
The Rise of the White Vixen!

The noises of Hound City rang out in the stale air, the clouds of pollution covering up the blue moonlight. Mouse’s voice echoed in my ear, my white fox’s mask covering my pale face. A jet black taxi rushed past me, my ruby ponytail dancing in the aftermath. Adjusting my black miniskirt, the public stage for execution loomed in front of me. “I am so happy you are rescuing my brother.” Mouse blubbered happily in my ear, my eyes rolling. “I can’t believe they pinned another murder on him. Poor Sage.”  Pulling the hood of my black armored jacket over my black fox ears. My inky black tail twitched irritably, the crowd cheering as Sage was dragged out. My former partner's pale green hair cascaded down his back, his sage colored eyes hidden by his bangs. Yellowed rags dangled off of his slender but muscular body, fresh bruises dotting his skin.  Leaping onto a lamp post, my fingers pressed the ear piece deeper into my ear.

Yvette_Francaise · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Chapter Eighteen: The Sickness Rears its Ugly Head


Her chest rose up and down, her weekend had been long. An idea flashed in my mind, my bare feet smashing down the hall to Ash's room. He opened the door groggily, rubbing his eyes. His height was comical next to mine, his hands tying the string of his robe irritably.

"Yes." He growled under his breath, my palms pressed together. "I can sense anyone coming my way. You kind of have to do that when you are in charge of a bunch of kids. What do you want?" His grumpiness took me back, his usual jovial attitude not quite awake yet. Clearing my throat, my fingers scratched at the top of my hands.

"I want you to marry Arty and me before we go. She wanted to get married a couple of weeks ago." I blurted out a little too loud, his slender fingers ripping me into his room. Flicking on the light, a woman unknown to me was laying in his bed. Raising my brow in response, he chuckled nervously. A red new to mankind colored his cheeks, my head cocking.

"We are allowed to get married to one wife from the church. One lucky lady gets selected for everyone. How else did you think that I was born?" He explained urgently, the blanket fell over and exposed her naked body. "She is my wife. Her name is Harvianna." Waving shyly at me, her chocolate brown eyes refused to meet mine. Her golden waves cascaded over the blanket, her shaking hands pulling the blanket back over her. Pulling me out of the room, my arms folded across my chest.

"You didn't think to tell Arty about that." I muttered in disbelief, a deep sigh escaping my lips. "I would think she would want to know if you are married. When did this happen?" His hands waved around, the anxiety beginning to eat at him. Guilt dimmed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"My father married us right before he passed." He admitted sheepishly, turning his back to me. "My whole parish knows about us. I was planning on telling her but my father died. What did you want me to do about it?" He had a point, his shaking fingers sliding on his simple silver band. Running his hand through his hair, he spun back around with a puffy face. I understood why he was upset, his father had just passed.

"Okay, I am happy for you. I would recommend that you tell her about that situation before she finds out. You know how she gets when she is mad." I suggested sternly, knowing her potential reaction. "I am Sage by the way, her friend's fiance and father of her children. It was nice to meet you, Harvianna." She smiled anxiously, waving at me awkwardly. Ash rolled his eyes, pulling out a golden contract. Scribbling our names down, he filled in the necessary spots. Whistling sharply, an annoyed Arty stumbled down the hall.

"You guys need to shut the hell up. Some of us are trying to sleep." She barked venomously, rubbing her eyes. "Who is Harvianna?" Her robe slid off of her shoulder, her eyes falling on the marriage contract. Snatching the quill from his hand, she signed her name. Pressing the quill into my palm, her lips curled into a curious smile as Harvanna poked her head out. Holding her hand out, her polite smile dimmed her face.

"I am Arty, his childhood friend and you are?" She inquired sharply, noticing the wedding ring on her finger. "Send me a letter, you idiot!" Her fingers curled around his ears, her eyebrows twitching as she yanked him up. Trembling under her hold, she pinned him to the wall. A blast of golden flames knocked her back, my arm catching her. Biting her lips, hurt flashed in her eyes.

