
the rogue heir’s redemption: Aria’s vengeance

In a dangerous world filled with hidden evils, Aria Holloway's life is shattered when a devastating tragedy rips away everything she held precious to her leaving her alone and betrayed by those she once trusted. Consumed by her thirst for vengeance, she decides to break her pack's bonds, becoming a rogue and sets on her quest to avenge her parent's murder. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when Aria discovers that her parent's killer is the last relative her mate has. As she confronts this painful revelation, Aria is torn between her desire for revenge and her growing feelings for her mate.

Glittering_gold · Urban
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24 Chs

chapter four: unveiling shadow

Aria's POV

As the morning sun rose, casting a warm glow over my room, I awoke with an unsettling feeling that clung to me like a haunting presence. The events of the past played like a relentless loop in my mind, and the weight of grief and anger settled heavily upon my heart.

Finishing my daily chores, I sought solace in the familiar routine of training. The rustling leaves and the gentle whispers of the wind should have brought me comfort, but today, they only heightened my unease. It was as if the forest itself sensed the wind turmoil within me.

However, as I arrived at the training site, my heart sank at the sight of Simon.

He was assigned as one of the instructors, and my instincts warned me to keep my guard up. The shewolf trainees looked uncomfortable, and I noticed his unsettling behavior, the way he found excuses to touch them while demonstrating archery techniques.

Frustration and disgust filled me as I couldn't bear to watch him any longer. Deciding that I had seen enough of this ugly sight, I turned to leave the training site. But fate seemed to have other plans, for on my way back from training, I unexpectedly encountered Simon. His sudden appearance up close sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but recoil at the sight of him. My parents' blood stained his paws, and no apology could ever wash that away.

"Hey, Aria," he said, his voice attempting remorse. "I've been looking for you" he spoke each word from him making me angrier than the last. "And why were you looking for me?" I state in the calmest and most natural way I possibly could "I know what I did was unforgivable, but I've changed. I want to make amends."

His words were like a bitter taste in my mouth. I could see the glint of mischief in his eyes, and it sent chills down my spine. There was something unsettling and insincere about his apology.

"I don't believe you," I retorted, my voice steady but laced with anger. "You can't undo what you've done, and your words hold no meaning to me."

He tried to maintain a composed facade, but I could sense the deception behind his mask. His eyes turn hazel as if he was getting a mind link from someone from another pack. For some reason I can feel it when someone is mind linking, I can't tell the actual person but I can sense a bit about it. Simon was welcomed back to pack yesterday, and he needs at least three days to a week with the pack to be able to mind link.

Immediately after the mind linking with who ever it was Simon turned to the woods without finishing what he was saying or even a good bye. Not that I wanted any of those but it was weird as hell if you ask me.

My instincts urged me to be cautious, to remain on guard against whatever schemes he might be concocting and with whom ever he might be scheming it.

With my scent masking potion in my possession, I decided to tail Simon without him catching a whiff of my presence. I took out the scent-masking potion I carry around with me sometimes. Taking a deep breath, I drank the concoction, its pungent taste never fail to make my nose scrunch up in disgust.

The potion worked like magic. It masked my scent, allowing me to move stealthily through the forest without arousing any suspicion. With my senses sharpened, I followed Simon's trail, staying several steps behind him, like a wraith gliding through the Forrest.

I kept my distance, stepping lightly as I trailed him through the dense undergrowth. The forest held its breath as if aware of the secrets about to be revealed.

We ventured deeper into the woods, beyond the familiar territories of our pack, until we arrived at a secluded cottage nestled among the trees. The rumors of an old omega residing there reached my ears—the whispers of a witch who had murdered her mate and son before shutting herself away from the world.

My heart quickened with curiosity and trepidation. What was Simon doing here? What could this omega have to do with him?

With the scent masking potion veiling my presence, I drew closer to the cottage, careful to make no sound that might betray my whereabouts. Peering through a crack in the window, I caught a glimpse of the omega—an aging wolf with a very pale and wrinkled skin, her eyes reflecting a depth of sorrow and secrets.

Simon and the omega spoke in hushed tones, their conversation a mere murmur that tantalized my curiosity. I strained to hear, desperate to unravel the enigma that lay before me.

They seemed to be discussing something clandestine, something that sent shivers down my spine. My instincts warned me that this was no chance encounter, and the suspicion that he was up to no good only grew.

"I see you haven't changed one bit?" The omega spoke placing a mug in front of him.

"I'll take that as a compliment" he says pushing the mug away from him "thank you, am not in the mood for tea omega" his expression turned serious.

"Well, Simon what sinister string did you pull to get Julius to welcome you back to his pack"

"I don't think that's any of your problem" his expression turned serious "just cut to the chase omega, why have you summoned me here?"

