
The Rising Tide of Frost

The house of Frost, once a forgotten family lost in the time of obscurity. This time brought up with greater purpose than ever before. See how our young lordling grows and adapts to this world he is thrown into. Into a family that might have more secrets than he even does but is unlikely. See how the mash of personalities merge and a man from our world or possibly beyond comes into play when given the tools to not only succeed but also thrive with his now natural born gifts. Nothing written here belongs to me other than House Frost and the OC, hope you all enjoy.

BBQChickenAlertBB · TV
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10 Chs

Growing Cold

Medium straight, windswept, silver platinum hair traveled alongside the rushing young boy whose legs wouldn't stop no matter who yelled. His panting and air filled breaths ever burning down his throat as he raced down the corridors. Reaching the large Ironwood doors, two guards stood vigil to each side looking to him in curiosity till recognition took hold and they snapped to attention.

"Open these doors gentlemen, today is the day I learn to do battle!"

Both guards chuckling, took hold of one handle each and opened the massive hunks of wood and metal leaving a clear race path for the young lord to travel till he reached the training yard filled with hundreds upon hundreds of armored men and women all wielding weapons and either practicing on dummies, shooting arrows into targets, sparring against one another, and many other activities that fit in most fighting styles. Walking through the grounds of sweat and blood, he could see some men wrestling while across from them, a man was showing a dozen recruits how to throw an ax and how to wield one.

286 AC Kadderon Frost: 

I could feel it, hear it, smell it! My time to learn how to fight was upon me! With so many lessons with Jerom, I finally convinced my father to let me train as a warrior. Luckily he approved after I had stated that there were boy's younger than me training though I think it was just all the joking remarks I received behind my back about being a infirm welp or something along those lines. No matter! For now I could see what I could do. I craved it like some inner desire wishing to be satiated as my body felt bursting with energy, and my heart raced with excitement. 

Looking over to the far corner, I finally found what I was searching for while arriving, the Squires and younglings group, basically meant for the guards' families sons and daughters to have a chance to grow up and become honorable members of House Frost. Captain Harold and Vice Captain Leon oversaw all younglings and any squire who needed training in basic combat; and it was Harold I was looking for. 

"Captain! My father has given me leave to finally start my training!"

While my voice sounded far higher and more excited than what I wished to show. I couldn't help my eagerness to begin down the path of some famous warrior. Harold, hearing my voice, turned to me with a slight turn of his lips before saying with far too much happiness than he should.

"Drop and rise, do it again a hundred times in the corner of the field."

I couldn't believe the audacity of his words, making me, his lord's heir drop into the muddied filth a hundred times! It hit me probably around the first two dozen up downs. I shouldn't have thrown a rotten tomato at his bald head yesterday.

286 AC Lucarys Frost: 

Looking down the balcony, seeing my son spar with other children wielding one weapon after the next. Seeing him bruised, bloodied, and even limping sometimes throughout the days following. It broke my heart wondering if I was letting him go on too fast after his illness, that maybe this was too much for his body after recovering. Then I saw how he would overpower children bigger than him, how he started to grow like a true Frost. He was an excitable child, searching for knowledge and new challenges, but what he probably enjoyed the most above all else. His insatiable desire to win, to destroy any opposition before him no matter what challenge lay ahead. 

I finished the last scroll for the night as I sealed it. Construction for the last few fortified lighthouses would be finished along the shoreline. People may have called me crazy at first but having a clear ship lane and path set for ships while also having a source to see incoming ships was a boon a hundred fold. Stretching my bones before the sleep took hold of my dreary eyes, I took my steps with a looming tiredness. Finally turning the corner that would lead to my solace, I saw Harold and sighed probably too loudly for my station. 

"My lord, I'm sorry to intrude at such a late hour, but I have words I must speak with you if you'll allow?"

With a bow that even hurt my back just looking at, I could only wonder about what, so I did what any curious man would do. 

"Speak your mind, old friend."

With a moment of silence, Harold continued after standing straight. 

