
The Rogue Demon of the Shinobi World (Hiatus)

Silver, the best assassin of the world was betrayed by the very organization he worked away his life for. However, his soul survived and reincarnated in shinobi world thanks to a miracle. Now with the memories and skills of his previous life, he strives to leave a peaceful life since he is given a second chance. However, in this new world he must become stronger to live a peaceful life. So, he starts his journey to become the best shinobi of the world. However, fate plays a cruel twist in his life. Witness, the story of Kura Yuji, the Rogue Demon of the Shinobi world, hated and feared by the entire world. ---------------------- The story is about a villain cum anti-hero. The MC will kill anyone regardless of their identity, if they stand in his path. The story progression is very slow, so expect another lengthy novel of around 500 chapters. I don't own any rights to Naruto or related characters. My MC is my original creation and this novel is under creative common. ****I don't own the cover and if the original owner wants me to remove it. Please leave a message.**** Check out my patreon for advance chapters:- www.patreon.com/ForgottenLife Join my discord:- https://discord.gg/VB75gxpvyU

ForgottenLife · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

37. Life and Death Battle Part-2

In this life-and-death crisis, he pushed himself beyond his limits to create a technique that might possibly save his life.

His mind is under a lot of burden and is on the verge of collapse. A searing pain spreads through his head. Yuji is barely holding on to his consciousness just to land the punch he had put his two hundred percent in.

As if listening to his prayers, the perpetrator finally approaches him. He is an arm-length from Yuji's body.

'Just a bit closer!'

This much distance isn't enough for his strike to land on a shinobi of such caliber. From the previous speed shown by this person, Yuji is sure this person will dodge his blow if he makes a move now.

The man places his fingers under Yuji's nose to check his breathing.

[Oh! He is still breathing after that.]

He slides his fingers across Yuji's face and chest.

[I didn't expect to meet one of the talented ones.]

The man mutters before placing his palm on Yuji's heart.

[His heart is still beating despite several serious internal injuries in his body. Quite a tenacious kid! This will make experimenting much easier.]

The assaulter gets even closer to Yuji's face to take a second glance at the injuries on his face.

[Hmm… I can understand the blood from his mouth and nose since he seemed to have ruptured his lungs. But why is bleeding from his eyes and ears? Did he damage his nervous system? If that's the case, then he will be useless for my experimentation. I will carry him to my lab. But before that, I will seal his chakra. There is no harm in caution!]

Five black flames lit up on his fingertips. He brings them closer to Yuji's face to brand a seal.

'This is my chance!'

While the enemy was busy with his blabbering, Yuji was just searching for an opportunity to land a strike. Earlier, he lost his vision, hearing, and even sense of smell.

Pushing his body behind its limits came at a cost. His eardrums ruptured and even his optical nerves bled due to the strain on his body. His sense of smell is overwhelmed by the metallic scent of blood. He has long lost his sense of touch due to the cutting of connection with his most of his body.

And yet, in such a situation, a miracle occurred. With his hyperactive state of mind and heightened perception; Yuji awakens his Mind's Eye.

Mind's eye: a special condition where the user perceives his surroundings not through his five senses, but through the nature of the chakra itself. In his mind, a pitch-black world appears in his surroundings. Everything that is colorless or grey is devoid of any chakra. A few patches of different colors appear here and there in his vision. But what his mind's eye focuses on is the big patch of purple chakra in front of him. Somehow, he is able to perceive its characteristics, location, and even movement. Even the fluctuation of chakra is visible in his mind's eye.

And currently, he senses five smaller orbs of detached chakra from the giant purple orb rapidly moving toward him.


Yuji makes his move the moment the five orbs of chakra are at a hand's distance from his face.


He directs the strength he has gathered in his fist toward the torso of the attacker.

'I can't risk attacking his vitals, in case they are protected. He might even sense my movements and move out of my attack's way. So, I have to attack the most vulnerable and the widest part of the body.

The rapid movement of his hand pushes the air in front of the fist and generates a current of wind along his arm.

[What the…]

Being a powerful shinobi, the attacker moves out of Yuji's fist with involuntary reflexes.

Hoarse words escape from Yuji's mouth.

