that flowed gracefully around my form. As I fastened the intricate silver necklace my mother had given me before she passed away, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. She had been taken from me, and now it was my duty to seek justice for her, no matter the cost.

My eyes fell on the old leather jacket hanging on the back of my bedroom door, a cherished memento of my father. It still carried his scent, a faint reminder of the warmth and protection he had always provided. Tonight, I needed that strength, that connection to him, as I delved into the unknown.

The jacket, though slightly oversized, wrapped around me like a shield, and it I knew my father's spirit would be with me as I navigated the shadows of the past.

Making my way downstairs, I found Marcus waiting for me at the entrance. He wore a crisp shirt and dark pants, his expression serious. Together, we stepped outside and joined the pack as they made their way to the bonfire site.

The bonfire was a magnificent spectacle, its flames dancing wildly in the night. The air was filled with the aroma of burning wood, and the chatter of the pack members mingled with the distant howls of the surrounding wolves.

As we arrived at the gathering, I noticed the expectant faces of the pack directed towards the center. Alpha Julius stood there, flanked by his sons—Ethan and his younger brother, Daniel there was a space between them, for Marcus as he was also one of the alpha's sons, a wave of guilt washed over me just thinking of what Marcus is risking by supporting me. My heart skipped a beat when I locked eyes with Jackson, He gave me a reassuring smile, as he stood beside Ethan a part of me wanted know who he is and why he was here.

Maybe getting to know him would help us understand this feeling of familiarity I have towards him. Turning to Marcus, I inquired about this mysterious man. "Who is that guy over there" I say pointing discretely at Jackson. Marcus hesitated a bit " he's Ethan's friend, with whom he trained at the elite warrior academy. Why'd you ask, do you know him?" he asked. " no, I was just curious cause he doesn't look like he's from this pack" I say with a little laugh.

"Yes he's from another pack, he is Ethan's closest friend from the academy," he states "he is one of the nicest wolves I have ever met, he's a good guy I don't think he is important to our investigation" Marcus adds. Despite Marcus' description of him as seemingly harmless, I sensed a deeper animosity in his tone. The conflicting impressions left me curious and cautious. I knew I needed to learn more about this dangerous yet unassuming man before making any decisions about our future.

The alpha began his speech, welcoming his firstborn, Ethan, back to the pack after his journey to another pack for training. Applause and cheers erupted, but my attention was elsewhere, searching for any sign of Simon's arrival.

As if on cue, Simon stepped forward from the shadows, flanked by a few other wolves. My heart tightened at the sight of him, and I fought to keep my emotions in check. He wore a mask of contrition, but I knew better than to trust any act he put on.

As the alpha spoke about Simon's reintegration into the pack, I studied the crowd's reaction. Some seemed genuinely willing to give him a second chance, while others seemed skeptical like me. But what struck me the most was the alpha's expression—it was almost triumphant, as if he knew something we didn't.

When the speech came to an end, the bonfire roared to life, and the pack began celebrating. Music filled the air, and laughter echoed all around. Despite the festive atmosphere, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.

I turned to Marcus, leaning in close to be heard over the crowd. "There's something the alpha isn't telling us. I can feel it."

"I agree," Marcus replied, his eyes darting around the crowd. "This bonfire isn't just about welcoming Ethan back. There's more to it, and Simon's return is at the center of it all."

"I need to find out what the alpha's true intentions are," I said, determination in my voice.

"And I'll be right there with you," Marcus assured me.

As the night wore on, I discreetly made my way through the crowd, trying to overhear any snippets of conversations. Rumors circulated, and it seemed that some pack members were suspicious of the alpha's motives as well.

Finally, I caught wind of a conversation between two wolves. "Did you hear that Simon is supposed to lead the next hunting party?"

"What? That's preposterous! After everything he's done?"

"I know, right? But the alpha insists he's changed and wants to give him a chance to prove himself".

My blood boiled at the revelation. Leading a hunting party was no ordinary task—it meant Simon could gain influence and trust among the pack, making him a potential threat to my own investigation.

Fueled by determination, I sought out Marcus , who was engaged in conversation with his brothers and few other wolves. I approached them, my eyes locked with Marcus's.

"I need to talk to you," I said, my voice low.

He nodded, excusing himself from his brothers. We stepped away from the crowd, finding a quiet corner near the edge of the clearing.

"What is it, Aria?" Marcus asked, concern etched on his face.

"I've heard rumors that Simon is going to lead the next hunting party," I said, urgency in my tone. "If he gains that kind of power and trust, it could be disastrous for the pack."

Marcus's eyes darkened with understanding. "You think the alpha is up to something bigger than we thought ?"

"I do," I said firmly. "And I'm sure he's using Simon for his own gain, whatever that may be."

"But how can we be sure?" Marcus questioned.

"We need to find out more," I replied. "Keep an eye on Simon, see if he acts suspiciously or if he's in contact with anyone unexpected."

Marcus nodded. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect the pack, Aria. We'll figure this out together." He assured me once again.

"Oh and I have some news for you, but I have to be sure about it before I tell you" Marcus added before making his way back to his brothers.

As the night wore on, I remained vigilant, observing the interactions between the alpha, Simon, and the rest of the pack. There was an air of tension beneath the surface, and I knew that the events of this night would have repercussions for the pack's future.

As the bonfire slowly died down, the pack members began to disperse, heading back to their homes or to spend time with loved ones. Marcus stayed close to my side, supporting me in my quest for answers.

We made our way to the pack house, exhaustion weighing heavily on us both. Despite the late hour, my mind was racing with thoughts and plans. I couldn't afford to rest, not when the pack's safety was at stake.

"I won't let Simon's return become an issue for me or the pack " I vowed, my eyes meeting Marcus's.

"We'll face this together," he said, determination matching mine.

As we stepped onto the front porch of the pack house, I noticed the serious expression on Marcus' face. "Marcus, is everything alright?" I asked, concerned.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, facing me directly. "I have to leave for a business trip tomorrow, Aria," he said, sounding regretful. "It's for my dad, and I'll be gone for three days."

My heart sank at the news, but I knew better than to protest. Marcus' responsibilities as the Alpha's second son were crucial, and I couldn't stand in the way of his duties, as much as I wanted him to stay.

"I understand," I replied softly, trying to mask my disappointment. "Your family needs you, and I won't keep you from your obligations."

He reached out, taking my hands in his. "You're amazing, you know that?" Marcus said, his eyes filled with admiration. "Not many would be this understanding, and I'm grateful for you."

A small smile crept onto my lips, despite the sadness in my heart. "I just want you to be safe and take care of yourself."

"I promise to mind link or call you whenever I can," Marcus assured me. "And as soon as I'm back, we'll get to the bottom of his whole issue with Simon."

With that, headed into the pack house to my room and settled into an uneasy sleep, knowing that the challenges ahead were only just beginning. The next day would bring new revelations and confrontations, and I was ready to face everything.