"The young lord is progressing far faster than I'd deem to be acceptable, he's more like a genius with martial practices. With only a few months, his technique with several different weapons have gone past even Adept welders of their respective weapons. I think you should think about the Frost heritage secrets for him soon, possibly within the year if you'll allow…"

I was flabbergasted with not only his words but the meaning behind it. For if he meant what he thought he meant, that could only mean that Kadderon would learn more about his history in a more practical sense. Sighing once again, I ran a hand down my face and down my beard till waving off Harold. 

"Let me stew in these thoughts over this cold night old friend, perhaps we will have another Frost take up our legacy once again."

286 AC Eddard stark:

Running my hands through my hair, I wonder how I've gotten so old so soon. So many scrolls, so many lords questioning my decisions or lack of them. It was bad enough that Lord Frost bolstered his naval might so much that it outnumbered the entire northern houses together. Now words has come that they wish to populate the New gift under the rule of a new house made by design under the lords summit this coming gathering. The news spread like wildfire and now almost every lord has put forth candidates. Putting down another scroll, I look over to the waning wax candle and see the rising sun through the window. Hearing the rhythmic thud outside to the yard, I slowly stride towards my window to look. The sun shone over the yard below me and I could see one of my children below, dark of hair, lean and lanky, he hit the training dummy again and again. I smiled till I saw the anger in his swings, the frustration in his movements, the way he looked just like her, Jon.

The good news came in waves though as Lucarys had sent word of a second daughter, Helen, coming to the world. A raven came shortly afterwards of how Benjen had his second son, Rickard. He couldn't be more happy for his brother's growing family at Moat Cailin. Benjen Nightstark, a tried and true lord now with his lady wife Alyssa Nightstark, formally Frost. Their firstborn son, Torren, a strong and healthy child that only made me smile more and more as I thought about it. To think I was set to marry her and now I am married to Caitlyn Tully, the mother of my children. 

Putting on my direwolf pelt around my shoulders and down my back, I headed to the main hall. What once was described as barren and plain, now resembled the Northern tastes in full. Pelts ranging from shadow cats, snow bears, and even the harder to find dire bears and snow saber cats lay on the ground across the hall. Skulls and weapons decorate the hall's walls telling of the struggles of winter the North has had to face. The once small and sturdy throne now made out of Ironwood, Weirwood, and marble with a back support pillar made of the coldest ice ever to be found and never to be melted. 

It was this throne that I strolled to cutting through the morning crowd, them all making a path for me as my eyes never wavered. My hands grab hold of the armrests as I take my place. Scanning the crowd, for any sign, my eyes settle on all the Winter Wolves guarding the Stark's ancestral home before looking forward.

"Line up and present your cases, we all have long days ahead of us and winter is coming, we can not waste any time."

As the days followed, the soon to be festival and lords summit would commence. In all the lord's presence, it was agreed that a fief would be built in the New Gift for the future lord of the land. A few cases were made and a few names were thrown out in the open. New issues were brought forth and more concerns weighed on my mind with every second. Luckily Robert approved the idea saying it was about time the that barren land was put into good hands even though I never even mentioned a new lord for him. Another concern for another time I suppose. 

288 AC Kadderon Frost:

3000 BC-

'House Dustin planned an assassination on the heir of House Frost around this time to curb their explosive growth with all their ports against their one being the Salty Port. The plan had failed and even showed their collaboration to be in hand with House Bolton though the proof was little and the claim was dropped though it was heard that House Frost and House Bolton had strained relations at best afterwards. Once the culprit was found, House Frost declared for blood and the fallout turned into a rebellion. One that was put down before even House Stark could come. House Frost marched onto House Dustin and had defeated them in one battle, the battle of Barrow's Hall. While the numbers are unclear, it is recounted that House Dustin had roughly 1000 men to call upon within the short amount of time. House Frost later had all the men either killed or sent to the Wall. The women were scattered among different houses but the eldest daughter Dyana Dustin married Rolan Frost, younger brother to the current head of House Frost. The lands belonging to House Dustin came under House Frost but were managed by the new vassal House Whitespear.'

"Why would my house assimilate the lands belonging to House Dustin instead of installing just a puppet lord, it would've been much easier, would it not?"

Looking at the Maester, Jerom Smiled and spoke with an even tone while looking at the painting on the wall.

