
The Rogue Demon System

“Do you ever wish for change because your life is so uneventful? Well, I have and I got it. The change I wanted happened and now, I’m starting to regret it.” Raiga leads a mundane life. Seen as the scum of his school and only having one friend, everyday is the same for him. Wake up, go to school, get scowled at, hang out with his only friend, and go home. Or… that’s how it was supposed to be but things never stay that way in these types of stories, huh? Raiga’s school suddenly collapses and a giant flash from God knows what leaves him waking up in a warehouse with 3 other people including the person responsible for his unpopularity. There was also a voice. A strange one. Right before he woke up. Weird…

Arenki · Action
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7 Chs

Discovering Powers and Planning The Attack

<p>"I think that's them up ahead."<br/>We walk up to the man and the kid standing there.<br/>"Any luck?"<br/>"No. Well if anything, bad luck. You won't believe it. An ogre. Big, green, and mean. Luckily it just turned around and walked away but we came empty-handed."<br/>"You guys too, huh?"<br/>"You ran into one as well?!"<br/>"Yeah. The thing didn't see us and we just came back."<br/>"So what are we going to do? I hope we don't have to get past it to get to another blue orb."<br/>"I don't know. While we were separated, I tried going into some of the other buildings but they're all locked shut. I'm assuming it's the same on that side as well so I guess the orbs are out in the open like the first one we got. Also knowing we have four more we have to collect, I'm going to guess there are two on each side."<br/>"So should we all go on one side and then come back to the other?"<br/>"That would be best but we still have no way to get past that ogre."<br/>We stay silent for a while thinking.<br/>(Hm wait.)<br/>"Hey kid, you said these game-like system thingies give you powers or something?"<br/>"Yeah, in the stories I read the characters get these powers and they become all strong and stuff."<br/>"Then ours should work the same way right? Let me see. Wait, how do you activate it?"<br/>"I think you just have to think about it like this… Oh! There it is."<br/>The kid seems to be looking down at it.<br/>(Alright, let's try it.)<br/>I visualize the blue holographic screen I saw earlier and it appears but with different details. <br/>(Is this my profile?)<br/>The screen shows my name, a picture of me, and different details about me.<br/>(Oh here's my stats.)<br/>I look down over to where my stats are shown.<br/>(Strength 15, Speed 12, Endurance 20, Intelligence 9, and Agility 13.)<br/>I take a look around the screen more until I see "Shop." I open the shop and various amounts of things appear like weapons and items. <br/>(It says I have 10 Credits right now. What can I get with that?)<br/>I look around for anything that costs 10 credits until I see a sword.<br/>(I can only get this bronze sword. Might as well, I guess.)<br/>I select the bronze sword and buy it. Out of nowhere, it materializes in my hand.<br/>"Woah!"<br/>The sword feels a bit heavy and it's rusted over but it is indeed a real sword. The others take notice and inspect it.<br/>"Where the hell did that come from?"<br/>"I bought it from a shop or something."<br/>"I see, but this might not be enough to get that ogre."<br/>We all stand there again in silence, thinking.<br/>"Actually, I saw something before we ran from the ogre…"<br/>Yuna, not having said a word since our conversation spoke up. <br/>"What is it?"<br/>"There was red shard on the middle of its chest. Maybe that's it's weak point. If we attack that, we could kill the ogre, I think."<br/>"If that really is a weak point, that could work, but how are we even going to hit it? The things enormous and it'll be trying to attack us."<br/>"I found something!"<br/>We all turn our attention to the kid.<br/>"Look at your profile! Right under your stats!"<br/>Everyone goes back to their profile screens and looks directly under their stats.<br/>The adult man takes note of his first.<br/>"What's this…? How'd I not see this. Special Attribute… Wind?"<br/>I take a look at mine.<br/>(What the hell… "???" What even is that?)<br/>"Awesome! I have fire!"<br/> "Lightning..."<br/>(Why is everyone getting normal elements while I'm stuck with these question marks?)<br/>"Hey kid, you wouldn't happen to know what question mark, question mark, question mark means would you? Ever seen that in one of those stories?"<br/>"Huh? That's really weird. Since I got fire, the old man got wind, and the miss got lightning, you should have some type of normal element too, right?"<br/>"I thought the same thing but it's showing question marks."<br/>"Oh! Maybe you have some really really strong ability! You know, the main characters in those stories usually have something like that and when they unlock it, it's really strong!"<br/>"Wow. I'd be real excited right now if this wasn't real life. Still, I have no idea what to do because there's nothing that lets me know how to use it."<br/>(Maybe some life threatening event has to take place? Well, I wouldn't want to find out that way, even if it does unlock this power of mine.)<br/>"So guys, now that we've seen all this stuff. What do we do? We still have to get past those ogres.", I ask after everyone finishes opening their stuff.<br/>"Maybe we distract it and hit that shard?"<br/>"How would we do that though, it's on its chest and the ogre is huge. We have to reach and strike it from the front to hit it.<br/>"Oh! There's a menu for the skills for my special power and I can buy one! Maybe we can use these!", Yuna suddenly shouted out.<br/>The other two quickly moved to look and check for it as well.<br/>(I should see mine... Ah! What a surprise! Unavailable! Great.)<br/><br/>~1 Minute Later~<br/><br/>"You all done?", I finally ask after standing there for what felt like 5 minutes.<br/>"Yeah."<br/>"Alright cool. So now that you have superpowers, what do you think we can do?"<br/>"Well first, I think there's something we should get out of the way. Introductions. I'll go first. I'm Satoru Horita. 35 years old."<br/>"Oh yeah, that's true. Names Raiga Matsuhara. 17."<br/>"Koda Kosuke. 14 years old."<br/>"Yuna Nakajima. 17 as well."<br/>"Great. Now that we've got that out of the way, I think I have a plan."<br/>"Lay it out, Horita."<br/>"So our goal is to strike that red crystal but we can't reach it. So I'm going to use my wind ability to propel someone up to strike it. Raiga, that is going to be you."<br/>"Is this becoming a trend? Leave all the dangerous, head on stuff to me?"<br/>"You're the only one with a sword, you fool and don't tell me you want a kid or a girl to do it?"<br/>"Fair point."<br/>"Before that happens, Yuna and Koda are going to use their magic and strike the ogre as much as possible. Hoping either these two things happen: The magic staggers the ogre, giving us the opening we need, or on the off chance, the magic will kill the ogre and we don't even need to do anything extra. Got all of that?"<br/>"Yeah. So, Yuna and Koda attacks the ogre with their magic and you'll use yours to propel me into the air so I can strike the red crystal with my sword. Yeah, totally not nerve wracking at all knowing everything all lies on me."<br/>"Suck it up. Just stay calm and you'll be fine."<br/>"Yeah yeah."<br/>With that, we all set off for the first ogre.</p>