"Didn't I warn you of this?" I teased lightly, holding Arty until she calmed down. "So I just sign my name and we are husband and wife?" Diffusing the situation further, the poor five foot two woman trembled behind Ash. Cracking his neck, he marched over to the contract with his flames flying high. Signing my name with a swift flick of my wrist, he pricked each of our fingers. Pressing our thumbs to the page, our blood traced our signatures. Circling the page three times with his finger, a white band made of fox tails swirled around her ring finger. Wonder shimmered in her eyes as a simple sage band appeared on my ring finger. The lights flickered, the lights staying on. A ribbon of flames danced around us, a curious glint twinkled in my eyes.

"I now pronounce you as husband and wife." He announced proudly, embracing us both. "You guys were my first marriage." Where did his grumpy attitude go? Arty ruffled the top of his head before apologizing honestly to Harvianna. Embarrassment colored her face, her face shifting to one of deep regret and sadness.

"I have to go before I lose my composure." She bawled violently, turning to leave. "I lost someone very dear, and he was the one I wanted to officiate the ceremony. No offense to you, he promised it to me when we were younger. I have to eventually give birth in a bunker with the lack of proper equipment. At least I have a real doctor now. I have to plan a raid on the transportation of wh-" Stopping in her tracks, Harvianna approached her cautiously. Resting her hands on her bump, Arty recoiled back. Swaying slightly, we all cried out as she collapsed to her knees. Her face paled visibly, clammy sweat soaked her skin. Attempting to speak, my arms scooped her up before her face hit the floor.

"I have to ask if she is eating enough?" He questioned with a newfound batch of worry, Havianna running back into the room. "Another thing, how long has it been since she had her medicine? She made a habit of not taking it." Shrugging my shoulders, I really didn't know. She made a habit of disappearing for long periods of time without eating or drinking anything. I knew she had pills before but I didn't know quite what they were.

"What are they exactly? I knew about the ones that kept her temper in check. What other ones are you talking about?" I snarled through gritted teeth, her pulse slowing down. Panic set in, the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. Ash shifted through the endless drawers in front of him, pulling out the formula for her pills. Passing it to me, my expression softened.

"This should help you out. Just copy it and give it back to me. We need it to make our own medicine for the kids. We wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise." He offered kindly, continuing to search through the cards. "Let me know if you need anything else. I have to get ready for tomorrow's sermon. One more thing, there is going to be the Festival of Shadows. Everyone will be wearing onyx wool cloaks. That will be your chance to escape. Please be careful." How could this person be so nice but sarcastic at the same time? He was the male version of Arty, his footfalls echoing back into his room. Rushing Arty back into our bedroom, her body began to twitch. Clutching her to my chest, this was the result of everything they did to her. Tucking her in as tight as I could, my fingers reached into the bag of files. Spreading them across the bed, my eyes scanned the names. Settling on her file, it was thicker than the rest of them. Flipping through the pages, so much had been done to her. None of it made sense to me, the papers fluttered to the floor in a fit of rage. Stirring awake, she reached for the nearest trash can, chunks of bread flying to the bottom of the can.

"My stomach hurts so much." She cried out desperately, clutching her stomach. "I forgot my tea!" Sobbing into her pillow, her claws ripped it apart. The sermon bell tolled, her sobs dying down. Swinging her feet over the edge of the bed, she pulled on her freshly cleaned sweatshirt and pants. Sliding her feet into her boots, she pushed past the pain. Getting on her knees, her quaking fingers gathered all of the paper on the floor. Shoving them into her file, she slid them all back into the bag. A ghost looked tanner than her at this point, black bags hollowed out her eyes. Pulling her mask over her face, my fingers curled around her wrist.

"We have to go home now." I begged gravely, her hands leaning on the wall. "We need to get you to Dr. Wolfston." Ignoring my words, she slapped my hand away. Sliding down the wall, she pulled herself back up. Her determination was going to be the death of her.

"I have to talk to them so they don't revolt, damn it!" She snapped dangerously, opening the door. "Innocent people will die. I promise to rest when we get home! I can't stand to let innocent people die! Just pack up our stuff so we can leave!" Seeing her in raw agony tortured me, her arm hugging her stomach as she stumbled out. Shoving everything into our bags, I placed them over my shoulders. One speech was all she had to give and we were out of here. Stiffening up, she leaned heavily on the golden podium.