"House Frost is probably the bloodiest house in all the history recorded within Westeros and possibly beyond. All I know about the young lord is that House Frost never once let an insult go by without getting revenge in some way of extreme fashion. Houses have gone extinct, Women have vanished, men butchered, and children smothered. You are again lucky to be born within a house that has many others that fear and respect it. To answer your question, I'd say it's probably to do with the fact that blood is thicker than water and the lands taken would be more willing if the blood of their previous overlords still flowed. "

I wasn't only surprised but I was also horrified by his emotionless way of saying such horrific things. I couldn't keep looking at his blank eyes, the way his fingers stopped twitching as he spoke, as his eyes grew glossy before returning to their vibrant look. I had to get away but all I could do was look down to further my understanding of where I was born.

'The first changes were making the lands around the new house defensible and profitable, which with all the new farms starting up and the castle being turned into a citadel of sorts surely brought upon the results they wanted. The abundance of food from the lands around House Whitespear provided for most of the central houses within the North alone while House Frost provided for the Western coast. A new canal project was to be placed along the fever river to connect the east and west coasts of the North. This project alone would provide an increase in trade at least five times the original amount if not more. Along the Canal would be stone watchtowers surrounded by stone walls. The walls and battlements were almost 100 feet high while the towers themselves were twice the height. The entrance to the canal would be barred by two massive towers at 250 feet high and a massive chain link connecting the two that would be raised for friendly incoming ships.

The Eastern entrance would hold two giant marble statues placed upon foundations, the statues themselves to resemble two massive weirwood trees with one having a joyful expression while the other would show its sorrow. The leaves were made out of some kind of metal but seemed to be painted before being coated with some mixture that would reflect the sun in a way that would make the two new landmarks to be not of this world. Just beyond the two statues was a grand lighthouse the size never seen before for such a structure. Its light shone not only for the boat's beacon to land but also to show the water surface and any who meant ill will. On the Western coast was another marvel to see.

With the Northern Giant at Blazewater Bay not so far from the canal's entrance. A fire pyre was added to the Northern Giant coming from the fortress in his hand and within the lighting bolt, a fire that would never go out as some say. How they are able to keep it going at all times is a wonder for many. The lightning bolt was redesigned to have a hollow inside and to use a material similar to glass though it's unsure exactly what was used for its creation. The two towers at the entrance to hold the chains were designed to have giant wolves carved in a spiraling fashion from top to bottom with its face coming out a few feet to hang over the canal and stare at the ships that passed. Many have said if you look at the wolf, you'll see red and hear its snarl.'

I could only be shocked with the extravagance shown by this House, from my House. How they would show the world they were better than them. I wanted to explore, to see these wonders for myself. I knew I would eventually but my lust for the unknown shrouded my thoughts; if I could just escape the confines of these walls, I could lift off these chains I carry everyday. 

Leaving the maester alone, I walked away from his room and his library. Not seeing that same dead look he had before staring into my back. 

288 AC Maester Jerom:

Seeing the young lord walk away, I pitied him for what was to come and envied him all the same for it. The wealth of knowledge he would uncover that would always be out of my reach, escaping my grasp. Oh how it infuriated my soul to know that I was unworthy, that I, the most learned man in all of Northern Westeros couldn't compete against a child, an intellectually gifted child, but all the same a child. A sad smile crossed my face as I traced my fingers across the pages of our most recent reading.

289 AC Lucarys Frost

'I have watched and waited, noticing every movement Kadderon makes in his journey of life. How his studies progress, how his body has grown by a full head, how his body takes in food like a dozen boys his age only to put it all into his physical training. By the old gods, he requires a feast every night!'

Sighing, I rest my hand on my chin and I lean on the railing overlooking part of the training grounds. Wincing as Kadderon grabs another boy a few years older and throws him over his shoulder before dropping into a leg sweep with his heel on another encroaching boy. Seeing Kadderon finish up his hand to hand combat exercise after smashing the last boy in the nose with a simple, brutish but effective headbutt; I make my way to the stairs dreading what comes soon. 