"Oh Simon, you've always been a hasty one. Well it's finally time to finish what we've started years ago" as the words roll out of her mouth I could see Simon's jaw clinch. What did they start? What was so important that they have to finish it now? The thoughts kept roaming around my head.

"What! don't tell me meeting that alpha relative of yours has caused you to forget why you went to find him in the first place" she taunts him with a wicked smile on her face. So Simon has an alpha relative? I thought he lost all his family in a tragic fire years before I was even born.

"I haven't forgotten " he states his back now resting on the small wooden chair. His eyes looked darker than usual. "I'll contact the rest of the group if that's what you want" He adds.

"Well this task isn't as hard as the last, I don't think you'll need the others for this" Simon only nods as if in thoughts. "Am listen and what is the easy task" he asked

"It's time to harvest the little seeds you left under the oak tree" the omega grinned wickedly. What seed is she talking about? What is so important about the seed? And why is Simon going to get it? Is Simon a gardener or something.

"And Simon, make sure there are no loose ends. Clean up the mess thoroughly, unlike the Holloway case." Holloway? Did she just say Holloway? Is she talking about my family? Does this old hag have a hand in my parent death?.

Simon nodded obediently, his eyes betraying a hint of remorse but it might be an act Simon is an evil beast that will never be remorseful . "I understand. This time, I won't fail." Spoke his voice a-bit above whisper

The Omega's gaze lingered on him, her expression grave. "Good. Once this is done, you must disappear. I don't want you coming back to see me or trying to contact me. I'll reach out to you when the time is right.

The weight of their words hung heavily in the air, suffocating me with the burden of the truth. My parents' killer and the wicked witch were orchestrating this vile act, and I couldn't let it happen. My determination solidified; I would not rest until justice was served. And I want it now.

As the rage bubbled inside me like a fierce inferno, I stormed back to the pack, my heart pounding with determination. I needed to expose the wicked omega and Simon's sinister plot. The weight of my parents' deaths gnawed at me, and I refused to let their killer roam free.

Breathless, I burst into Alpha Julius's office, my words tumbling out in a torrent of anger and grief. "Alpha, you need to listen! The omega is plotting something with Simon! She killed my parents, and she's behind this vile scheme!"

But my plea fell on deaf ears. Alpha Julius's dismissive stare pierced through me. "Aria, you're just imagining things. The omega died years ago after her mate and sons passed away. You're consumed by grief, and your emotions are clouding your judgment."

Fury surged within me, and I shook my head fiercely. "No, Alpha! I saw her! I heard her plans! You have to believe me!"

His icy tone sent a chill down my spine. "Enough, Aria. I won't entertain these baseless accusations. Leave this matter to the pack's authorities."

"All this years I had been patient and waited for justice from the pack authorities but all I see now is the fact that the pack isn't willing to help me. I have sucked up all the humiliation and insults from everyone with hopes of one day you will get to the bottom of the case and punish the one's responsible for my parents death, that this point it seems like my parents loyalty to you and this pack meant nothing to you and you couldn't careless of their killer foams free and repeats the same act over and over again " anger boiled from within me. I could feel my wolf fighting to take over and attack the alpha.

"Aria Rose Holloway," Alpha Julius called out in a firm yet composed tone. His voice carried the weight of authority, and the air around us seemed to still as he addressed me.

My heart raced, and my palms turned clammy as I met his unyielding gaze. I knew I had spoken out of turn, words tinged with disrespect escaping my lips in a moment of fiery anger. But there was no turning back now.

He continued, his voice measured, "Your words have consequences, Aria Rose Holloway. Disrespecting your alpha and questioning his decisions is not taken lightly."

"Am afraid not I don't want to spent another moment as a member of this pack" I could see the confusion in the alpha's face.

"There's nothing left for me here, am leaving this pack and am going to find every single soul that had a hand in my parents death and I'll end them myself"

I stormed out of the office with rage and anger.

With unwavering determination, I packed my essentials, ignoring any farewells to the pack, even Lacey. I headed straight for the secluded cottage, intent on demanding answers from that wicked hag. My wolf's support empowered me like never before, making me feel invincible.

No more sneaking or playing games—I was done with that. This time, I'd confront her face-to-face and make her speak the truth. If she dared resist, I'd use my bare hands and end her.

With the golden glow of the setting sun guiding my path, I ventured into the heart of the forest, fueled by unwavering determination. No turning back, no regrets. The fate of my parents killer rested on my shoulders and I'd face any darkness to unearth the truth. As the day waned, I pressed on towards the secluded cottage, knowing that answers and justice awaited me.