"I beg you all to wait for just a bit more. You can't mobilize against them in the shape you are in!" She warned them with wet eyes. "I care for you all and I am currently working on a solution for the food shortage. I have to go now before the authorities get me, so I have to go. Let me be your symbol of hope. Goodbye." Marching to the left stage, she collapsed at my feet. Tossing us black cloaks, Ash embraced her quickly before helping her up.

"Get home safe and eat something if you can." He urged her sweetly, tying her cloak around her shoulders. "The truck is behind the bushes just outside of the gates. I look forward to seeing you again." Wiping away the tears on her chin, Ash hooked her arm over my neck. Shoving us out the back door, officers were patrolling every area while making everyone remove their hoods. Chewing on her lips, she dropped to the cracked concrete. Grabbing a piece of chalk from her boot, she drew a circle around her.

"I am going to summon a way home. This will take everything out of me, so catch me and jump through." She informed me briskly, fighting another bout of vomit. "I will just need to get some bed rest for a few days. Now step in the center with me." Her hand moved a mile a minute, strange symbols surrounded our feet. Cutting her palm, the first drop of blood brought the symbols to life. Pressing her palms together, her hair floated into the air. Blood poured from her nose.

"Curse of the Vixen! Take us home." She chanted shakily, a white energy hummed. Collapsing in my arms, hot air sucked us in. The portal sealed shut behind us, lightning crackled around us. Seeing how much this spell took from her, I could see why she never used it. Landing roughly on the concrete floor, Dr. Wolfston rushed up to us. Snatching her from me, she stomped out the remains of the spell.

"I am going to stabilize her. Can I have her records?" She interrogated intensely, grabbing the leather bag off of my shoulder. "I will take care of her, so please get some rest." Get some rest! What the hell was she asking me to do! Chewing on my lip, she was already gone. Rushing to her room, Arty lay on the cot. A distraught Wolfston glanced up at me, teardrops stained the paper underneath her. Tugging at her mint green sweater, she turned to her miniature lab.

"Half of these ingredients don't exist anymore." She complained furiously, banging her fists on the table. "I stabilized her, but I need a few days to pull together the perfect formula. You can take her but make sure she stays in bed as much as possible. We will work through this, I promise." Patting my arm, this was her way of comforting me. It was a little stiff but at least she was trying. Scooping her up, the way she wouldn't move frightened me. Tucking her in, Sunny came in with a bowl of cool water. Feeling her forehead, sticky sweat soaked my hand. Hot wouldn't begin to describe her fever, her cheeks glowing a bright red. Accepting her gift, Sunny plopped down on the other side of her.

"She isn't going to die is she?" Sunny sobbed brokenly, everyone else gathering by the door. Motioning for everyone to come in, they shuffled in with their eyes on the floor. Clearing my throat, my next words actually inspired them the way only Arty could.

"Let's make the meals and take care of her." I shouted to inspire everyone to perk up, all of them snapping to the attention position. "Ladies, can you start a quick lunch? Boys, will you clean up the bunker? We don't need her to worry about anything." Saluting me, they all ran off to complete their tasks. Draping the damp cloth over her forehead, whimpers escaped her lips. How come she felt compelled to hide her sickness? We would have taken care of her, my eyes falling on my wedding band. Smiling warmly to myself, she was my wife. Groaning groggily, the mattress creaked as she sat up. Stretching, regret showed instantly on her face. Resting her back against the headboard of our bed, her palm catching the damp cloth. Hiding her pain with a weak smile, she cupped her stomach.

"I am so sorry to concern you, my dear husband." She sang in a raspy tone, the sickness really showing on her face. "I am going to be fine. Can I have Alfred's mask? I can't stand to sit here idly. You can lay down next to me if you wish, my dear husband." Hearing her say the word husband sent a chill up my spine, her real smile illuminating her pale face as I passed her what she had requested. Plopping down next to her, her hand cupped my face. Kissing my lips sensually, her hand slid up my shirt. Trembles shook her hands, my hand cupping hers.