Reaching the bottom of the steps, I see Kadderon has made his way to wield a spear and shield in the gauntlet. A trying experience by remembrance, one goes in, a dozen follow, last man wins whether the one or dozen. I stand at the edge of the sacred training ground covered in blood, sweat and mud. Only to still be amazed, while yes, these are all boys of the ages 10 to 14, it is still impressive to see him out perform them as if they are merely below him. No sweat, nor true hostile intent, just a task to be done and nothing more. 

'I hate it… I hate it that my son is becoming this. The Ice… the blueblood… runs deep in his veins' 

Once it's over, he finally notices me, how he couldn't before as I stand the tallest around, I will never know. We make our way to the far end of the castle to the largest doors in the entire Keep, forever locked till the day when Frost enters, and only Ice may leave. 

"I know we've spoken of it much over the last year… but now, once you enter, you won't be able to leave. Till you've handled Winter's bite, drink ice in trust, and sought for dawn's return, it won't let you leave."

"I understand father"

The last words my son spoke to me, the last words I heard from him till he came out reforged. 

289 AC Kadderon Frost

'I truly did understand, I've read about it with and without the maester. This was a test, an obvious one and partially dangerous one especially if the blood wasn't strong enough. My blood though was strong enough, that's all I've heard again and again and again. Simple lingo and boom, broken code, grab hold of the coldest cup or chalice or whatever they've been using to store their magical sap or whatever. Fully drink the contents of it without hesitation or thought. Then wait till a full day has passed and the sun rises, give in and you'll fail.' 

A simple but understandably difficult test for the under prepared, but that's not me. Setting off, I made my first steps, my still high pitched but clear and melodious voice echoing the words off the cavern walls in a way that brought chills to a summer child's back. 

"The demon slayed the dragon in short fun, The mountain slew the sun. As the lion won, it was all but done. 

The stag bellowed, raged and cried, Winter snarled as the lady died, everyone cheered when the queen lied. And so the five kings came about, all through the suffering lands of trout. 

Shapeless shadows are turning red, on that night, the young stag dead, The mockingbird raised its head. To each, he'd make his traitorous bed, his traitorous bed, oh, his traitorous bed!

Oh woe, how the Frey's came low, the Northern Red fell in tow. As the young wolf's blood began to flow, the Flayed man had his head in a bow.

Birds' wings freeze where fields are ice. The silver haired queen rolled her dice. The world is nice…the world is.. fire and ice…" 

As my little song comes to an end, and my feet plant in the ice covered slated slabs of stone. I see a hall filled with displays of golden, silver, bronze and so many more types of cups, chalice's, mugs, and other cups of varying degrees. I travel through the columns and hoards of liquid Ice given form till finding a drinking horn made out of some old bone, ice covering the top and encroaching downward. I had to break away the ice whilst staring at the liquid inside. 

'One gulp for man, one giant gulp for me'

Taking the drink in both hands and making sure every drop fell into my gullet, I slammed the horn back down as it shattered upon contact leaving me dazed and disoriented as the substance I consumed took effect in haste. My lungs felt on fire as my body felt as if no flame could burn me. I tried as I might to stay on my feet, but using the wall as a support was my only and best option. Soon the pain became my only thought as I screamed till my throat was hoarse. What lasted in my mind for hours lasted only a minute, and just as fast as it hit me, it ended. I felt weak, burning and cold all at the same time. I could feel my heart pounding as my body would twitch and spasm from time to time. I thought back to the words of wisdom my father gave me, smiled and said fuck. I stumbled through the cavern looking for the warmest part of the place, finally losing my strength when catching a glimpse of the giant Ironwood doors before me. Massive doors with detailed carvings of what I could see as runic markings and depictions of some great battle. 

Placing a hand on the door, I began to push till finally it began to creak open. The magic in the runes is long gone. I had to think of how long it took me to find this place, hours at least. My muscles cramping and burning as I heaved air into my lungs. I glanced inside and saw how my wildest dreams actually came true in the form of chests, armor racks, weapon racks and so much more. A chamber of treasure that I knew I just had to have. 