"Too late! I already calculated your trajectory."

However, the black cat with faster reflexes than its master jumps in front of Yuji's fist to block the lethal attack.


Even before the attack could land on the cat's body, the drilling force of the highly dense chakra seeps into its body and dispelled the summon. Cats are fragile beings to begin with, even if it's a highly trained shinobi cat.

Yuji's fist lands on the waist of his adversary.


A muffled sound of metal hitting echoes in the surrounding.


The bones around Yuji's elbow shatter from the shock and the reactive force dislocates his shoulder.

'I think I punched a metal sheet.'

Yuji ignores the pain in his hand and continues to provide momentum with his fist.


His punch blows a hole through the metal guard and the pitch-black chakra escapes from his hand. This highly dense chakra drills a hole through the flesh of the cloaked figure and spreads across the surrounding tissues as a corrosive toxin. It weakens the resistance of the surrounding cells.

This isn't the end yet. The remaining momentum of Yuji's fist transfers to the flesh and bones in that part of the body, and the enhanced strength blows away a major chunk of flesh. A giant circular gaping hole, similar to the one left by the blow of a powerful compressed air cannon, appears on the cloaked figure's body.


The cloaked figure spits out a large volume of blood from his mouth. The sudden attack disrupts the equilibrium of his body.

[YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME?] Maddened rage consumes his mind.

[I will kill you! I WILL KILL YOU!] A steel claw appears in his other hand. He swings the blade toward Yuji's neck in an attempt to sever his head.


A violent beat spread across the cloaked figure's body. A fountain of blood escapes the gaping hole at his waist. Weakness overwhelms him. He trips on the ground and the claw weapon falls from his hand.

The area around the wound turns green.

[This feeling! YOU POISONED ME!]

The corrosive property of Yuji's chakra kicks in and harms the chakra system of the cloaked figure.

Clink… Clatter…

A sound of shattering glass echoes in the surrounding. With this sound, a dark hemisphere shrouding the area breaks apart in fragments.

'He cloaked the area to isolate it from the surroundings.' These were Yuji's last thoughts before his consciousness, which he was barely holding with his willpower, faded away.

Yuji's fragile body limply falls to the ground. Blood continues to flow from the wounds on his body.


The cloaked assaulter breathes heavily and attempts to circulate his chakra to ease the pain and prevent the further spreading of the toxin.

[HUFF… HUFF… I can't stay here any longer. The anbu will be here any minute.]

As if right on cue, several rustling and swooshing sounds echo in the surrounding. The commotion created by Yuji's attack and the shattering sound of the barrier are enough to alarm a few of the nearby sensitive shinobi. Even though this location is far away from the center of the village, a few shinobis still patrol this area.


The cloaked figure pukes out another mouthful of blood. He rips apart a portion of his cloak and presses it against the gaping hole in his waist.

[To think that I will suffer such an injury from an academy student who isn't even a genin yet. I can't let this kid live any longer.]

He takes out a kunai from his pocket.


Before he could put this thought into action, a swift kunai deflects the kunai in his hand and disarms him.

[They are already here!]

The cloaked figure narrows his eyes and notices a faint lone figure rapidly dashing towards him.

[Tch… One lucky kid! Live for a few more days, I will eventually kill you for this humiliation.]

He turns around and quickly fled from the scene with blood dripping from his waist.

[What a humiliation? If I was in my peak condition, killing that brat and escaping under the nose of all these anbu won't be a big deal.]

"He is there!"

A few seconds later, more patrolling shinobis gather in the area. They notice the escaping cloaked figure and the trail of blood left behind by me.

"Quick! Chase him."


The cloaked figure turns into a blurry shadow and vanishes.

"Where did he go?" The shinobis look around.

"He is rushing towards the exit of the village." A sensor shinobi spots him.

[Tch… damn sensors!]

The cloaked figure dashes into the forest and escapes. The patrolling shinobis chase him with the aid of sensors.

The figure which deflected the kunai gazes in the direction of the culprit for a few seconds before its gaze returns to the heavily injured body of Yuji.


Check out my patr eon to read some advance chapters of this series and read my other series Reborn In Naruto as Madara's Grandson.

www.pat reon.com/Forgottenlife