"I promise a big ceremony when all of this is over." I vowed seriously, her fingers intertwined with mine. "You didn't deserve a quick elopement." Moving onto my lap,she began to work on the mask. Curling my arms around her bump, she pecked me on the cheek. Her body was flaming up, her sweat soaking my tank top. A fit of laughter burst from her lips, her head shaking.

"You have known me my whole life. I would never want that. Perhaps a dinner with my friends would suffice." She gushed uncharacteristically, examining her wedding band. "I am just happy to be married to you. You were always the one I wanted." Placing the tan diamonds into their spots, she began to hum her favorite songs. Resting my chin on her head, my heart always ached for moments like this. A knock destroyed the moment, Sunny coming in with a cup of iced tea. Tucking her blond hair behind her ear, her lips pressed into a thin line. Arty extended her arms, Sunny leaping into her arms. Burying her head into her shoulders, her pink blouse brushed up against my arm. Feeling like the third wheel, the death glare from Arty prevented me from leaving. Sunny rested on her lap, Arty permitted her to fuss over her without protest. Showing her the wedding band, Sunny squealed. Wincing from the high pitch, Sunny skipped into the hall.

"They got married!" She cried out gleefully, dancing around. "We officially have a mother and father on our hands. They really aren't our parents but who cares! We should prepare the greatest meal to celebrate them! Come to the table for dinner! Oh I forgot! Here's your tea." Arty accepted the tea, pride swelled in my chest. Chaos erupted in the bunker, a whimper pouring from her lips. Cupping her stomach, blood dripped from the corner of her lips.

"I am fine." She lied poorly, getting back to work on the mask. "I just have about twenty percent more of this damn mask to finish. Coughing up blood, scarlet painted the diamonds. Fright rounded her eyes, her breathing grew shorter. Clutching her close to my chest, the mask clattered to the floor. How had her health deteriorated so fast? Was it my fault? Tears streamed down her cheeks, horror twisting my face. Laying her down, she protested.

"Don't leave me. I am scared and sad. I have been hiding the symptoms up to this point. I know that it was stupid but I didn't want to be a burden." She blurted out brokenly, grabbing my sleeve. "The truth is that this has been happening for a year. I am so sorry!" Her hand trembled like a leaf on a windy day, my lips kissing her forehead. My heart shattered for her, my wife seeming to be in worse shape because of me. If I didn't ask her for a family, she wouldn't be here.

"I am just going to get help." I stammered in a panicked tone, fighting the tears of my guilt. "I will be right back." Leaping out of bed, she leapt into my arms. The tea spilled all over the bed, my heart rate picking up as she snuggled her head into my neck. Shivers shook her body, her fever growing worse.

"I said don't go! I need you right now!" She pleaded with a distressed tone, refusing to let me go. "I l-" A realization dawned on me, my feet marching down the hall with her on me. A snarl curled on my lips, my fist banging on her door. The doorknob rattled, Mouse ripping it open. Words needed to be had, a nervous grin twitching on her lips.

"When did you know!" I roared furiously, my hand pinning her to the wall. "When did you know she was very sick? Why did you convince her to have a family when she was this bad off! Confusion dawned on her face, her eyes saying it all. A strained huh escaped her lips, her eyes falling on the sick Arty.

"I didn't know. She hid it from me too." She snapped venomously, glaring in Arty's direction. "I would have told her to take it easy if I knew. Jesus Christ! What the hell is wrong with you? It isn't like she is going to die tomorrow. We have a doctor now with her files. If anybody can fix her, she can." My brows raised in response, Arty's tiny hand cupped mine. Lowering Mouse, she leapt out of my arms.

"I chose to start a family." She growled through gritted teeth, leaning against the wall. "I wanted kids just in case I didn't make it!" Rage boiled within me, my fists balling up repeatedly. Pacing back and forth, her words stung me deep in my heart. Her body slid down the wall, the shaking never stopping. Bawling into her palms, guilt ate at me. Crouching down to her level, her hands slapped me away at each attempt.