I walked through the different podiums and racks, all the chests and such until my lips turned blue from the cold. As my breath shuddered, I saw a throne, ice and weirwood with a metal lining like veins through the chair. A white pelt of some kind decorated the seat as a cushion. Leaning against the throne, a large sword the color of black with almost cracks in the blade. It was uneven and jagged, looking more like some makeshift weapon than an actual sword. With every step I took, my feet seemed to freeze a little more to the ground and yet I kept going. 

Finally arriving before the throne, I grabbed the throne arm rests and sat down while my eyelids drooped and fluttered to stay open. My hand reached over to grab the handle of the sword before pulling with what strength I had left and having the sword lay across my lap. Nothing but silence cascaded the chamber as my eyes began to blur. Looking down, I didn't even have time to panic as the Ice rushed towards me. 

290 AC

The Ice rushed towards Kadderon and encased him, trapping him to the throne. His face held barely a trigger of expression. His days turned into moons and soon the days changed season. His body grew cracking the ice and his eyes shone a bright silver. With a roar of primal urge, his right arm smashed through the ice prison and shook violently before curling his fingers into a fist. Emerging from his tome, he shook off the remaining ice with little effort as his strength grew. He stumbled to walk, his hair was in his face, his hands too large for his frame, he could see his reflection and grimaced. Making his way towards the exit, he kicked a bound book before picking it up and holding it with his free hand. He was almost there, he could see the doors. 

290 AC Lucarys Frost

"I want everyone to settle in and get the training programs underway. After Greyjoy's rebellion, we need more labor to come in and start pushing forward a path for our future generations. One step now will be a thousand in ten years so let's make it a thousand now and we'll have gone from one side of Westeros to the other by that ten years' time. Now, what is the progress with the new recruits? I hear we found some rats and birds among the group."

Setting the papers aside for a moment, I grabbed some whiskey and drank slowly. 

"Aye, we caught over a few hundred among the multitude of groups coming in but they've been dispatched with and cleaned up. As for the new recruits, I have to say, they're doing about as good as we predicted. They should be finished on schedule to begin patrols at least within a year. Then a four year period of on patrol training, physical training, and tactical training will commence while the instructors begin specializing the recruits. We might even get a few more Eligere out of the lot if we're lucky but again, don't hold your breath."

Lorkan placed a scroll from under his cloak on the Table after finishing his spill of the news. 

"While we're on this, I should inform you that Kadderon is due any day and he should start his training anew once he does. There is no telling what he might've gotten from the Chamber of Ice."

All eyes settled on me once more and I sighed remembering what I had gotten. Resting my hand on the handle of my spear resting next to my chair, I still felt the shiver of excitement I got every time when touching my boon. 

"Very well, keep on schedule, as for Kadderon, I'll begin my meditation in front of the chamber doors, so if you all need me, find me there. Whatever he brings to House Frost will only propell us ever onward. Speaking of the boy, we've begun to receive the words of many on the subject towards marriage, any suggestions?"

My eyes closed shut as a barrage of comments filled the room. Till finally everyone put it towards a vote and I had to read a list of names till my eyes began to sag. 

"Mycella Baratheon, Margery Tyrell, Sansa Stark, Yara Greyjoy, Arianne Martell, are the only names I'll even consider and a Greyjoy is stretching it…" 

Advisor Toran stood, his long arms dragging towards his knees till putting them in front of him, a spindly man filled with unnatural intellect and a weird but flexible fighting style. 

"Lord Frost, I believe that we should consider some of the lower nobility, possibly House Reed to shore up our southern border or perhaps a southern noble house that'll be closer to us or along the shoreline. A house that can provide not just prestige but also material and commercial wealth. We do not lack the gold my lord but it never hurts to expand our networks."

I looked at Toran, never a vocal man but still one to be listened to. His words held merit and so I looked over the names once more. Basing my choices off of houses and the benefits it could bring our house. The main choices still stood but now I added a few more scribbled house names under them.

"I am willing to consider a proposal from these houses only if one or more of you can bring forth a compelling enough reason why I should and the target of the proposal. Looking at the map, house's Reed, Flint, Mallister, Farman, Redwyne, Hightower, Tarly, Velaryon, Tarth, Dayne, and Manderly. While I'd love to get House Frost blood within Harrenhall, I doubt it'll happen this generation other than through Conquest."