"I don't want you to die." I sighed strenuously, rubbing her arms. "I finally have you and our children. I would like you to raise them. Shit! Blood is dripping from the corner of your lips again. Please stay with Mouse while I get help." Nodding in defeat, Mouse sat down next to her. Resting her head on her shoulder, Mouse adjusted her giant black sweatshirt. Running down the hall to Dr. Wolfston's room, she looked like hell. Black bags hollowed out her eyes, her pristine hair was now in a knotted mess. Her wet eyes met mine, thousands of formulas lined a thousand pages.

"I can't do it." She admitted with a busted look, my tears flowing with hers. "It is impossible to crack. Half of these drugs are so complex." Hollow footsteps snapped us out of our trance, Arty came in with her chemistry set. Knocking off the failed formulas, she thumbed through her paperwork. Twisting her sweaty hair into a messy bun, she began to scribble several formulas down.

"These should work, so go get them for me." She ordered sharply, coughing up more blood. "Today would be nice if you want me to last the fucking month." Wolfston trembled under her dark mood, the blood coloring the yellowed notes. Taking the list, she rested her head on the desk. Wolston brushed past me, a mixture of anger and frustration showing on her face. Something was eating at Arty, her rudeness a new side to her. My lips parted to chastise her, her snores telling me that she was sleeping away some of the pain. Goosebumps popped up on her skin, her cheeks darkening to a deeper fever. Glass clinked, Wolfston carrying in a box of ingredients. Arty jerked awake, blood now pouring from her nose. Mouthing for us to go, Wolfston dragged me out.

"I would normally hold a grudge but her knowledge of medicine far surpasses mine." She choked out irritably, still holding onto her temper. "I will have to trust her. Would you like to know what is wrong with her?" Nodding my head, she motioned for me to sit with her outside of the door. Sitting down with her, she cocked her head up to the ceiling.

"They changed her DNA to the point where it is constantly changing. Their desire to breed their experiments led them to only use drugs that were safe for pregnant women. Regardless of that fact, the side effects still remain. Her heart is weaker than ours, the recent activity has really been putting a strain on her. Half of her lungs don't work which makes it hard for her to breathe sometimes. One of her kidneys are failing which only leads to infections coursing through her veins. The pill she is currently working on is going to stop the damage. That is the thing, medicine struggles to maintain the symptoms. The damage can't be reversed but maintained. Do you understand?" Arty poked her head out, all signs of weakness had faded.

"Do you want to learn how to make it or not?" She chirped cheerfully, wiping the sweat off of her brow. "I am very sorry for yelling at you. I get that way when I get that sick. You are a fantastic doctor that I am fortunate to have. Would you like me to teach you how to make more complex medicine? It would be an honor if you would be my apprentice. Someone else should master these skills. Come along. Do you mind drawing a bath, Sage?" Sulking away, my heart sank into my stomach. At least she was better. Mouse ran up to me with an apologetic smile on her face, her palms pressed together.

"Is she okay? She ran off after knocking me out with a sleeping spell. " She uttered in disbelief, just as shocked as me. "Why is she being so stupid?" Ruffling her wild hair, she snuggled into my hand. It had been a hot minute since she had done that. Working through what to say, she huffed irritably. Scratching the top of her hands, her bangs hid her eyes. Part of me understood how she felt but the other half needed to show her why someone would act like that.

"How would it feel if you were constantly sick and couldn't tell anyone?" I suggested for her to digest. Her face softened, guilt dimmed her features. Pulling her hood over her head, she turned to leave.

"I understand but all I want to do is help her. All I am good at is staying behind and not being on the front line. I am useless." She mumbled under her breath, my strong hand spinning her around. "I am just a gal behind a computer." Crouching down at her level, her eyes refused to look at me. My lips parted to speak, Arty hugged her from behind.