I could see most of the council begin smiling now that my expectations became a little easier for them. Toran smiled ever slightly and I could even see Lorkan nodding appreciatively. As I was about to dismiss the council, one of the Eligere guarding the door rushed inside gathering everyone's attention immediately as they don't normally leave their post. 

"Lord Kadderon has opened the Chamber of Ice once more, my lord." 

All he said before returning to his post. I was outside before most of the people there could even react, my walking stride as fast as most men would jog as I went from corridor to corridor, turning to finally see my boy, a year older and yet standing tall, proud and in one word lanky. He looked more a girl than boy with how pretty he looked, gosh how I was going to tease him about that. I could only hope his boon wasn't his pretty eyes now. His hair had grown a few inches. 

"Father! I did it! I conquered the trial and came out alive."

He stood so proud of himself, holding a sword with a design I'd never seen before. I hadn't even noticed the thing as I was looking over my son. A sword wasn't a bad boon, I just hoped he got something more mental or such like some of our renowned ancestors. It seemed like it was becoming more rare as time went on, a shame. 

"I see son, and what of your boon, describe what you found in the chamber my son." 

Clasping him in a hold and releasing him as he began to show me his weapon of design, a black sword, jagged and uneven. An unyielding weapon to be sure and yet he held it confidently and without hesitation. 

"It was like nothing I imagined father, I thought I knew all the trials but I was wrong. I had no idea we had a throne in there or this sword. What treasure must lie there forgotten by time, what secrets the place must hold from the living. I was hoping this book had some answers to the questions I had."

I was still shocked. I missed everything except him saying he had a book too! Three boons, he was able to leave with two even! A feat not done before. The highest was only two boons and they only got to leave with one. What a treasure indeed. I led Kadderon to my solar before sitting down at the table and laying down an old worn leather scroll. 

"Let's see, sword means martial talent and leadership, possibility in multiple martial talents though it varies. That's very good!"

Kadderon looked confused and lost before speaking out.

"What do you mean father? I don't understand?"

"Did you really think you could go into that place and come out with some old Artifacts? No, you gain traits and become one with those Artifacts. This sword will subconsciously guide you to become a better swordsman, a better leader, and overall better warrior. Since you brought the sword with you, it means it resonated with you and wishes to help you further. In the case of a weapon, it means your physical abilities will be enhanced." 

His bright silver eyes shone with understanding and new found curiosities.

"Continuing onward, a throne… a throne…. Ah, yes right here. You will have all tasks in ruling found to be easier for you, while also granting a small luck increase! Too bad you couldn't bring it with you haha, but that's to be expected. It's said that only one person did so and he had to carry it on his back, and in doing so he gave up on two other boons. I suppose you chose the other option."

"Father, can I go back for it?"

I looked at Kadderon and smiled but shook my head.

"If you tried, it'd kill you. Once you go in once, you may never do so again if you leave. It's a very prideful place."

He nodded solemnly but understood, I believed.

"Lastly it would seem we must see what your book entails to figure out what it'll help you with." 

Kadderon took the book and undid the latch before opening the book. Inside showed five subjects, war strategies on land and sea, management of finances, the human body, the navigation of stars, how to rule efficiently and stress free. Having so many subjects in this book was astonishing and amazing. But past the intro, only Kadderon would be able to see the words. 

"It would seem you'll have a knowledge of such subjects to rival the maesters in those fields and beyond. Having so many will make you unrivaled in your time it would seem." 

 I was dazed, I only ever heard of a book holding two at most subjects. An ancestor who held a book, was able to progress our house further and further with new innovations, with smart investments, with a revolution of ideas that would grow our power. To know my son had two boons, martial, knowledge, and the right to rule was terrifying. I could only smile at my son who now seemed like a little boy as he smiled and laughed about how he'd be the best. Oh how I felt the workload of paperwork increasing every second.

Super late and I'm sorry about that but when life kicks you around and spits you back out, you make time when you can to do the things you love. hope you enjoy. Working on chapter three now, open to suggestions and ideas from all you wonderful ladies and gents.

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