"You have saved my neck more than you think, Mouse." She proclaimed honestly, Mouse went limp in her arms. "Half the shit I do would not be possible without you. I would already be dead by now. So please don't worry about it. I love you like a little sister. Keep up the good work. I have to go clean up, silly Mouse. See you at the dinner table." Skipping off, her energy had been restored. Dancing into her room, whatever medicine she had created had worked. Peeling off her clothes, the knobs squealed as she turned it. Steaming water flooded into the tub, a rosy bath bomb bouncing off of her palms. Tossing it into the water, a satisfied sigh escaped her lips the moment she slipped into the water. Sinking underneath the water, my breath hitched as she popped back up. Watching me enter, her bright smile stole my breath away.

"How can you dance around like you are better?" I queried softly, grabbing the shampoo. "Doesn't your stomach hurt?" Her smile faded to a dull frown, the pain now showing in her face. Massaging her shampoo into her hair, her fingers danced across the water. Shrugging her shoulders, shame dimmed her eyes.

"It hurts everyday but that isn't a reason to hide away." She pointed out politely, knowing full well that I could see through her mask. "I don't want anyone to worry about me. Sure half of my organs are junk but seeing you fully healthy made it all worth it. Even Mouse staying safe made it all worth it. Not many people understand the sacrifice involved in saving everyone else." The depressed tone in her voice threw me off, the shampoo bubbles floated on the surface. The truth had been said yet my heart still ached for her. Picking up a washcloth, I slid it over her body. Frustration brewed in my eyes, her ribs were beginning to show. All of this was my fault, my own weakness leading her to this point.

"I would have rather taken some of the load from you so you didn't end up in this situation." I fumed bitterly, her eyes narrowing in my direction. "I didn-" Jumping to her feet, she snatched a towel from the cabinet. Drying herself off, her hands rested on her hips. Flashing me her brightest smile, her tell tale sad glint twinkled in her eyes.

"I am fine, trust me. I am sorry that I disgust you. I promise to get better." She sang too gleefully, stepping into our room. "I have to. I have to destroy anyone's burdensome worry about me. There is no need to be a burd-" Kissing her lips sensually, she melted into my arms. Lifting her chin up with my finger, her wet eyes never left mine.

"No one is buying your crap." I uttered sternly, her eyes averting to the floor. "No, look at me. " Her eyes met mine, every emotion flashing on her face. Settling on a numb look, the look only firing me up more.

"I need you to hear this. We all love you with everything we have. We are your family, remember that!" I continued passionately, tears flooding from her eyes. "We don't care how sick you are! Family takes care of each other, especially through the bad shit! I don't care how strong you are! You are still as human as all of us! You still bleed when you fall down! Please let us help you." Knocking my hand away, she turned her back. Smiling warmly to myself, this reaction had told me that I had gotten through to her.

"Okay." She said simply, wiping her own tears away. "I will try. It isn't like I don't trust you guys. I can't let any of you get hurt. It is my job to protect you all, isn't it? I sacrifice myself for everyone. I don't expect a thank you because it makes me happy." Spinning on her heels, a sad smile livened her face.

"All I want is for everyone to be happy regardless of what it takes from me." She exclaimed pridefully, her eyes shining with conviction. "I am the leader of the greatest team ever. Every hardship led me to this wonderful moment. I never thought that I would have friends or be this blissful. I want to get better but I don't understand how you can stand by me. I am going to be sick my whole life. There is no cure for what happened to me. You should l-" Surprise widened her eyes, everyone rushing in to embrace her warmly. Smothering us, she shoved everyone off.

"I got it!" She shouted over the shower of compliments. "Now let me get dressed, please!" Running out as fast as they came, a stunned look paralyzed her face. Standing in awkward silence, she couldn't process what just happened. Throwing on her ruby lace bra and one of my sweatshirts. The hem tickled her knees, she cupped her stomach. Falling into my arms, the dinner bell rang. Brushing off the pain, she bounded out of our room. Popping her head back, her genuine smile told me that she was going to be okay. Leaping onto my back, she pecked my cheek. A tender blush colored my cheeks, my heart skipping a beat.

"Can you take me to dinner, Sage?" She begged tiredly, her fever beginning to color her cheeks again. "I am a little sicker than I thought I was." Brushing my lips serenely against the top of my hand, everyone hollered for us to come to dinner. Things may be rough now but the future sure shone brightly.